In the times I've encountered this error code, It has meant that the network is down, it's a documented thing, just Google the code and 9 out of 10 times you'll see the network is down in the results from the search, and come to think of it the network is down currently right now as I type this, 1 or 2 days this time. 4-21-11
The network is down and the related question has currentstatus
The network is down and the related question has the latest status
That the network is down and that the related question has all available information
80710A06 is caused from the network outage right now, they say in a day or two it will be fixed, we will see, could take longer though, just keep trying.
Nothing the network is down and the related question has current status
The network is down and the related question has currentstatus
The network is down and the related question has the latest status
The network is down and the related question has all available information
That the network is down and that the related question has all available information
80710A06 is caused from the network outage right now, they say in a day or two it will be fixed, we will see, could take longer though, just keep trying.
The network was shut down and the related question has more information
Because the network has been shut down. The related question has the latest status
It can not be fixed because it is a network problem and not your console. The related question will be updated with new information and sources when available
Nothing the network is down and the related question has current status
The network has been shut down and the code tells you that you can not sign in. The related question will provide the latest status
The network is down and the code lets you know that you can't sign in. The related question will provide the latest status
It means that the network is down in the most recent use of the error message and it is expected to begin regaining service the 1st week May 2011 see related question