violacne at school id bad nut who ever said it wasn't good it might be good sometimes not all the times but not all the time. im just saying....
A.R.M.S is a Middle School located in Statesville,NC Downtown. The letters A.R.M.S stand for...American Renassance Middle School. The website for the school is (then click on middle school). ***If you have any more questions please ask hottiehillybilly she has all the answers cause she goes to that school.*** Thanks!!!
vacuumabacus, ablaut, acarus, accrue, acetum, acinus, adieus, adieux, adnoun, adytum, aecium, aeneus, afflux, aidful, aimful, airbus, alarum, allium, amylum, animus, antrum, arbour, ardour, armful, armour, artful, asarum, asylum, atrium, aureus, aurous, auteur, avenue, awmous, backup, bagful, barbut, barium, barque, basque, battue, bayous, bedaub, bedbug, bedrug, befoul, belaud, besmut, bestud, bijous, bijoux, bisque, blowup, bonduc, boojum, bosque, boxful, brogue, bugout, bulbul, bulgur, bunkum, bupkus, buyout, byssus, cactus, caecum, caique, callus, calque, campus, canful, cangue, cantus, capful, carful, carpus, casque, catgut, catsup, caucus, census, centum, cercus, cereus, cerium, cerous, cesium, cestus, chabuk, cheque, cherub, chiaus, chirus, chorus, cilium, cinque, circus, cirque, cirrus, cistus, citrus, claque, clavus, clique, cliquy, clonus, cloque, cobnut, coccus, cockup, coitus, coleus, colour, comous, concur, conium, consul, copout, corium, cornua, cornus, corpus, coypus, crinum, crocus, cultus, cundum, cupful, cuprum, curium, cuscus, cutout, cymous, cyprus, dadgum, dengue, detour, devour, devout, dibbuk, dictum, dimout, dingus, dinkum, dirdum, disbud, discus, diseur, dolour, dorbug, dorsum, drogue, dugout, dumdum, dustup, dybbuk, dyvour, earbud, earful, efflux, eggcup, embrue, englut, ensoul, erbium, estrum, estrus, exequy, exodus, eyecup, eyeful, faceup, famous, favour, ferrum, fescue, fichus, fitful, flatus, foetus, foldup, folium, fondue, fondus, frenum, fucous, fundus, fungus, furfur, gallus, gangue, genius, giaour, glomus, gonium, gradus, granum, gweduc, gypsum, hagbut, haikus, hallux, hamaul, hangup, hatful, helium, hiatus, hiccup, hognut, holdup, honour, hookup, hubbub, humbug, hummus, humour, iambus, imbrue, indium, influx, inhaul, inpour, insoul, iodous, ionium, ireful, iterum, jarful, joyful, joyous, jugful, kalium, kanzus, kickup, kombus, kronur, krubut, kudzus, kultur, labium, labour, labrum, langue, langur, lapful, lapsus, larrup, lawful, layout, league, limbus, lineup, lingua, linkup, litmus, lockup, lookup, lupous, luteum, lyceum, magnum, mahout, makeup, mamluk, manful, manque, mantua, maraud, markup, marque, masque, meatus, medium, medius, mentum, miaous, midgut, milium, minium, miscue, miscut, missus, mockup, moghul, morgue, mosque, mucluc, mucous, mudbug, mugful, muggur, mukluk, muktuk, murmur, museum, muumuu, naevus, nairus, nimbus, nodous, obelus, obolus, odious, oidium, oilcup, omasum, opaque, osmium, osmous, ostium, outgun, outjut, output, outrun, padauk, padouk, palpus, panful, pappus, pareus, parous, passus, payout, peanut, peepul, peplum, peplus, perdue, perdus, phylum, pickup, pignus, pignut, pigout, pilaus, pileum, pileup, pileus, pilous, plague, plaguy, plaque, plenum, plexus, podium, poilus, popgun, porous, poseur, possum, potful, poyous, prahus, prebuy, precut, prevue, primus, progun, pullup, pulque, pursue, pushup, putout, qiviut, quipus, quorum, radium, radius, ragout, ramous, recoup, rectum, rectus, redbud, redbug, redout, reflux, regius, reglue, regnum, repour, rescue, rhesus, rictus, rigour, rimous, risque, rotgut, rubout, ruckus, rueful, rufous, rugous, rumour, rumpus, runout, sacbut, sacque, sacrum, sadhus, sagbut, sajous, sambur, sannup, santur, sapour, savour, schlub, scutum, sendup, sensum, septum, serous, setous, setout, shaduf, shamus, shogun, shoyus, shroud, siddur, siglum, sinful, slipup, snafus, sobful, sodium, soleus, sprout, sputum, statue, status, stroud, stylus, subdue, subgum, sulcus, sulfur, tabour, takeup, talcum, tambur, tarsus, teacup, tectum, tedium, telium, tendus, tenour, tergum, thymus, tinful, tissue, tittup, tongue, topful, tophus, torous, torque, tossup, tragus, tryout, tubful, tuchun, tumour, tuneup, turnup, tussur, typhus, ubique, umlaut, unglue, unique, unplug, unshut, unspun, untrue, uraeus, useful, uterus, uveous, vacuum, valgus, valour, vapour, vatful, vellum, velour, vendue, venous, versus, vertus, vigour, villus, vinous, virtue, virtus, viscus, vodoun, vodous, voyeur, vulgus, waeful, walkup, walnut, walrus, wammus, wampum, wampus, wangun, warmup, washup, wikiup, wilful, windup, woeful, workup, xystus, yanqui520 words found.
