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amulet of strength is always a better choice in f2p, your max with it will always be higher than if you have on zealots, according to a max hit calculator. strength ammy is also better for training, and is easy to replace.

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Q: What is better amulet of zealots or amulet of strength?
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Is the amulet of zealots worth getting in f2p for melee or should i get another gravite item?

It depends. If you intend to use it for PVP, you will risk losing all your hard earned items in one go while having the weapon and the amulet at the same time, but i will chose the amulet of zealots.

Which level can you hit 15 with rune scimitar?

With no other equipment bonuses (such as an Amulet of Strength or Gauntlets), you can hit a 15 on the Aggressive style at level 71 Strength, or 74 Strength with an Accurate style. With a more reasonable bonus, such as an Amulet of Strength, you can hit a 15 at around 65 Strength on the Aggressive style, or 67 on an Accurate style. Other equipment may provide a Strength bonus, such as a Rune Berserker shield, so there is no single answer as to what stats you need to hit a certain number.

How do you make an amulet of strengh on RuneScape?

The following are required to make Amulet of Strength:The level requirements1x Ruby ( cut it if it is un-cut using a chisel on it )1x Gold Bar1x Ball of Wool1x Amulet MouldMagic level to cast Enchant level-3 & Runes.To make the amulet Simply do the following:Make sure you have the following items with you.Go to Falador, this place is best since there is a furnace nearby a bank.Go to the Furnace, then use gold bar on it.A menu should pop up, select the Ruby Amulet to make it.Once you have made the Amulet art, imply use a Ball of Wool on it to string it.Then imply use Level-3 Enchant from your spell book, to turn it into an Amulet of Strength.

How do you transfer a dragon amulet to be a guardian on battle on?

ill tell ya i av an X GUARDIAN account witch is the one witch is better than a guardian account what ill do is swap ya that one for your dragon amulet :)

Where is the amulet coin in pokemon red?

In Red the Amulet Coin item does not exist.

Related questions

Is a cross shaped Strength Amulet worth it in Runescape?

Not really, it has same stats as normal strength amulet, but strength amulet (t) just looks better.

Is amulet of zealots worth getting for melee?

Yes I'ts the best amulet for bossing

Is the amulet of zealots worth getting in f2p for melee or should i get another gravite item?

It depends. If you intend to use it for PVP, you will risk losing all your hard earned items in one go while having the weapon and the amulet at the same time, but i will chose the amulet of zealots.

How do you get trimmed amulet of strength on RuneScape?

A Trimmed Amulet of Strength is part of a level 2 clue scroll random reward.

Is buying a Strength Amulet t in runescape worth it?

Strength Ammys are so cheap they cant really not be worth it. There are better things in Runescape for Strength bonus's but if you don't have much money they cant hurt.

Which is better ghostspeak amulet or amulet of accuracy in runescape?

What is better, a spoon or a shoe? - They serve different purposes, no use comparing them.A ghostspeak amulet lets you speak with ghosts, and is required for certain quests. An amulet of accuracy boosts your attack stats. However, an amulet of power is better, and cheaper, than an amulet of accuracy.What is better, a spoon or a shoe? - They serve different purposes, no use comparing them.A ghostspeak amulet lets you speak with ghosts, and is required for certain quests. An amulet of accuracy boosts your attack stats. However, an amulet of power is better, and cheaper, than an amulet of accuracy.What is better, a spoon or a shoe? - They serve different purposes, no use comparing them.A ghostspeak amulet lets you speak with ghosts, and is required for certain quests. An amulet of accuracy boosts your attack stats. However, an amulet of power is better, and cheaper, than an amulet of accuracy.What is better, a spoon or a shoe? - They serve different purposes, no use comparing them.A ghostspeak amulet lets you speak with ghosts, and is required for certain quests. An amulet of accuracy boosts your attack stats. However, an amulet of power is better, and cheaper, than an amulet of accuracy.

In Runescape what can you hit with 71 strength?

It is all down to what weapon you are using. If you are using a whip or a dragon weapon I would estimate something around... 17-23 as a max hit. Or if you are a free to play slightly less This could be increased by: * Using a strength potion (Super strength if you are a member) * Strength amulet or Amulet of Power. * A better weapon. Depending on what weapon you are using of course. I hope you find this helpful!

Is amulet of zealots a good choice for f2p melee?

If you are training, just equip it when praying then use power. If you are pvping, stick with the power ammy as you will lose the ammy of zealots before your rune item and it sucks to lose that many tokens

Which level can you hit 14 with rune scimitar without strength pot in runescape?

Strength potion only boosts your strength by 10 or so levels.You hits also depends on your gear, so I will do it based on Runescape Scimitar, then Rune Scimitar With Strength Amulet.-Non Members-Rune scimitar + strength amulet = Level 63 Strength.Rune Scimitar = 69 Strength.-Members-Rune Scimitar + Amulet of Fury = Level 64 Strength.Rune scimitar + Berserker Necklace = Level 65 Strength.

I am a non-member and i am wondering What is the best armour weapon amulet ring boots and gloves that give the best strength bonus for melee in runescape?

Armour - Corrupt Dragon or Rune. Amulet - Enchanted Ruby Amulet (Amulet of Strength) Gloves - The ones you get from Stronghold of Player Safety. Boots - The ones you get from Stronghold of Security. Ring - Explorers Ring (as high as you can wear).

How do you make strength amulets in rs?

get a ruby amulet and enchant it with lv 49 magic

What does an amulet of strength do in RS?

It boosts your strength by +10, it is the best amulet if you like to hit high.Even high levels like me, wear it even though it has a fairly low price. It basically makes you hit +3 to +4 more than if you would have NO amulet on at all. If you own one, you should keep it!Hope this answered you QUESTION!