NPC stands for Non-Player Character. Which is self explanatory, a character who is not the player.
NPC means Non-Playable Character :)
Target the NPC and hit the "H" key to hail it.
The npc's can't open gates, but can open doors.
You cannot. You can wait for the flat to naturally elevate as the server cycles otherwise the NPC is based on the level of flat you obtain it as... Flat 1 = NPC 1 Flat level 10 = NPC 10 so on...
an npc Pokemon is a Non-Playable-Charecter. if your realy stupid, a Pokemon that you cant use.
No. The Adoring Fan is the only NPC that respawns. If you kill an NPC, they are gone for good.
There are none, NPC Drop only
punch the npc until he or she gives it back.
Black Soul Gems are the only soul gems that can trap the soul of an NPC, including all ten playable races, and NPC daedra such as Dremora, and Shivering Isles' Aureals and Mazken.
No, there is not. Feeding on them will not turn people into vampires.
most enchanted items, in this case the neclace of swords, that you will find in oblivion are random loot meaning that there is no set location generally random items like that are usually found in containers in dungeons and on npc's such as bandits, marauders, necromancers, and conjurers
The player is recruited by Lucien Lachance.If the player murders an innocent NPC, he will will appear after the player next goes to sleep in the game.
I would obviously say the protagonist, but seeing as how they aren't among the NPC's, I don't think they count. I would say the Ultimate character is Baurus because of his loyalty and bravery.
NPC stands for what
Shivering Isles has all the races from regular Oblivion. As well as this, Golden Saints (Aurials) and Dark Seducers (Mazken) are new NPC races, as well as Sheogorath, who is a daedric prince.
Yes, some NPC's can. If you look at the bottom of the talk screen (Where there is an X to stop conversation or a trade sign for merchants) there will be a hammer. Click on the hammer and then you can repair stuff. It'll cost you though
Umbra can be found in the Vindasel dungeon located southwest of the city of Skingrad in the game "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion". She is a powerful warrior and a unique NPC that players can encounter and potentially defeat in combat.