The best weapon by far is the GRANITE MAUL for low level P2p pures because you can whip it out and spec and k0 them!
yes because a granite maul has a special attack but it is members but a rune 2h is free to play and is better than most weapons with its smash attack
It really depends..... i THINK a two-hander is better than a scimmy but other than that i thnk scimmy is better. ------------------------------------------------- Scimitars Are more popular, but people don't really know why. they are claimed that they are "fast", but in fact they are just as fast as a sword. If you get in a situation with a scimitar against a slash-resistant monster, You're out of luck. A sword could Stab easily, and slash, both with almost equal bonuses. Scimitars have a very weak stab bonus. Longswords, on the other hand, are only a hair slower than The Scimitar, but provide a moderate strength bonus over the Scimitar. Here is an example : Dragon Longsword: +58 Stab, +68 Slash, +71 Strength. Speed - 5 Dragon Scimitar: +8 Stab, +67 Slash, +66 Strength. Speed - 6 As you can see, With The Dragon Longsword you sacrifice ONE speed for 50 stab, 1 slash, and 5 strength. But it's up to you to decide. Here's another chart comparing the Sword, Longsword and scimitar: Rune Sword: +38 Stab, +26 Slash, +39 Strength. Speed - 6 Rune Longsword:+38 Stab, +47 Slash, +49 Strength. Speed - 5 Rune Scimitar: +7 Stab, +45 Slash, +44 Strength. Speed - 6 This is up to you to decide. Scimitars are the more popular choice because of its DPS or Damage Per Second. For STRENGTH training methods Scimtars are generally better because of the use of DDS or the Dragon Dagger with a sweet 4 special (8 hits max) only using 25% of the special bar. Dragon Longsword on the other hand requires an easier quest done of course called Lost City, which also unlocks the ability to weild Dragon Longsword and Dragon Dagger. Dragon Scimitar requires a quest called Monkey Madness. Most if not all 60 attack pures will use Dragon Scimitar because of speed. +66 str bonus or +72 str bonus isn't really much of a loss. The Dragon 2H Sword on the other hand does not require a quest to complete but is a much more expensive weapon. Dragon Scimitar and Dragon Longsword average about 100-120k generally. Dragon 2H can average 1M plus and it is slower. Despite the convienance of not having to complete a quest to weild the Dragon 2H Sword with a str bonus of +93 it is more of a comboing weapon used by pures. Not really a main weapon to train and or PK with. I highly recommend getting Dragon Scimitar and Dragon Dagger instead of a Dragon Longsword or a Dragon 2H Sword. The Rune Scimitar is the same way it is still faster than the Longsword or Shortsword. If you are a F2P or Free To Play PKER or a Player I recommend the Rune Scimitar. Rune 2H Sword having a nice +70 Strength bonus is a comboing weapon used by Range 2H pures. Rune 2H is not really a main weapon. If your also looking for great combo weapons, pick from these: Granite Maul, Rune 2H Sword, Dragon 2H Sword, Obby Maul (Tzhaar-Ket-Om with Berserker Necklace), Barrellchest Anchor.
H2, on Runescape may be a herald number e.g Rune Helm (h2) or Black Kite Shield ( h2 ) where as 2h means 2-handed, as in Dragon 2h sword, meaning Dragon two handed Sword.
in my oppinion the R scimmy is the better one because its faster then the 2h sword and you can wear a shield wich are necessary for dragon slaying etc but i thout that the rune 2h dide more damage A: A Rune Scimitar attacks with an Attack Speed of 6 (every 2.4 seconds) and a Rune 2H Sword attacks with an Attack Speed of 3 (every 3.6 seconds) meaning you can attack a lot more often with a Rune Scimitar, but the Rune 2H has a higher max hit as it provides a bigger strength bonus. Overall if you are looking for a weapon to train your combat skills the Rune Scimitar is the better choice, while a Rune 2H Sword can be very useful in PVP as it provides sudden high damage, which means you can kill people with a high hit before they are capable of using food. id say if you had low than 70 strengh then use a rune scimitar and a rune 2h for over 70 strengh
A 2h weapon that's a bit better then a drag dagger and has the best sp atk in all d weapons, it atks 4 times in one hit and uses only 50% of your sp bar.
yes because a granite maul has a special attack but it is members but a rune 2h is free to play and is better than most weapons with its smash attack
For information on RuneScape's dragon 2hand sword visit Edit: Don't bother. It ain't worth it, your better of getting whip or D skim - If not then id recommend G maul.
