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there. Babv states for Build-a-bearville. It's a fun, safe, and cool game to play with. Try it out, i am called Tinateddy108 on there. Note: Bunny glasses are super rare.


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Q: What is babv?
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What is the difference between babv and babw?

Babv means build a bear ville - you have a virtual character and you dress them up - and Babw means build a bear workshop - where you get a bear and clothe them.

How do you get to the lighthouse in babv?

Go to sunshine shores cave and click the bottom of the palm tree

What is all the cheat codes for

I don't know if i know all of them but here are the ones i know. monthly ones: January 2009: 9t8y-5868-vpf9 February 2009: j6s7-57s8-v5jr March 2009: 8wbq-c675-83bf April 2009: 5m7h-n6n8-c7y2 May 2009: fqj9-6385-8557 June 2009: 32vl-88d4-923h July 2009: 8mwn-6nyw-2fhw August 2009: 8p2k-9l3n-4×3l September 2009: 75c9-8jk9-hm7v October 2009: m2k7-cf9m-45d6 November 2009: 464m-2dsy-74ph December 2009: m797-77p2-49c8 you can only use them during and after the month starts. other codes: MILK-RCKS-2008 - Milk (Held in hand) NGKS-BABV-2008 - Explorer's Hat J955-K8S5-3WX9 - Gives you Y226-BW25-DX63 - Gives you the Valentines Day emoticon. 7LN5-T4B5-44YH - Adds 1,000 Bear Bills to your account. PEOP-BABW-2008 - Adds 1,000 Bear Bills to your account. EMBY-BABV-2008 - Adds 1,000 Bear Bills to your account. 24T7-5347-CH6G - Corbin Bleu Poster (For Cub Condo). 3QGG-WM48-35MQ - Pom Poms (Held in hand). N2FV-PQ7L-79R3 - Locker (For Cub Condo). JBM4-4YV3-5578 - Megaphone (Held in hand). TM45-ZWX9-J732 - cheerleading move (spilts in the air). MILK-RCKS-0808 - Cow Bell (Worn around neck). nhks-babv-2008 - Safari Hat. 82ND-7V66-VLSM - Voting T-Shirt. 0023 - then any random numbers for a beach towel. S334-6Q32-6SN5 - for a Hannah Montana outfit. 6238-6897-Q96V - For the Puerto Rican Flag. bear-hugs-2008 - bear hugs tee. NGK4-BABV-2008 - for free snow boots. 9TWV-9J24-XTDK - Sleigh. WS53-7VJ6-7Y33 - Snow Globe. 5J48-25N7-96N6 - Silver & Gold Wrapped Present. 65YC-JB8S-3C42 - Dreidel. 87J3-48YH-SPPZ - Wii Emoticon. X9CN-QXF2-Y88Y - Sewing Machine. 23D2-DSCZ-C968 - Playhouse. 368F-K6KM-4V53 - Time To Paws Frame. 79T5-2N9G-9234 - Happy Bearthday Frame. 6S87-223B-78H2 - Pawfect Princess Frame. 983W-9J9R-3H6Q - Be Beariffic Frame. 3347-229F-MP3V - Pawsome Soccer Figurine. 893R-SL9F-3GLC - Friendship Is A Gift Figurine. HG3R-4266-6R35 - Time To Paws Figurine. BYKL-23CW-ZC62 - Beary Sweet Figurine. F542-3443-9NJL - Bear Ballet - Paint Your Own Figurine. JBQC-R6K7-W46M - Bearthday Bear - Paint Your Own Figurine. RH7K-4X3W-88MG - Bakers Apron Set. D822-Z895-KC9W - Be Beariffic snow globe. QCRH-7S42-S24R - Pawfect Princess snow globe. MRCC-4FS8-FH6M - Happy Bearthday snow globe QR33-66DY-5XCS - 100% Pawsome Cheerleader snow globe. 9TWV-9J24-XTDK - Sleigh. WS53-7VJ6-7Y33 - Snow Globe. 5J48-25N7-96N6 - Silve & Gold Wrapped Present. 65YC-JB8S-3C42 - Dreidel. S334-6Q32-6SN5 - Purple Diva Outfit. 9N84-G72J-YMT6 - Purple Diva Outfit. W3YH-8B45-527M - 1000 bearbills. 7LN5-T4B5-44YH - 1000 bearbills. J94P-WJ64-NX2K - 1000 bearbills. NGK3-BABV-2008 - 1000 bearbills. HGS5-K832-Z5TC - I Heart BABW Shirt. 3QGG-WM48-35MQ - Pompoms. N2FV-PQ7L-79R3 - Locker. 3QGG- WM48- 35MQ- Pom-poms 24T7-5347-CH6G- Corbin Blew Poster N2FV-PQ7L-79R3- Locker BASE-BALL-1000- 1000 Bear Bills J955-K8S5-3WX9- The Honey Shake Dance EMBY-BABV-2008- I am thinking 1000 Bear Bills PEOP-BABW-2008- 1000 Bear Bills W3YH-8B45-527M- 1000 Bear Bills NGKS-BABV-2008- Explorer Hat QNCX-R625-862C- Heart Emotion JBM4-4YV3-5578- Megaphone Y226-BW25-DX63- Heart emotion QNCX-R625862C- Another heart emotion MILK-RCKS-2008- Milk Carton TK3Z-6V8PV48L- 1000 Bear Bills 7LN5-T4B5-44YH- 1000 Bear Bills J94P-WJ64-NX2K- 1000 Bear Bills (Gift for making a bear for charaty) TM45-ZWX9-J732- Cheerleading move MILK-RCKS-0808- Cow Bell pom-poms=3QGG-WM48-35MQ locker=n2fv-pg7l-79r3 megaphone=jbm4-4yv3-5578 explorer hat=ngks-babv-2008 rare necklace=milk-rcks-0808 poster=24t7-5347-ch6g cheerleading code=tm45-zwx9-j732 honeyshake code=j955-k8s5-3wx9 1000 bear bills: base-ball-1000 emby-babv-2008 PEOP-BABW-2008 J94P-WJ64-NX2K W3YH-8B45-527M TK3Z-6V8P-V48L 7LN5-T4B5-44YH Valentine's Day Emotion: Y226-BW25-DX63 Hearts Emotion: QNCX-R625-862CSewing Machine - X9CN-QXF2-Y88Y Playhouse - 23D2-DSCZ-C968 Time To Paws Frame - 368F-K6KM-4V53 Happy Bearthday Frame - 79T5-2N9G-9234 Pawfect Princess Frame - 6S87-223B-78H2 Be Beariffic Frame - 983W-9J9R-3H6Q Pawsome Soccer Figurine - 3347-229F-MP3V Friendship Is A Gift Figurine - 893R-SL9F-3GLC Time To Paws Figurine - HG3R-4266-6R35 Beary Sweet Figurine - BYKL-23CW-ZC62 Bear Ballet - Paint Your Own Figurine - F542-3443-9NJL Bearthday Bear - Paint Your Own Figurine - JBQC-R6K7-W46M Baker's Apron Set: RH7K-4X3W-88MG Be Beariffic snow globe - D822-Z895-KC9W Pawfect Princess snow globe - QCRH-7S42-S24R Happy Bearthday snow globe - MRCC-4FS8-FH6M 100% Pawsome Cheerleader snow globe- QR33-66DY-5XCS Sleigh - 9TWV-9J24-XTDK Snow Globe - WS53-7VJ6-7Y33 Silver & Gold Wrapped Present - 5J48-25N7-96N6 Dreidel - 65YC-JB8S-3C42 Wii Emoticon-87J3-48YH-SPPZ Snow Boots-NGK4-BABV-2008 Purple Diva Outfit-S334-6Q32-6SN5 Purple Diva Outfit-9N84-G72J-YMT6 1000 bearbills-PEOP-BAB2-2008 1000 bearbills-W3YH-8B45-527M 1000 bearbills-7LN5-T4B5-44YH 1000 bearbills-EMBY-BABV-2008 1000 bearbills-J94P-WJ64-NX2K 1000 bearbills-TK3Z-6V8P-V48L 1000 bearbills-PEOP-BABW-2008 1000 bearbills-NGK3-BABV-2008 I Heart BABW Shirt-HGS5-K832-Z5TC Pompoms-3QGG-WM48-35MQ Honey Shake Dance Move-j955-k8s5-3wx9 Cheer Move-TM45-ZWX9-J732 Locker-N2FV-PQ7L-79R3 Valentine's Emoticon-y226-bw25-dx63 Megaphone-JBM4-4YV3-5578 Milk Carton-Milk-Rcks-2008 Corbin Bleu Poster-24T7-5347-CH6G Explorer's Hat-NGKS-BABV-2008 Spotted Cowbell-MILK-RCKS-0808 and remember, some of them are expired so don't say i didnt warn you.

