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shadow types dont exist, u mean ghost i bet

ghost works good on ghost believe it or not and also dark

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Q: What is effective on shadow types?
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What are the two different types of shadow?

there are your shadow and other's shadow!! lol!!

Do different types of light cause different types of shadow?

no except UV lights as they do not portray any shadow

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use a grass type like roserade because it is super effective against ground types and can help you beat lucian's psychic types as roserade can learn shadow ball too :)

Does every object make a shadow?

no some types of glass can have no shadow

What is normal super effective against?

Sadly, normal is not super effective against any type. Beware, though. Fighting types are super effective against Normal!. Do not use Normal types against Ghost, or Ghost types against Normal, because they don't effect on each other!. (Example) Go Gengar! Go Snorlax! Gengar use Shadow Claw! It had no effect! Snorlax use Body Slam! It had no effect!

What is super effective to fairy types?

Poison and Steel types are super effective against Fairy types.

What type is super effective to fighting?

it is super effective against normal types, ice types, rock types and dark types

What is super effective aginst psychic pokemon?

Bug types and dark types and ghost types are super effective.

What is the weakness of cantina's Pokemon?

Fantina's weaknesses are only dark types. Normal and fighting won't effect her, she will KO psychic types, and any other types are just normally effective. (Try teaching your Pokemon moves like Crunch or Faint Attack, Shadow Ball is actually ghost type)

What is the weakness of phsychic pokemon?

Weakness as in types? Like psychic moves aren't effective on a certain type? Well, psychic has no effect on dark-types, not very effective on psychic-types (DUR), and not very effective on steel-types. Although, if you were wondering what psychic will LOSE against, (as in super effective types that damage psychics greatly), the the types would be dark-types, bug-types, and ghost-types. Hope I helped! :)

What types are effective against psychic types?


What is super effective to water types?

grass types are