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The apocalypse is the End of Days and the preceding upheaval.

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Q: What is appocalypse?
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What rhymes with appocalypse?

-Tips. -Hips. -Sips. -Chips. -Ships. -Dips. -Lips.

When is the appocalypse?

There are many opinions on this. The closest is 2012. this is a matter of belief, therefore if you believe, it will happen, if you don't believe, it won't.

What does put in a nut shell mean?

It has nothing to do with nuts. it means to summarize something in a short period of time.EX. "in a nutshell, I started the zombie appocalypse."

Where are the horses of the appocalypse in red dead?

I haven't played but i believe they're like normal horses but you can rear them endlessly so they never buck or run our of energy

What do you do when a zombie appocalypse happens?

Well, the apocalypse is one hell of a thing. You should seriously prepare yourself and your surroundings for that event if you want to stand a chance. Months and months of preparation are needed. You need provisions, weapons, transportation, hideouts and most of all knowledge! If you really want to be prepared, you should start early!

What should you do during a zombie appocalypse?

You should stock up on food and water before it happens. Next you need to find a safe area that is bullet proof / zombie proof. Get a trusty vehicle such as S.U.V that goes fast with great suspension. Load up on great weapons such as machine guns, pistols, grenades, and swords / shovels. (For whacking.) Have a small number of people with you in a group that can contribute different and useful things. EX: Doctor, germ killer, preferably someone from the army.GOOD LUCK!! You're gonna need!

Name all the Escape the Fate songs?

10 Miles Wide The appocalypse It's Just Me Situations Bad Blood The Cellar Behind the Mask Choose Your Fate Massacre Issues Zombie Dance Gorgeous Nightmare City of Sin Lost in Darkness World Around Me The Afterlife (G3) We Won't Back Down You Are So Beautiful This War is Ours This War is Mine (Clown Remix) Not Good Enough For Truth or Cliche The Flood Something Ashley And those are the only ones I can think of at the moment. =)

Is zombis real?

is zombies are real?first of all, that's not even a real question. you probably mean ARE Zombies REAL? DUUUH!! But for real, if they are, the zombie appocalypse hasn't happened yet. oooor maybe it has, just the government might be hiding it, and if they aaare we will all find out soon if the virus gets out. then we'll all be doomed and will end up either unlikely survivors (YAAY!!) zombies (gggrrrrrrr! i want brains!!) or dead ( X(( dead!! )but the real chances of the virus is SUUUUUUPER DUUUUPER unlikely!!!!! (but that doent mean it wont happen) {evil laughs}the chances are 1 in 5,000,000,000,097!!!!!! but again anything is popsicle (i mean possible) but lets pray it'll never happen!!!Wouldnt it b scary if you were just chillin watchin a zombie movie n then a real for real zombie ate you!!!!?? oh that would suck..... okay wellba-bye!!!! :D :)))

Is zombies are real?

is zombies are real?first of all, that's not even a real question. you probably mean ARE ZOMBIES REAL? DUUUH!! But for real, if they are, the zombie appocalypse hasn't happened yet. oooor maybe it has, just the government might be hiding it, and if they aaare we will all find out soon if the virus gets out. then we'll all be doomed and will end up either unlikely survivors (YAAY!!) zombies (gggrrrrrrr! i want brains!!) or dead ( X(( dead!! )but the real chances of the virus is SUUUUUUPER DUUUUPER unlikely!!!!! (but that doent mean it wont happen) {evil laughs}the chances are 1 in 5,000,000,000,097!!!!!! but again anything is popsicle (i mean possible) but lets pray it'll never happen!!!Wouldnt it b scary if you were just chillin watchin a zombie movie n then a real for real zombie ate you!!!!?? oh that would suck..... okay wellba-bye!!!! :D :)))

How can you over come your fear of the devil aka Satan?

DO NOT SKIM THIS ANSWER, THIS ANSWER TELLS ABOUT MY REAL EXPERIENCE IN THE WAR AGAINST HIM AND I PROMISE YOU THIS WILL WORK OR YOU CAN SEND ME A MESSAGE AND I WILL FIND YOU SOMETHING THAT WILL WORK (I PROMISE) im a catholic who's belief in the devil is very real and probably greater then satans actuall power. and i had the fear that he or his deamon's were in my room (no not just strolling around but active) and i wouldn't come near my room when night came (i slept on the couch). anyway one day i got tired of not being allowed into my room by some: over confident, weak, selfish, brat ( you'll learn about insulting him soon). so i decided if i could sleep in my room a single night without getting scared i would prevail and banish him. well i had to take 2 days to mentally prepare myself and i found two sights you can see to help at: and at . well when i got to bed i decided not only would i not fear him but also to resist him in any way shape or form (which included the insulting as mentioned above (in my head that is, not outloud) also imagining my kicking his) sure i feared him at first but as the night grew further and further away i felt more and more power. and i beat him. now whenever i go to bed my room seems bigger (not what i expected as a result but who cares) now if i get the feeling that he's back all i think about is the night when i beat him and the words "Satan I banish you from this house" sounds dorky but hey it helps. oh and i strongly suggest writing and remembering this prayer (i didnt make it up its a real prayer and say it outloud even if its quiet) prayer to defeat Satan O divine eternal father in union with thy devine son and the holy spirit through the immaculate heart of Mary. i beseech (or beg) you to destroy the power of thy greatest enemy the evil spirits. cast them into the deepest recesses of hell and chain them there forever. take possesion of thy kingdom which thou hast created and which is rightfully thine. heavenly father grant us the reign of the sacret heart of Jesus and the immaculate heart of Mary. i repeat this prayer out of pure love for thee with every beat of my heart and with every breath i take. amen. p.s. i know the words are spelled right anyway i now have no fear of him and i am hoping that if i am allowed into heaven god will allow me to be in his army (especially for the appocalypse (read the book of revolations))