There is no fly hack.
Only low gravity.
Well there is more but low gravity is close to fly hack so if you have windows:
Press in the level, the button underneath the Esc button and type:
If you have mac, press F10 then type:
This took a long time for me to write.. so please respect it by Shane Coleman First push ~ (for windows only) or push F10 for macs Then type : testcheats=1; then push enter then F10 (or ~ on windows) push F11 then F4 and fiddle around to learn how to work it. Also push F8 to fly around the level to edit and push F7 to drop. Low Gravity Cheat: push F10 (for macs) or ~ (for windows) type: defaultmarble.gravity=2; to unlock all levels click on the bottom right of the blue selection screen while selecting a level. NOTE: this does not unlock custom Special Mode: Complete all gold times Custom levels: first download custom levels from garage games ( and click the one that's 12.7 MB and then go to C:/program files/marble blast/marble/data/missions/custom Then place the custom levels inside the custom folder and then open Marble Blast gold and click the custom tab and have fun! NOTE: You MUST create a folder called custom in C:/program files/marble blast/marble/data/missions
you get the rocket powerup, then shake the wii remote
there are no cheat codes for this game FLAB 3 as long as i know,sorry
as far as i know without a cheat you cant but heres the cheat 82025840 0154 Its in your PC
there is none buckaroo. tough nuts.
This took a long time for me to write.. so please respect it by Shane Coleman First push ~ (for windows only) or push F10 for macs Then type : testcheats=1; then push enter then F10 (or ~ on windows) push F11 then F4 and fiddle around to learn how to work it. Also push F8 to fly around the level to edit and push F7 to drop. Low Gravity Cheat: push F10 (for macs) or ~ (for windows) type: defaultmarble.gravity=2; to unlock all levels click on the bottom right of the blue selection screen while selecting a level. NOTE: this does not unlock custom Special Mode: Complete all gold times Custom levels: first download custom levels from garage games ( and click the one that's 12.7 MB and then go to C:/program files/marble blast/marble/data/missions/custom Then place the custom levels inside the custom folder and then open Marble Blast gold and click the custom tab and have fun! NOTE: You MUST create a folder called custom in C:/program files/marble blast/marble/data/missions
Fly,sacred fire,fire blast,punishment,extrasensory
The car fly cheat is comeflywithme . you can fly with this cheat for a short distance only.
You should replace Fire Blast and Fly with Dragon Pulse and Earthquake. keep fire blast and fly and replace defog with earthquake
The cheat to fly a car is comeflywithme.This cheat only allow you to fly for a short period and then the vehicle falls back to the road.Bikes do not fly with this cheat.
the cheat is simple COMEFLYWITHME
There is no cheat to fly long.Only is comeflywithme or else use a plane.
no, you can't fly, but i believe that there's a cheat that can make you fly.
In my cheat book it says you can only fly vehicles with 4 wheels.Also,do not activate the drive on water cheat &the fly cheat at the same time
Fly i think and fire blast
no you cant
Type the cheat you activated in again to deactivate it. Say I type the fly car cheat, the cars wont stop flying until I type the fly car cheat again.