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well probably a nature that boosts sp attack like modest, mild, quiet or rash.

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Q: What is best nature for charmender in FireRed?
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What is the best starter in Pokemon?

it depends on the game. In firered and leafgreen its charmender, in pearl and planium its turtwig, in soulsilver or heartgold its todatile

Where do you find charmender in Pokemon ruby?

you cant you can only trade it from firered

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you have to start with charmender and beat the elite four and have your naional dex

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You can't get charmander in emerald you must get one from firered or leafgreen.

Can you find charmender in Pokemon ruby?

no but you can get it in Pokemon yellow,red,blue,firered and leafgreen hope it helped

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charmender evolves at level 15 or 16 and it evolves into charmelon

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Were ken you catch a charmender on diamond?

you just catch it

Who are the starters in Pokemon LeafGreen?

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Where to catch a charmender?

u can not catch charmander he is a starter

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Does anyone want a Ditto or other Pokemon?

i already have a ditto but i would love a charmender.....sorry if i spelled charmender wrong Can i have one i can trade u a torchic or turtwig? male or female,