It is an item that if you keep it in the treasure bag it will make the rate of Pokemon recruitment chances go up in dungeons.
No there isn't . All you can do for making Pokemon join your team is getting a friend bow.
??7P ??Y? 4??? +F?? F4?6 K??? and i sugest you shearch the question before asking it coz there is millions of other poeople all asking the same thing :)
First you have to beat the game. After that, you go back to fiery field and make it all the way to the top and defeat entei again. If there is enough room in your party, there is a chance that he'll join. To increase these chances, have a friend bow.Also, Before attacking Entei, throw his favourite gummi at him, (red gummi) you may want to bring 3, as normally they dodge it. If you do this correctly, he should ask to join your rescue team.The easiest way to recruit Pokemon is;-Being level 90-100.-Having a friend bow-Throwing their favourite Gummi at them.-Only have 1 Pokemon ( Or give the other Pokemon a friend bow too )
you need a friend bow to befriend him if you have it you have 30% of getting him save at middle so if you dont get him shut it off then turn it on again. if you keep trying just throw red gummis at him(if you have something like a reviver seed or a oran berry) you dont need his friend area when he joins your team you get friend area anyway try getting kyrogue bacause without a friend band kyrogue will join your team 50% dont try the regis because their chance is 0.1%
how to recruit mew -go to relic ruins ( i think) by talking to shiftry after beating rayquaza - get all three regi parts ( on 15 bf, 25 bf, and 35bf) -after you beat registeal on 35 bf, you will get a "music box" - do not use the item or it will break. -wander around the 99 floor dungeon (relic ruins is 99 floors) until you see in the message screen about mew doing something. walk around the dungeon and start killing (mew can appear anywhere from 35bf - 99bf, but it should appear on every floor as well, so you can just walk the entire floor, but that kills your belly and mew sometimes is not on a floor) -make sure you have a friend bow or something-mew doesnt have that high of a recruit chance, and comes with his own friend area
its a item that you can carry such as a friend bow which increases the chance to recruit a Pokemon once defeaten
Fight him alone with friend bow
??7P ??Y? 4??? +F?? F4?6 K???
friend bow, i think
For Pokemon Blue mystery dungeon there is not a code to recruit all Pokemon monster in the game. There are several codes to help progress through the game such as spawning the Friend Bow.
Luck He is really hard to get take a friend bow for better results.
Your starter Pokemon and a friend bow I recruited Groudon with just Blastoise and a friend bow and that seemed to work (P.S. Blastoise was NOT my starter Pokemon)
You can fight him over and over again or use the friend bow, the friend bow is in special missions with codes online.
you need to keep trying to deafeat him ( i sugjest using a friend bow )
u have 2 be at leat gold rank and have a friend bow
ummm yeah i know you have to have a friend bow defeat him once defeat him twice you have him
it's MT FARAWAY the FRIEND BOW is on the 30h floor hope you brung a key..veronica