slaved, made an effort, "killed himself" to get it right, going out of her way to succeed, toiled, strived
To say one thing and mean another is sarcasm.
Go to your dashboard and put your disk in and it will say install to harddrive. Its very easy to find but hard to explain u'll find it. Trust me.
You must not have looked very hard.
Its hard to say -.-
Hard to say, neither has a obvious type advantage.
I am a hard worker If you are speaking on behalf of your specific job you could say : I am an skilled/responsible/reliable/passionate contributor to....(whatever you do) * I worked my butt off -or- (more vulgar) I worked my ass off. * I worked my fingers to the bone. * I worked like crazy. * I worked like a horse ( or a mule). * I slaved over this. * I toiled day and night.
Synonyms:not simple or it's very challenging Antonyms:easy or very simple or not challenging
"worked" here is an intransitive verb, because it has no direct object. The sentence does not say what was worked by Luis. In the sentence, "Luis worked the problem very quickly.", worked is transitive because it has a direct object, the problem was worked.
worked directly with
Trabaje mucho en el.
* You tell the student 'good luck on your future endeavors and I hope everything goes well for you as you've worked very hard.'
A guy loves it when you first meet him and say ,"I love you". He will not get creeped out. Trust me I tested it 10 times! IT worked!
hate is a very strong word so its hard to say somebody could hate another unless there is a valid reason
A 'Donkey' is a four legged horse like animal. They can sometimes be named as 'mules' or 'asses'. In the Americas sometimes as 'burros'. They are very hard working animals, but can be very 'mule headed'.
We say we are "all in" when we feel very tired, usually after a long day or after having worked very hard. All in means being completely committed to a particular outcome, or to finding a solution to a particular problem.
Wonderful! You can do it! That is super! You did great! I can see how hard you worked!
accomplish, achieve, complete