there. Babv states for Build-a-bearville. It's a fun, safe, and cool game to play with. Try it out, i am called Tinateddy108 on there. Note: Bunny glasses are super rare.
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Babv means build a bear ville - you have a virtual character and you dress them up - and Babw means build a bear workshop - where you get a bear and clothe them.
Go to sunshine shores cave and click the bottom of the palm tree
I don't know if i know all of them but here are the ones i know. monthly ones: January 2009: 9t8y-5868-vpf9 February 2009: j6s7-57s8-v5jr March 2009: 8wbq-c675-83bf April 2009: 5m7h-n6n8-c7y2 May 2009: fqj9-6385-8557 June 2009: 32vl-88d4-923h July 2009: 8mwn-6nyw-2fhw August 2009: 8p2k-9l3n-4×3l September 2009: 75c9-8jk9-hm7v October 2009: m2k7-cf9m-45d6 November 2009: 464m-2dsy-74ph December 2009: m797-77p2-49c8 you can only use them during and after the month starts. other codes: MILK-RCKS-2008 - Milk (Held in hand) NGKS-BABV-2008 - Explorer's Hat J955-K8S5-3WX9 - Gives you Y226-BW25-DX63 - Gives you the Valentines Day emoticon. 7LN5-T4B5-44YH - Adds 1,000 Bear Bills to your account. PEOP-BABW-2008 - Adds 1,000 Bear Bills to your account. EMBY-BABV-2008 - Adds 1,000 Bear Bills to your account. 24T7-5347-CH6G - Corbin Bleu Poster (For Cub Condo). 3QGG-WM48-35MQ - Pom Poms (Held in hand). N2FV-PQ7L-79R3 - Locker (For Cub Condo). JBM4-4YV3-5578 - Megaphone (Held in hand). TM45-ZWX9-J732 - cheerleading move (spilts in the air). MILK-RCKS-0808 - Cow Bell (Worn around neck). nhks-babv-2008 - Safari Hat. 82ND-7V66-VLSM - Voting T-Shirt. 0023 - then any random numbers for a beach towel. S334-6Q32-6SN5 - for a Hannah Montana outfit. 6238-6897-Q96V - For the Puerto Rican Flag. bear-hugs-2008 - bear hugs tee. NGK4-BABV-2008 - for free snow boots. 9TWV-9J24-XTDK - Sleigh. WS53-7VJ6-7Y33 - Snow Globe. 5J48-25N7-96N6 - Silver & Gold Wrapped Present. 65YC-JB8S-3C42 - Dreidel. 87J3-48YH-SPPZ - Wii Emoticon. X9CN-QXF2-Y88Y - Sewing Machine. 23D2-DSCZ-C968 - Playhouse. 368F-K6KM-4V53 - Time To Paws Frame. 79T5-2N9G-9234 - Happy Bearthday Frame. 6S87-223B-78H2 - Pawfect Princess Frame. 983W-9J9R-3H6Q - Be Beariffic Frame. 3347-229F-MP3V - Pawsome Soccer Figurine. 893R-SL9F-3GLC - Friendship Is A Gift Figurine. HG3R-4266-6R35 - Time To Paws Figurine. BYKL-23CW-ZC62 - Beary Sweet Figurine. F542-3443-9NJL - Bear Ballet - Paint Your Own Figurine. JBQC-R6K7-W46M - Bearthday Bear - Paint Your Own Figurine. RH7K-4X3W-88MG - Bakers Apron Set. D822-Z895-KC9W - Be Beariffic snow globe. QCRH-7S42-S24R - Pawfect Princess snow globe. MRCC-4FS8-FH6M - Happy Bearthday snow globe QR33-66DY-5XCS - 100% Pawsome Cheerleader snow globe. 9TWV-9J24-XTDK - Sleigh. WS53-7VJ6-7Y33 - Snow Globe. 5J48-25N7-96N6 - Silve & Gold Wrapped Present. 65YC-JB8S-3C42 - Dreidel. S334-6Q32-6SN5 - Purple Diva Outfit. 9N84-G72J-YMT6 - Purple Diva Outfit. W3YH-8B45-527M - 1000 bearbills. 7LN5-T4B5-44YH - 1000 bearbills. J94P-WJ64-NX2K - 1000 bearbills. NGK3-BABV-2008 - 1000 bearbills. HGS5-K832-Z5TC - I Heart BABW Shirt. 3QGG-WM48-35MQ - Pompoms. N2FV-PQ7L-79R3 - Locker. 