The Fusion is the change in enthalpy for the conversion of 1 mole or 1 gram of a solid to a liquid, at constant pressure and temperature and is usually denoted as ΔHfus.
Yes you can. Obviously Fusion Recovery must target a Polymerization, not Dark Fusion.
A Fusion Summon generally consists of two or more Fusion Material Monsters and the Spell Card Polymerization.Some Fusion Summons, such as Contact Fusion, do not require the use of Polymerization and can be fused as directed on the Fusion Monster.
Yes, you will Special Summon the Fusion Material monsters for the Fusion Monster; as long as the following conditions are met:The Fusion Monster you are targeting was Fusion SummonedAll the monsters used to Fusion Summon must be your GraveyardFor example, if you use De-Fusion on your Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (BEUD), it will be returned to your Extra Deck. Then, if that BEUD was Fusion Summoned and all the monsters used to Fusion Summon it are in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon all of them to your side of the field. This includes Substitute Fusion Material monsters if they were used.If the Fusion Monster was not Fusion Summoned, it will still be returned to the Extra Deck, but no additional monsters will be Special Summoned.These same rules apply to your opponent's Fusion Monster you target with De-Fusion. However, if your opponent is in control of your Fusion Monster when you target it, the Fusion Monster will be returned to your Extra Deck and the Fusion Material monsters will be Special Summoned to your side of the field.
No, cards like 'Polymerization', 'Future Fusion', and 'Fusion Gate' cannot be used to summon any of the XYZ Fusion Monsters. These Fusion Monsters cannot be Fusion Summoned and requires you to banish the monsters listed on the Fusion Monster from your side of the field in order to Special Summon them.
if you have the necessary cards (fusion materials) in your hand to fusion summon yes, since fusion monsters have their own deck area.
Nuclear fusion is based on the helium nucleus synthesis from two hydrogen atoms at very high temperatures.
Basically fission is the splitting of an atom. Fusion is coming two atoms to form one. If that's not enough detail check out wikipedia, its pretty legit for chemistry.
Basically fission is the splitting of an atom. Fusion is coming two atoms to form one. If that's not enough detail check out wikipedia, its pretty legit for chemistry.
Fission involves the splitting of a heavy nucleus into smaller nuclei, releasing energy. Fusion involves the combining of light nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, also releasing energy. In terms of chemistry, the main difference lies in the type of nuclear reactions involved.
That's called "chemical energy". It refers to the energy related to the forces between atoms and molecules.Actually, there are also other types of potential energy in chemistry, such as heat of fusion, and heat of vaporization.
Biochemistry is a field of world that involves a fusion of Biology and Chemistry. As such, a biochemist performs the functions of a chemist but with a slant towards working with biological materials.
Biochemistry is a field of world that involves a fusion of Biology and Chemistry. As such, a biochemist performs the functions of a chemist but with a slant towards working with biological materials.
In conclusion, the heat of fusion refers to the energy required to change a substance from a solid to a liquid state at its melting point. It is an important property for understanding phase changes and can be used to calculate the amount of heat needed or released during these transitions. Understanding the heat of fusion is crucial in various fields such as chemistry, physics, and engineering.
Stellar energy is the energy produced by stars through nuclear fusion reactions in their cores. In this process, hydrogen atoms fuse together to form helium, releasing a large amount of energy in the form of light and heat. This energy is essential for supporting life on Earth and powering various natural processes in space.
Hydrogen played a crucial role in advancing the field of chemistry as it was the element that led to the development of the concept of the periodic table. It also facilitated the understanding of atomic structure, bonding, and reactivity. Additionally, hydrogen fusion is a key process in powering stars and has significant implications for fields such as astrophysics and nuclear fusion research.
hydrogen fusion
Metroid does NOT have the Fusion Suit, Metroid Fusion has the Fusion Suit, And no human on earth knows how to make a Fusion Suit.