Clockwork's password is known only to clockwork himself. Trying to get him to tell you his password may end in a ban.
Clockworks Shades.
use googe and type clockworks calculator
go to and go to level calculator, put your roblox information found in your profile and it will tell u
no roblox is not dumb
It is a calculator for Roblox and determines you Roblox level (0-99) made by Clockworks a Roblox admin. Hope it helped! :D
Clockworks Shades.
use googe and type clockworks calculator
go to and go to level calculator, put your roblox information found in your profile and it will tell u
No, only Roblox employees know ROBLOX's password. Since Roblox is an administrator, giving out his password to users would cause major problems. Because of this, it is likely that the Roblox staff members change Roblox's password every so often for security purposes, so even if someone did know his password it wouldn't work for very long. Also, if ROBLOX did give out their password, noobs would take over, change the password, and Roblox Admins wouldn't be able to access it.
no roblox is not dumb
The game Clockworks is available on a computer on the internet with these companies: "ClockWorks Monster", "Mr. Nussbumaum," "Game Solo" and "Clockworks Games."
its is:BigDAddyTotsieRolls728