2-letter wordsae, al, am, an, ar, at, ba, be, bo, ef, el, em, en, er, et, fa, la, lo, ma, me, mo, mu, na, ne, no, nu, oe, of, om, on, or, re, ta, to, um, un, ut3-letter wordsace, act, aft, alb, ale, alt, amu, ane, ant, arb, arc, are, arf, arm, art, ate, bal, bam, ban, bar, bat, bel, ben, bet, boa, boo, bot, bra, bum, bun, bur, but, cab, cam, can, car, cat, cob, col, con, coo, cor, cot, cub, cue, cum, cur, cut, ear, eat, eau, ecu, eft, elf, elm, emu, eon, era, ern, eta, fan, far, fat, fem, fen, fer, fet, feu, flu, fob, foe, fon, for, fou, fro, fub, fun, fur, lab, lac, lam, lar, lat, lea, let, leu, lob, loo, lot, lum, mac, mae, man, mar, mat, mel, men, met, moa, mob, mol, mon, moo, mor, mot, mun, mut, nab, nae, nam, neb, net, nob, nom, noo, nor, not, nub, nut, oaf, oar, oat, obe, oca, oft, ole, one, oot, ora, orb, orc, ore, ort, our, out, ram, ran, rat, reb, rec, ref, rem, ret, rob, roc, roe, rom, rot, rub, rue, rum, run, rut, tab, tae, tam, tan, tao, tar, tau, tea, tel, ten, toe, tom, ton, too, tor, tub, tun, urb, urn, uta4-letter wordsabet, able, abut, acme, acne, acre, aeon, aero, alec, alef, alme, aloe, alto, alum, ambo, amen, ante, arco, arum, atom, aunt, auto, bale, balm, bane, bare, barf, barm, barn, bate, beam, bean, bear, beat, beau, belt, bema, bent, berm, beta, blae, blam, blat, blet, bloc, blot, blue, blur, boar, boat, bola, bole, bolo, bolt, bone, boom, boon, boor, boot, bora, bore, born, bort, bota, bout, brae, bran, brat, bren, broo, brut, bumf, bunt, bura, burl, burn, cafe, calf, calm, came, cane, cant, carb, care, carl, carn, cart, cate, caul, celt, cent, cero, clam, clan, clef, clon, clot, club, clue, coal, coat, coft, cola, cole, colt, coma, comb, come, cone, coof, cool, coon, coot, core, corf, corm, corn, cote, crab, cram, cube, culm, cult, curb, cure, curf, curl, curn, curt, cute, earl, earn, ebon, ecru, elan, enol, etna, euro, face, fact, fame, fane, fano, fare, farl, farm, faro, fate, faun, feal, fear, feat, felt, fern, feta, flab, flam, flan, flat, flea, floc, floe, flub, flue, foal, foam, font, fool, foot, fora, forb, fore, form, fort, foul, four, frae, frat, fret, froe, from, fuel, fume, furl, lace, lamb, lame, lane, late, leaf, lean, lear, left, leno, lent, loaf, loam, loan, lobe, lobo, loca, loco, loft, lone, loof, loom, loon, loot, lore, lorn, lota, lour, lout, lube, luce, luna, lune, lunt, lure, lute, mabe, mace, male, malt, mane, mano, marc, mare, marl, mart, mate, maul, maun, maut, meal, mean, meat, melt, meno, menu, meou, merl, meta, moan, moat, mola, mole, molt, mono, mool, moon, moor, moot, mora, more, morn, mort, mote, moue, mule, muon, mura, mure, mute, nabe, name, narc, near, neat, nema, neum, noel, nolo, noma, nome, norm, nota, note, numb, nurl, oboe, obol, olea, oleo, omen, omer, once, onto, oral, orca, orle, race, raft, rale, rant, rate, rato, real, ream, reft, rent, roam, roan, robe, role, roof, room, root, rota, rote, rotl, roto, roue, rout, rube, rule, rune, runt, tabu, tace, taco, tael, talc, tale, tame, tare, tarn, taro, teal, team, tear, tela, term, tern, toea, tofu, tola, tole, tolu, tomb, tome, tone, tool, toom, toon, tora, torc, tore, torn, toro, tour, tram, tref, true, tuba, tube, tufa, tule, tuna, tune, turf, turn, ulan, ulna, umbo, unbe, unco, unto, urea5-letter