3QGG- WM48- 35MQ- Pom-poms 24T7-5347-CH6G- Corbin Blew Poster N2FV-PQ7L-79R3- Locker BASE-BALL-1000- 1000 Bear Bills J955-K8S5-3WX9- The Honey Shake Dance EMBY-BABV-2008- I am thinking 1000 Bear Bills PEOP-BABW-2008- 1000 Bear Bills W3YH-8B45-527M- 1000 Bear Bills NGKS-BABV-2008- Explorer Hat QNCX-R625-862C- Heart Emotion JBM4-4YV3-5578- Megaphone Y226-BW25-DX63- Heart emotion QNCX-R625862C- Another heart emotion MILK-RCKS-2008- Milk Carton TK3Z-6V8PV48L- 1000 Bear Bills 7LN5-T4B5-44YH- 1000 Bear Bills J94P-WJ64-NX2K- 1000 Bear Bills (Gift for making a bear for charaty) TM45-ZWX9-J732- Cheerleading move MILK-RCKS-0808- Cow Bell pom-poms=3QGG-WM48-35MQ locker=n2fv-pg7l-79r3 megaphone=jbm4-4yv3-5578 explorer hat=ngks-babv-2008 rare necklace=milk-rcks-0808 poster=24t7-5347-ch6g cheerleading code=tm45-zwx9-j732 honeyshake code=j955-k8s5-3wx9 1000 bear bills: base-ball-1000 emby-babv-2008 PEOP-BABW-2008 J94P-WJ64-NX2K W3YH-8B45-527M TK3Z-6V8P-V48L 7LN5-T4B5-44YH Valentine's Day Emotion: Y226-BW25-DX63 Hearts Emotion: QNCX-R625-862CSewing Machine - X9CN-QXF2-Y88Y Playhouse - 23D2-DSCZ-C968 Time To Paws Frame - 368F-K6KM-4V53 Happy Bearthday Frame - 79T5-2N9G-9234 Pawfect Princess Frame - 6S87-223B-78H2 Be Beariffic Frame - 983W-9J9R-3H6Q Pawsome Soccer Figurine - 3347-229F-MP3V Friendship Is A Gift Figurine - 893R-SL9F-3GLC Time To Paws Figurine - HG3R-4266-6R35 Beary Sweet Figurine - BYKL-23CW-ZC62 Bear Ballet - Paint Your Own Figurine - F542-3443-9NJL Bearthday Bear - Paint Your Own Figurine - JBQC-R6K7-W46M Baker's Apron Set: RH7K-4X3W-88MG Be Beariffic snow globe - D822-Z895-KC9W Pawfect Princess snow globe - QCRH-7S42-S24R Happy Bearthday snow globe - MRCC-4FS8-FH6M 100% Pawsome Cheerleader snow globe- QR33-66DY-5XCS Sleigh - 9TWV-9J24-XTDK Snow Globe - WS53-7VJ6-7Y33 Silver & Gold Wrapped Present - 5J48-25N7-96N6 Dreidel - 65YC-JB8S-3C42 Wii Emoticon-87J3-48YH-SPPZ Snow Boots-NGK4-BABV-2008 Purple Diva Outfit-S334-6Q32-6SN5 Purple Diva Outfit-9N84-G72J-YMT6 1000 bearbills-PEOP-BAB2-2008 1000 bearbills-W3YH-8B45-527M 1000 bearbills-7LN5-T4B5-44YH 1000 bearbills-EMBY-BABV-2008 1000 bearbills-J94P-WJ64-NX2K 1000 bearbills-TK3Z-6V8P-V48L 1000 bearbills-PEOP-BABW-2008 1000 bearbills-NGK3-BABV-2008 I Heart BABW Shirt-HGS5-K832-Z5TC Pompoms-3QGG-WM48-35MQ Honey Shake Dance Move-j955-k8s5-3wx9 Cheer Move-TM45-ZWX9-J732 Locker-N2FV-PQ7L-79R3 Valentine's Emoticon-y226-bw25-dx63 Megaphone-JBM4-4YV3-5578 Milk Carton-Milk-Rcks-2008 Corbin Bleu Poster-24T7-5347-CH6G Explorer's Hat-NGKS-BABV-2008 Spotted Cowbell-MILK-RCKS-0808 and remember, some of them are expired so don't say i didnt warn you.
Ther are 2 things you can do the first is you can go to your nearest build a bear workshop and buy a bear and use the codes on the bottom of the birth certificate in the build a bear workshop in build a bearvill. In addition to getting bear bills you'll get 10 bearvill outfitter's credits wich are very hard to get so use them wisely. The second thing you can do is request a welcome pass to build a bearvill, give them your name and full mailling address. When you get it enter the code in the bearvill workshop and choose your on-line bear done! Hope this helps. :) see ya around build a bearvill. Ruthballetslippers4
Yes there are some cool cheats. If you have a stuff for stuff club card you can get unlimited bear bills. Isnt that awesome. i cant tell you how, that you have to find out yourself, but it is way cool. I have gotten over one million bear bills and i am giving them out for free. Way awesome. Please be cool and tell me how to get unlimited bear bills. Sorry but like i said earlier i cant. that would ruin the challenge. Here are some money codes! These give you 1000 bear bills each. PEOP-BABW-2008 J94P-WJ64-NX2K W3YH-8B45-527M TK3Z-6V8P-V48L. Zaggy10