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A backfill is the material which has been used to refill and excavation.

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Elenor Tillman

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3y ago
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Q: What is backfill?
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Eight letter word that starts with b and ends with L?

Some eight-letter words that start with 'B' and end with 'L' include betrayal, balmoral, babydoll, backfill, backhaul, barbicel, barbital, basophil, becudgel, barstool, birdcall, bandtail, and binomial.

What are 8 letter words ending in the same two letters?

Here are a few for ll and ee:antipill, antiroll, babydoll, backfill, bankroll, baseball, beadroll, beanball, bellpull, birdcall, blowball, blueball, bluebell, bluebill, bluegill, boatbill, bonspell, brimfull, carryall, catchall, clodpoll, cockbill, cornball, coverall, deadfall, doorbell, doorsill, downfall, downhill, drumroll, duckbill, dumbbell, dunghill, eggshell, enscroll, enthrall, evenfall, farewell, fastball, fireball, firehall, firewall, fishkill, foosball, football, footfall, foothill, footwall, foretell, forkball, freewill, gildhall, goodwill, goofball, gromwell, hairball, handball, handbill, hardball, harebell, hawkbill, heelball, highball, hornbill, inscroll, inthrall, jackroll, kickball, lambkill, landfall, landfill, mandrill, marshall, meatball, minipill, misspell, molehill, mothball, numskull, nutshell, outsmell, outspell, overbill, overcall, overfill, overfull, overkill, oversell, pellmell, playbill, plimsoll, poolhall, pratfall, prechill, predrill, puffball, pushball, rainfall, rakehell, reenroll, rockfall, rototill, seashell, shoebill, sidehill, sidewall, snowball, snowbell, snowfall, softball, sourball, spitball, spurgall, subshell, trapball, turnhall, windbell, windfall, windgall, windmill, woolfell121 wordsabductee, absentee, acceptee, acquiree, admittee, allottee, appellee, arrestee, assignee, attendee, axletree, bidarkee, botonnee, bourtree, buckshee, callipee, camporee, carefree, chivaree, colessee, conferee, coryphee, departee, deportee, designee, detainee, disagree, divorcee, dungaree, employee, endorsee, enlistee, enrollee, examinee, expellee, filagree, filigree, fourchee, germfree, gratinee, greegree, honeybee, indictee, indorsee, inductee, internee, jamboree, kedgeree, kidnapee, libellee, licencee, licensee, murderee, negligee, optionee, overfree, patentee, pedigree, pharisee, promisee, protegee, puggaree, rapparee, rejectee, repartee, returnee, rooftree, salvagee, sangaree, selectee, shikaree, shivaree, shoetree, sightsee, squeegee, squilgee, tirrivee, tullibee, vaccinee, wannabee80 words

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How Much Money does Backfill cost?

Backfill by hand - no compaction should be approximately $13.09 per cubic yard.

A Supervisor has decided to have you backfill a forklift position at the warehouse while the regular operator is out on vacation. All of the following are your rights under the OSHAct EXCEP?

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Which is better for backfill soil or sand.?

Soil is generally better than sand for backfilling because it provides more nutrients and support for plants to grow. Sand tends to be too loose and does not retain water or nutrients well, which can lead to poor plant growth.

What should be done if a newly constructed home has exterior grade sinking and exposing 12 inches of the drain board along the foundation?

The ground around your house's masonry foundation is backfill, meaning that the original excavation for the foundation was "overdug" to accommodate formwork and/or the masons themselves while either pouring concrete walls or laying concrete block. After the masonry work was done and a certain cure time passed, the backfill was placed to bring the finished yard along the foundation up to grade. In a case where the backfill has sunk 12 inches, the cause is almost always poor workmanship. Simply stated, either the backfill material is inappropriate (e.g. topsoil) or it was not properly compacted in lifts -- or a combination of both. Actually, the failure of backfill around residential foundations is quite common. Few residential contractors are soils experts. The only way to "fix" the problem is to add more backfill material to grade. Since it's to be placed against a foundation drain board, I would suggest coarse sand or pea gravel up to 6" below grade, then topsoil to finish. Keep in mind that you may have to "dress it up" from time to time for a while.

What is the Difference between an active earth pressure and passive earth pressure?

When the wall moves away from the backfill, the earth pressure on the wall decreases. This minimum pressure is called active earth pressure. On the other hand if the wall moves towards the backfill, the earth pressure increases. This maximum pressure is called passive earth pressure.

Is recycled concrete gravel good to backfill behind a retaining wall?

only if the retaining wall requests it. mine requested hamburger helper...

What if your supervisor has decided to have you backfill a forklift position at?

You would need to notify your supervisor if you do not have the necessary qualifications to operate the forklift, and be mindful of the rights you have under OSHA.

What if your supervisor has decided to have you backfill a forklift position?

You would need to notify your supervisor if you do not have the necessary qualifications to operate the forklift, and be mindful of the rights you have under OSHA.

Is coke breeze Hazardous?

Coke breeze is a form of backfill, it's a compound containing of gypsum, bentonite clay and sodium sulfate. Cokebreeze is not known to be harmful.

What is the difference beteween Structural slab vs slab on grade?

Structural slabs are typically elevated concrete slabs - 2nd floor, 3rd floor, roof, etc. These slabs will contain steel reinforcing (rebar) or post-tensioning (tendons). The steel provides strength to support loads, ductility to prevent sudden failure, control of movements/cracks (due to temperature changes (thermal expansion/contraction) and shrinkage stresses (which occur as concrete cures)). Slabs on grade are concrete slabs cast on the ground, usually over an aggregate base course. They may or may not contain rebar or tendons (sometimes they contain welded wire fabric) - these are all for movement/crack control, and may also be used where soil problems are anticipated (expansive soils). There is also something called a structural slab on grade (or structural slab over backfill). A common place to see these is on exterior slabs that occur over backfills adjacent to the basement of a building. This artificially compacted backfill will often settle, especially if exposed to water (even if properly compacted). If it is critical to limit settlement of a slab that is over backfill, the slab is usually designed and constructed as a structural concrete slab which spans across the backfill soil (and does not depend on support from the backfill soil). The slab will usually span from the basement wall (which it bears on or is connected to), over the backfill soil, and bear on native soil.