wordsabler, aboon, abort, about, acerb, acorn, actor, acute, afoot, afore, afoul, after, album, alert, aloft, alone, aloof, alter, amber, amble, ament, amole, amort, amour, anole, antre, armet, artel, atone, bacon, baler, banco, baron, baton, beano, beaut, beton, blame, blare, blate, blear, bleat, blent, bloat, bloom, bluer, bluet, blume, blunt, blurt, boart, bolar, boner, boral, borne, boron, botel, boule, bourn, brace, bract, brant, bream, brent, brome, bromo, bronc, broom, brume, brunt, brute, bunco, buran, buret, burnt, buteo, butle, caber, cable, camel, cameo, caner, canoe, canto, caret, carle, carob, carol, carom, carte, cater, celom, cento, ceorl, claro, clean, clear, cleat, cleft, clomb, clone, cloot, clour, clout, coble, cobra, colon, color, comae, comal, combe, combo, comer, comet, comte, conte, conto, cooer, coomb, coral, cornu, cotan, count, court, craft, crane, crate, cream, croft, crone, croon, cruel, cruet, crumb, cuber, culet, curet, cuter, eclat, embar, enact, enorm, enrol, eruct, fable, facer, facet, fanum, farce, farle, fault, fecal, felon, femur, feral, fetal, fetor, feuar, flame, flare, fleam, float, floor, flora, flota, flour, flout, flume, fluor, flute, focal, foram, force, forme, forte, forum, fount, frame, franc, frena, front, fumer, fumet, furan, futon, labor, lacer, lamer, lance, larum, laten, later, leant, learn, leman, lemon, lemur, lento, lobar, locum, loner, loofa, loran, lucre, lumen, lunar, lunet, lutea, macer, macle, macon, macro, manor, mater, meant, melon, menta, metal, metro, molar, molto, monte, moola, morae, moral, morel, moron, motel, motor, moult, mount, mourn, mucor, mucro, mulct, mural, muter, muton, nacre, namer, narco, nerol, noble, notal, noter, notum, oaten, oater, obole, ocean, ocrea, octal, octan, often, ofter, oleum, omber, ombre, orate, ounce, outer, outre, racon, ramet, rance, ratel, react, realm, rebut, recon, recta, recto, recut, reman, renal, roble, robot, roman, romeo, rouen, route, ruble, rumba, rumen, taber, table, taboo, tabor, taler, talon, tamer, taroc, tenor, tolan, toman, tonal, toner, trace, trona, trone, truce, tubae, tubal, tuber, tumor, tuner, turbo, ulcer, ulema, ulnae, ulnar, ultra, umbel, umber, umbra, unarm, unbar, uncle, unlet, unmet, urate, urban, ureal6-letter wordsabloom, acetum, acumen, acuter, almner, almuce, ambler, amount, amulet, antler, antrum, arbute, armful, armlet, artful, atoner, banter, barmen, batmen, beacon, becalm, befool, befoul, bemoan, blamer, boatel, boater, bolero, bolter, boomer, borane, borate, boreal, boucle, bounce, bourne, bouton, bromal, bronco, brulot, brumal, brunet, brutal, bunter, burnet, burton, butane, butler, cablet, cabmen, calmer, camber, camlet, canful, canter, cantle, cantor, carbon, carful, carmen, carnet, cartel, carton, cental, centra, centum, clamor, claret, cloner, coaler, coater, cobalt, cobnut, coelom, colone, colour, colter, column, colure, comate, combat, comber, confab, confer, contra, cooler, coombe, corban, corbel, cormel, cornea, cornel, cornet, cornua, corona, coteau, couter, crambe, crambo, craton, croton, cumber, cuneal, curate, curtal, cutler, earful, eluant, enamor, enroot, entomb, etalon, fabler, factor, falcon, falter, fantom, faucet, fecula, femora, ferbam, ferula, flacon, flambe, flamen, flamer, flaunt, florae, floret, fluent, fluter, foamer, foeman, foetal, foetor, folate, foment, fontal, footer, footle, formal, format, formol, fouler, frenum, fulcra, fulmar, fumble, furane, labour, labret, labrum, lacune, lamber, lament, lancer, lancet, launce, learnt, lector, loafer, loaner, lobate, locate, lofter, loment, looter, lucent, lucern, lumbar, lumber, lunate, macron, macule, manful, mantel, mantle, manure, marble, marcel, maroon, marten, matron, mature, mauler, melton, mental, mentor, merlon, merlot, molten, molter, mooter, morale, mortal, morula, mouton, muleta, nature, nebula, nectar, neural, nobler, normal, numbat, number, oblate, ocelot, octane, ocular, omenta, oracle, ormolu, ornate, outman, outran, racoon, ramble, ratoon, rebato, recant, recoal, recomb, rectal, rectum, reloan, reluct, rental, retool, robalo, romano, rouble, rubace, rubato, rumble, runlet, tabour, talcum, tambur, tanrec, tenour, tolane, tombac, tombal, tooler, torula, toucan, tramel, trance, tumble, turaco, turban, umbrae, umbral, unable, unbear, unbelt, unbolt, uncool, unfelt, unlace, unmoor, unreal, unrobe, unroof, unroot, untame, urbane7-letter