Kangaroo has 8 letters
turquoise boo 9 letters aquamarine ah 10 letters
musical equipment in 8 letters= trombone
The color that has rvisle is silver ( a shiny grayish color).
I think the colour you are looking for is: Lavender
which planet has two words in it. There is no planet in our solar system with 8 letters.
A letter cannot have "8 letters" in it.
This color is chestnut or auburn but not seven letters.
Nonsense-8 letters.
Text color is the color of your letters. When you use text color, only the letter itself is colored. No white space is anywhere within your text or letters. When you color highlight text, you enclose your selected text in a solid strip of color that colors even that white spaces between words, letters, and inside letters.
Kangaroo has 8 letters
Barbados and Botswana have 8 letters in their name. Colombia and Malaysia have 8 letters in their name.
Yes Kentucky has 8 letters in its name.
Alabama, Colorado, Delaware.
to make the letters bold <b> to make the letters small <small> to make the letters big <big> or <font size=#> to make the letters a color <font color=red,green,ect> to stop making the letters bold </b>after any word or sentence ect. to stop making the letters small </small> to stop making the letters a color </font color=red,green,ect> to underline <u>
There are 8 letters with no repeated letters and you are working out the number of combintaions of all 8 letters with respect to order so the answer is 8P8=8!=40320