the don8tosaur is a password for Dino Run game, it unlocks the "40 hats" in cheats and mods.
the password is: "don8tosaur" and for a extra hat "totinos"
in cheats type in totinos and don8tosaur!!! they are spelt like that.
here's the code: don8tosaur then you press enter and the hats are enabled
The hat code is: don8tosaur You get about 40 hats. Also the next one is the robot hat! BONUS! totinos Answered by Pepsi906
Result Password ------------------------------------------ Low Gravity - astrosaur Huge Jump - leapinliz High Speed - dinoracer All Rocks = ballons - goofballs No Doom Wall - explore Super Strong - calcium Lots of Meteors - smokey No Sun - goodbyesun Lots of Hats - don8tosaur Extra Hat (might be outdated) - totinos Result Password ------------------------------------------ Low Gravity - astrosaur Huge Jump - leapinliz High Speed - dinoracer All Rocks = ballons - goofballs No Doom Wall - explore Super Strong - calcium Lots of Meteors - smokey No Sun - goodbyesun Lots of Hats - don8tosaur Extra Hat (might be outdated) - totinos
the password is: "don8tosaur" and for a extra hat "totinos"
in cheats type in totinos and don8tosaur!!! they are spelt like that.
here's the code: don8tosaur then you press enter and the hats are enabled
The only way you'll get the code is if you donate to Pixeljam. I will not give away the cheat for free though. Its don8tosaur
The hat code is: don8tosaur You get about 40 hats. Also the next one is the robot hat! BONUS! totinos Answered by Pepsi906
top speed: dinoracer mega jump: leapenliz hat code: don8tosaur sorry, that's all I know but you can check out other questions and get all the answers!
Well you go to cheats an put in don8tosaur and totinos(extra). I don't know if you get other stuff with donating, bu Save t this should help :)
Enable hats=don8tosaur meteor storm=smokey lights out=goodbyesun boulders(balloon)=goofball super strength=calcium mega jump=leapinliz top speed=dinorace another one is goodbyesun and astrosur
top spees......dinoracer megajump.....leapinliz superstrength......calcuim goodbyedoom.....explore lowgravity.....astrosaur balloons and boulders......goofballs lightsout.....goodbyesun meaterstorm......smokey enablehats......don8tosaur XD yay that's all<3
The cheat codes are- Top speed: dinoracer Mega jump: leapinliz Super strength: calcium Goodbye doom: explore Low gravity: astrosaur Boulders=balloons: goofballs Lights out: goodbyesun Meteor storm: smokey The code for hats: don8tosaur For the secret hat the code: totinos Iformation site:
By going to Speedrun mode or Multiplayer mode. Every tme you level up you get new costumes. But there is a cheat for free hats which is "don8tosaur". don't copy paraentheses. Go to options to input cheat. Hope this helped. :)
top speed: dinoracer mega jump: leapinliz super strength: calcium goodbye doom: explore low gravity: astrosaur boulders=balloons: goofballs lights out: goodbyesun meteor storm: smokey hat code: don8tosaur