apocopated words are words that are abbrevated without using punctuation marks.
apocopated words are words that are abbrevated without using punctuation marks.
apocopated words are words that are abbreviated without using punctuation marks.
Apocopated words - to cut the word/shorten the word examples: Gym (for Gymnnasuim) Mic (for Microphone) remember: apocopated words are different with abbreviations. Abbreviations uses a dot ( . ) at the end of the word that is shorten. Ex: Engr. (for Engineer) Dr. (for Doctor) =)
Apocopated words - to cut the word/shorten the word examples: Gym (for Gymnnasuim) Mic (for Microphone) remember: apocopated words are different with abbreviations. Abbreviations uses a dot ( . ) at the end of the word that is shorten. Ex: Engr. (for Engineer) Dr. (for Doctor) =)