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Q: What is an ourworld gem code for 400 gems?
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How do you get gems in OurWorld for free?

If you install the ourWorld tool bar every Monday there is a new gem code on the toolbar. To enter the code you must go to the settings menu which is on the right hand side at the top of the ourworld site page. Then it will ask you for a coupon. You can also go to the 'How to get gems' menu which is next to the settings menu and it'll give you other ways to get free gems! Hope it works out! you have to find the gem code.

Are there any gem codes in ourworld worth 90 gems?

there is not

Are there any ourworld gems codes that are worth more than 20 gems?

No,there are no gem codes worth more than 20 gems yet. There was but I dont think they will be some now. If it will and you wonder what is it, go to and you might find it! Good luck! The 50 gem code was a fake by the way, LastCookie made it up!!! Hope I helped ;) There is a crew you can join who do contests. YOU CAN WIN 600 GEMS! Join and get gift, prizes, gems, and more! :)

How can you hack gems on ourworld?

You can't "hack" gems, per say. You can, however, use the monthly gem code to get gems. You can get this code by going to the "User Settings" section in the top right hand corner of the screen, and going to the "Send me the monthly newsletter" option. You will then be emailed a monthly code, which is sent out, well, every month! Hope this helps.

Real free gem codes from ourworld that work?

there are tons there are about 184 gem codes check on google and and read them and you get some gem codes remember find FREE gems there :D

Related questions

What is a gem code for ourworld 400 gems for 2012?

there is one...YET. Just do the Get free gems things and do all of them and u will get more than 400 gmes.

What is an ourworld gem code for 500 gems?

Now, because of the Ourworld changes, you have to download the toolbar and find out the gem code from there, the code only works if you load ourworld from the Link on the toolbar.Credit:

What do you do after you have the gem code on a game called Ourworld?

Type it in the coupopn code and you will get 10 gems

July Codes for 50 gems on ourworld?

well you cant really get 50 gems from a gem code

How do you get free gems in ourworld?

you do the gem code (if you kno any) and type it in in the settings

What is the gem code for 50 gems on ourworld?

There are no 50 Gem Codes in circulation for now. At one point, there were 30 Gem Codes that were quickly shut down. Just use 10 Gem Weekly Codes, or buy some gems to get 50! A good site to get codes from is:

Where you can get gems codes on ourworld?

You have to download the toolbar to get the gem go when you do the numbers and letters will be on it.After you do that go to gem code in the game and type your code and then u have gems.

Gem code for February on ourworld?

January's gem code isF130BADCF48BB937 i gives 10 gems hurry bye

Is there a Gem code for 20 gems on ourworld?

Yes, go on and you will find lots of things!!!!!!XD

What Our World Codes have?

Ourworld codes have 10 or more gems. you can get a lot of code from this site even it got 20 gems code and more check it out it helped me to get more gems

How do you get gems in OurWorld for free?

If you install the ourWorld tool bar every Monday there is a new gem code on the toolbar. To enter the code you must go to the settings menu which is on the right hand side at the top of the ourworld site page. Then it will ask you for a coupon. You can also go to the 'How to get gems' menu which is next to the settings menu and it'll give you other ways to get free gems! Hope it works out! you have to find the gem code.

How do you get gems from the ourworld gem code?

The gem code is exactly what it is said to be... it is a code that gives you gems so when you plug in the gem code it automatically gives you the number of gems that the code is required to give you, but you can only use the code once. if you haven't played ourworld yet use the link below another way is to refferal people or get a code for them to sign up on from your settings example :