This feature is apparently designed to help you limit the duration of your calls. You can set it (typically from 0 to 9999 seconds) to disconnect your call automatically. If you weren't finished with your conversation, you'd have to place the call again or call the person back. Perhaps useful if you need to strictly limit your calling time.
No, it doesn't end the battle phase.
It won't end until it ceases to make money. As long as it makes money the call of duty franchise will always be around.
Nothing. Its a prank call :)
Post-nominal title
it depends on your car. But a quick way to figure it out is to call your car dealer and ask him.
Quick - newspaper - ended in 2011.
It has no end .
Auto Union ended in 1964.
Auto Windscreens ended in 2011.
Quick as a Flash ended on 1954-02-25.
Quick on the Draw ended on 1952-12-09.
No you can't play high-end games on high settings, but I think that you can play most of new games in low settings.
Chief Auto Parts ended in 1998.
Detroit Auto Club ended in 1951.
Green Apple Quick Step ended in 1997.
You call it "the end of a stick". There is no technical name for it.