Dragon 2h is cheaper, sara sword has same stats and speed as whip, but with an extra + 78 odd crush bonus, you choose.
download it....
It really depends..... i THINK a two-hander is better than a scimmy but other than that i thnk scimmy is better. ------------------------------------------------- Scimitars Are more popular, but people don't really know why. they are claimed that they are "fast", but in fact they are just as fast as a sword. If you get in a situation with a scimitar against a slash-resistant monster, You're out of luck. A sword could Stab easily, and slash, both with almost equal bonuses. Scimitars have a very weak stab bonus. Longswords, on the other hand, are only a hair slower than The Scimitar, but provide a moderate strength bonus over the Scimitar. Here is an example : Dragon Longsword: +58 Stab, +68 Slash, +71 Strength. Speed - 5 Dragon Scimitar: +8 Stab, +67 Slash, +66 Strength. Speed - 6 As you can see, With The Dragon Longsword you sacrifice ONE speed for 50 stab, 1 slash, and 5 strength. But it's up to you to decide. Here's another chart comparing the Sword, Longsword and scimitar: Rune Sword: +38 Stab, +26 Slash, +39 Strength. Speed - 6 Rune Longsword:+38 Stab, +47 Slash, +49 Strength. Speed - 5 Rune Scimitar: +7 Stab, +45 Slash, +44 Strength. Speed - 6 This is up to you to decide. Scimitars are the more popular choice because of its DPS or Damage Per Second. For STRENGTH training methods Scimtars are generally better because of the use of DDS or the Dragon Dagger with a sweet 4 special (8 hits max) only using 25% of the special bar. Dragon Longsword on the other hand requires an easier quest done of course called Lost City, which also unlocks the ability to weild Dragon Longsword and Dragon Dagger. Dragon Scimitar requires a quest called Monkey Madness. Most if not all 60 attack pures will use Dragon Scimitar because of speed. +66 str bonus or +72 str bonus isn't really much of a loss. The Dragon 2H Sword on the other hand does not require a quest to complete but is a much more expensive weapon. Dragon Scimitar and Dragon Longsword average about 100-120k generally. Dragon 2H can average 1M plus and it is slower. Despite the convienance of not having to complete a quest to weild the Dragon 2H Sword with a str bonus of +93 it is more of a comboing weapon used by pures. Not really a main weapon to train and or PK with. I highly recommend getting Dragon Scimitar and Dragon Dagger instead of a Dragon Longsword or a Dragon 2H Sword. The Rune Scimitar is the same way it is still faster than the Longsword or Shortsword. If you are a F2P or Free To Play PKER or a Player I recommend the Rune Scimitar. Rune 2H Sword having a nice +70 Strength bonus is a comboing weapon used by Range 2H pures. Rune 2H is not really a main weapon. If your also looking for great combo weapons, pick from these: Granite Maul, Rune 2H Sword, Dragon 2H Sword, Obby Maul (Tzhaar-Ket-Om with Berserker Necklace), Barrellchest Anchor.
Its obby maul. Its A 2h weppon from Tz-haar city. Or if you mean mauler, its a person that mauls people with obby.
lesser demons drop black 2h sword and sometimes mithril items.
yes it is, but a whip is more expensive. i have a whip and its awesome. but u can check the attack bonnuses if your not sure
H2, on Runescape may be a herald number e.g Rune Helm (h2) or Black Kite Shield ( h2 ) where as 2h means 2-handed, as in Dragon 2h sword, meaning Dragon two handed Sword.
H2, on Runescape may be a herald number e.g Rune Helm (h2) or Black Kite Shield ( h2 ) where as 2h means 2-handed, as in Dragon 2h sword, meaning Dragon two handed Sword.
You can only get it if you are mem and also if you are get it from the Grand Exchange.
some weapons have damage bonuses to certain types of enemies or magic bonuses such as extra fire damage, but in terms of just straight up damage, most powerful weapon (not including any DLC) is the greatsword Ageless.