Code to get a bear on babv?

Ther are 2 things you can do the first is you can go to your nearest build a bear workshop and buy a bear and use the codes on the bottom of the birth certificate in the build a bear workshop in build a bearvill. In addition to getting bear bills you'll get 10 bearvill outfitter's credits wich are very hard to get so use them wisely. The second thing you can do is request a welcome pass to build a bearvill, give them your name and full mailling address. When you get it enter the code in the bearvill workshop and choose your on-line bear done! Hope this helps. :) see ya around build a bearvill. Ruthballetslippers4

Any cool cheats for babv?

Yes there are some cool cheats. If you have a stuff for stuff club card you can get unlimited bear bills. Isnt that awesome. i cant tell you how, that you have to find out yourself, but it is way cool. I have gotten over one million bear bills and i am giving them out for free. Way awesome. Please be cool and tell me how to get unlimited bear bills. Sorry but like i said earlier i cant. that would ruin the challenge. Here are some money codes! These give you 1000 bear bills each. PEOP-BABW-2008 J94P-WJ64-NX2K W3YH-8B45-527M TK3Z-6V8P-V48L. Zaggy10

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Where it says Ferry in babv.

How do you delete an animal on babv?

you can't delete an animal on babv

What does babv stand for?

Babv stands for Build-A-Bear Ville or Workshop.

What are the babv codes for rare hats?

there is only one hat code in babv a safari hat here is the code ngks-babv-2008

How do you get cards in babv?

to get babv in build a bear workshop in real life in the store

How do you get the sparkler move in babv?

You can get the sparkler move on a certain day somtime around New Year's on babv

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Where is paws for nature in BABV?

it is in the library

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How do you get in the barn in babv?

you can not but who knows what might happen

What is the pants towel code on babv?

it is 0007474