This websit=
every theme is free but you haf-to regester but it's still free
the best place is to go to psp
YES. You can put the same themes on all models of psp
the best game ever, GTA Place theme.p3t (or .ptf) file in X:/PSP/THEME/ folder and select theme from XMB->Settings->Themes X is your psp USB or PSP media card Or Download Only theme file directly from your PSP internet browser.
A safe website to download "PSP Video 9" from is the PSP Video 9 website, some other great websites to download it for free are: Cnet, Softonic, After Dawn, Major Geeks, Chip, Playstation, Xmarks, Gamespot, to name a few.
The best place to go is PSP-THEMES.COM its so easy you look for wat u want and click download!!
Go to the PlayStation Store and search themes, some are free. You MUST do this on the PSP for it to work.
the best place is to go to psp
you go to a website and download the file save it then connect your psp to the computer and make a file on your psp THEMES has to be in caps then drag your file in to the folder safe eject the psp then on your psp go to settings go down to themes and change your theme if this does not work go to and that website might help u 2 put themes on psp and if it does work,go there anyway to get some really cool themes,homebrews and other software
You don't use a website, you connect to the PSN directly from the PSP or PSVita, if any game is being offered for free you can get it there. this is my first theme ever for 5.50 gen- you will need cxmb and a psp with custom firmware this website has plenty of themes both PTF and CTF. they also have some tools for creating themes.
no unless its of psp website or ps3 for free demos or buying them
The PSN is the best place. There are no viruses for PSP, especially not on the PSN.
The official Playstation website has free downloads for customers. Sony Pictures, PSP Connect, WorldView, and Atom Films also have downloadable content for a PSP.