wordsabluent, albumen, aleuron, almoner, automen, baneful, baronet, bloater, bloomer, blunter, boatmen, boomlet, borneol, bouncer, bromate, butanol, calumet, careful, cartoon, cembalo, centaur, central, centrum, clamber, clamour, cloture, clouter, clubman, clubmen, clumber, comfort, conform, confute, contour, control, coolant, coranto, corneal, cornual, cornute, cornuto, coronae, coronal, coronel, coronet, coulomb, coulter, counter, courant, courlan, crouton, crumble, curable, enactor, enamour, facture, femoral, flaneur, floater, flounce, flouter, footler, footman, footmen, foramen, foreman, formant, formate, formula, fortune, fraenum, frenula, frontal, frounce, fumbler, functor, funeral, furcate, furnace, lactone, lambent, lambert, leucoma, locater, locator, lomenta, lucarne, moanful, monocle, montero, moonlet, morceau, morulae, mouflon, moulter, mounter, mutable, nebular, nelumbo, neuroma, neutral, noctule, notable, nuclear, numeral, octanol, omental, ortolan, outbeam, outcome, outearn, outface, outrace, rebloom, reboant, recount, refloat, refutal, remount, romance, romaunt, roomful, rubeola, tambour, tearful, tearoom, telamon, temblor, tombola, tonearm, torulae, touraco, tremolo, trouble, trounce, tumbler, tumbrel, tumoral, tunable, turfman, turfmen, umbonal, unbrace, unclear, uncrate, unmoral8-letter wordsalumroot, amelcorn, anteroom, barefoot, beclamor, bluecoat, bootlace, brocatel, calutron, clubfoot, clubroom, clubroot, coenamor, colorant, columnar, combater, conflate, confuter, cornmeal, courante, couranto, ecotonal, emulator, falconer, falconet, flamenco, flameout, flaunter, footrace, formable, formulae, fumarole, mobocrat, monocrat, monofuel, mooncalf, outclomb, outfable, outlearn, outrance, routeman, trombone, turbofan, turnable, umbonate9-letter wordsconformal, countable, formulate, monocular, mountable, mucronate, nucleator11-letter wordscomfortable, conformable13-letter wordsuncomfortable1371 words found.
Armfuls is the plural of armful
He left the department store with an armful of packages. The woman with an armful of bracelets creates her own jewelry.
"The Armful" is a poem by Robert Frost that explores the idea of carrying burdens in life and the choice between keeping to oneself or sharing those burdens with others. The speaker struggles with carrying an armful of bundles and ultimately decides to let them go, highlighting themes of acceptance and relinquishing control.
My sister was holding a handful of dolls ,but I couldn't help my sister because I had to do my homework.
i too an armful of apples
alarm arm charm disarm farm firearm forearm gendarme harm rearm schoolmarm sidearm swarm unarm yardarm
The plural form of "armful" is "armfuls." In English, when forming the plural of a compound noun like "armful," you typically add an "s" to the main noun. In this case, "arm" is the main noun, so you add an "s" to make it plural.
The letters 'lmrauof' unscramble to spell the word forumla.The next possible longest words are armful and formal.
Awful, armful, artful, bagful, boxful, canful, capful, carful, cupful,fitful,hatful,wonderful,painful,cheerful,spiteful,useful
Arming means "supplying with arms and ammunition in preparation for a conflict".
The pesticides used to kill scorpions are probably harmful to anyone. Since a small child with leukemia likely has a suppressed immune system, they would be particularly harmful.