An auto-fighter sounds like a bot you can use to train combat for yourself
Chat with our AI personalities
No u cant
Use autos at your own risk Plus, you're violating the rules of Runescape.
106xz162V2JN63VWA2 This is kMiner so send Auto Fighter Pro auth code to
Ha. Well actually, Jagex does not in anyway support or own websites like those. They find them to be unfair. Chances are it was hacked by a personal party. I might advise playing fairly, and not relying on computers to play for you. ~Peard
There is only ONE good, safe and fun autobot for Rune Scape - EpicBot. It mimicks human actions, like - it eats food when low, it can bank or withdraw items, it even has breaks like a human would. It includes many autobots - here are a few: AutoFighter AutoFisher AutoThiever AutoChopper AutoCooker AutoFletcher + more!
All the bots that you can use so far are: a woodcutter, firemaker, air crafter, cooker, flether, ivy chopper, smither, cowhide canner, a pure essence miner, a flax spinner, a theif, killer of chickens, killer of yaks, autofighter (you can choose what it fights), a flax picker, a jewelry crafter, an agility leveler, a ranger, and an iron miner. If you are using a bot in-game, there is a 5% chance of getting caught and banned from the game via IP Address. These bans usually last forever. 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