con pro via
Another word for dig is excavate.
A word that has another word derived from it is called an Eponym. The two words will usually have different meanings.
Another five-letter word for 'change' is 'alter.'
Poliwag -> Poliwhirl @ Lv.25 Poliwhirl -> Poliwrath via Water Stone OR Poliwhirl -> Politoed via Trade w/ another poliwhirl both holding King's Rocks.
con pro via
A cubic meter is also called a "stere". The word comes from the Greek via the French for "solid"
An afterburden is another word for an afterburthen - the placenta and other materials expelled via the birth canal following childbirth.
The Latin word via means a road, or a way (an unpaved track or footpath).
The Latin word "via" means "by way of","by means of" or "through the medium or agency of".
The answer is le strade (the streets). The singular is la strada. Another good word is la via, which means the way, as in The Appian Way.
The Latin word "via" means "by way of","by means of" or "through the medium or agency of".
The Latin word for way is via
The latin word for road is vía.
The process by which information is transmitted from one point to another, when the keyword is "via," is known as routing.
Origin:1770-80; < L viā, abl. of via way