Many fans believe that Boba Fett died when he fell into the Sarlaac pit in "Return of the Jedi." Well actually, Boba survived that and continued to stay around for a very long time. At one point, Boba and Han Solo no longer became enemies. As for his real death, I do not know much about that.
Sonic the Hedgehog's middle name is Maurice.
There is no code. You have to unlock him. Same with Bossk, 4-lom, and Boba Fett. The old code (la811y) for boba fett does not work anymore.
no boba fett is not dead when he falls into the scarlack pit thes suction cup tentacls atach to him and pump his blood keping him alive for several of years ,following this, dengar a fellow bounty hunter blowes up the scarlack killing it and rescuing boba from his deadly fate you can find this out in the expanded univers
What is the code
Jodo Kast.
Boba just painted it green.
Boba painted it to match his armor which he also painted.
because boba fetts father (jango fett) didn't have a big part and anyway nobody likes boba fett
Jjango Fett brought Boba up as his son but when the clones where getting made Jango got give Boba was given to he was a genetic clone given to Jango as being the genetic host of the clone army so no, Boba fett is not actually jango fetts son simply an unaltered clone that he raised as his own.
I don't think so.
go look here they got everything
Jango Fett doesn't have a wife. Even though Boba Fett is his son, Boba was born as a a clone. But he did not have the growth acceleration the other clones had.
There are two well-known Fetts in the "Star Wars" universe: Jango Fett and his cloned son, Boba Fett. Both characters are skilled bounty hunters known for their association with the Mandalorian culture and their iconic armor.
No, Boba Fett is not Jango Fett's brother. Boba Fett is actually the cloned son of Jango Fett, created as part of a secret cloning program on Kamino.
Actually, after Order 66 was issued, Boba Fett fell in love with and married a Kiffar named Sintas Vel and they had a daughter, Ailyn.