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The Three Starter Pokemon are, in Pokedex order:

Bulbasaur, the first pokemon in the Kanto Pokedex and the National Pokedex, Bulbasaur is part Grass type, part Poison type, it is weak to Fire, Flying, Psychic, and Ice Types, it is strong against Water and Rock, types to look out for are Ground, which Grass is strong against but Poison is weak to, and Bug, which Grass is weak too but Poison is strong against. It evolves twice, first to Ivysaur at level 16, and then to Venusaur at level 32. Bulbasaur is effectively a middle of the road choice stat wise, but is slightly stronger in Special Attack and Defense. Bulbasuar is recommended for beginners because the first two gyms (Pewter is Rock type and Cerulean is Water) are both weak to the grass type.

Charmander, the Fire type, it is weak to Water, Rock and Ground, while strong against Grass, Bug, Ice and Steel types. It evolves at level 16 into Charmeleon, and then at level 36 into Charizard where it gains the Flying type. As Charizard it gains immunity to Ground, but a double weakness to Rock, and vulnerability to Electric. Charmander is the fastest of the three starters and also has the highest attack of the three, but this is countered by its low defense and HP growth.

Finally Squirtle, the Water type, and notable in this case for neither having a second type nor gaining one upon evolution. Weak only to Grass and Electric, and strong only against Fire, Rock, and Ground, Squirtle and it's evolutions, Wartortle at level 16, and Blastoise at level 36, are the defensive powerhouses of the trio. It's also the go to choice for people who want more of a challenge then Bulbasuar, but not that of Charmander.

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Afterwards, Professor Oak will give you a Generation 1 starter (Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle)

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You can only get another starter by trading with another game in the same generation.

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The starter Pokemon for (Red, Blue, Green, Fire Red, & Leaf Green) are: Bulbasaur lvl 5, Charmander lvl 5, and Squirtle lvl 5. The starter Pokemon for the other Generation I game, Yellow, is Pikachu.

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Pokemon Stadium 1 features Generation I pokemon and concepts.

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Mew is the last generation 1 Pokemon in the National Pokedex.

Is there a difference between the pokedex and the national pokedex?

Yes, the national pokedex is the pokedex that holds every Pokemon from every generation whereas the pokedex itself means a pokedex for one generation. For instance; In Red/Blue/Yellow the three starter Pokemon make up the numbers 1 , 4 , 7 and in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald the three starter Pokemon also make up those same numbers 1, 4, 7 In the national pokedex the ruby sapphire emerald starter Pokemon are numbers 352, 356 and 360 (i think) and the red blue yellow are 1, 4 ,7 because they are the first generation.

What Pokemon is no 494?

Whatever the first form of the Grass Type starter in generation 5 will be.