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An arene is an aromatic hydrocarbon. An aromatic hydrocarbon contains one or more six carbon rings. For example: benzene C6H6

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An arenation is a form of therapeutic bathing in hot sand.

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An arenization is the formation of sand by the weather of granite or similar coarse-grained rock.

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addiction addictive addooming adducting adduction adductive ademption adenosine adiposity adjective adjoining adjudging adjusting adjustive admission admissive admitting adobelike adonising adonizing adoration adreading adsorbing adularias adulating adulation adultlike advancing advecting advection advective adventive adverbial adversity adverting advertise advertize adwarding adynamias aeolipile aequorins aerialist aeriality aerifying aerofoils aesculins affearing affecting affection affective affeering affirming afflation affluxion afforcing affording affraying aforetime afterlife aftertime agaceries agatising agatizing agenesias agenising agenizing agentries aggracing aggrading aggrating agilities agitating agitation agitative aglossias agnostics agonising agonizing agraphias agrestial agrypnias airmobile airstrike airstrips akinesias alabamine alaruming alastrims albertite albespine albinoism albizzias albricias alchemies alchemise alchemist alchemize alchymies alfaquins algaecide 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anglifies anhydride anhydrite aniconism aniconist anilities animacies animalian animalier animalise animalism animalist animality animalize animatics animating animation animatism animatist animosity annealing annualise annualize annuities annulling anodising anodizing anointing anomalies anonymise anonymity anonymize anoopsias anoretics anorexias anorexics anorexies anorthite anoxemias answering antalgics anthelion antheming anthemion antherids anthodium anthurium antiaging antialien antiarins anticking anticline anticling anticrime antielite antinoise antipyics antiquing antiquity antiscian antistick antiunion antiwhite anvilling anxieties anybodies aperitifs aperitive apetalies aphrodite aphyllies apimanias apogamies apologiae apologias apologies apologise apologist apologize apositias appairing appalling appealing appearing appeasing appending apportion apprising apprizing approving appulsive apriorism apriorist apriority apronlike apyrexias aquariist arabicise arabicize arability arabising arabizing arachnids aragonite arbitrium arccosine archeries archiving archivist arcuation ardencies areaching arecoline arenation argentine argentite argillite argufying aridities armchairs armistice armouries armouring arointing aromatics aromatise aromatize aroynting arpeggios arranging arreeding arresting arrestive arrowlike articling arythmias asafetida asbestine ascending ascension ascensive asclepiad asclepias ascribing ashlaring ashlering ashramite asininity askancing askanting aspecting aspergill asperging aspermias aspersing aspersion aspersive asphyxial asphyxias asphyxies asplenium asporting assagaied assailing assarting assassins assegaied assenting assentive asserting assertion assertive assessing assiduity assieging assigning assisting assistive assoiling assorting assortive assotting assuaging assuasive asswaging astarting asteroids asterting asthenias asthenics asthenies astigmias astonying astunning atacamite ataraxias ataraxics ataraxies atheising atheizing 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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2471 words with the pattern A--------. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter A. 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abscesses abscinded abscising abscisins abscissae abscissas abscisses abscissin absconded absconder abseiling absentees absenters absenting absinthes absoluter absolutes absolvent absolvers absolving absorbant absorbate absorbent absorbers absorbing abstained abstainer absterged absterges abstinent abstracts abstricts abstruser absurdest absurdism absurdist absurdity abuilding abundance abundancy abusively abutilons abutments abysmally academias academics academies academism academist acalculia acalephae acalephan acalephes acanthine acanthins acanthoid acanthous acarboses acariases acariasis acaricide acaridans acaridean acaridian acarology accedence accending accension accenting accentors accentual acceptant acceptees accepters accepting acceptive acceptors accessary accessing accession accessory accidence accidents accinging accipiter acclaimed acclaimer acclimate acclivity acclivous accloying accoasted accoladed accolades accompany accompted accoraged accorages accordant accorders according accordion accosting accounted accourage accourted accouters accoutred accoutres accredits accreting accretion accretive accrewing accroides accruable accumbent accursing accusable accusably accusants accustoms aceldamas acellular acephalic acerbated acerbates acervulus acescence acescency acescents acetabula acetamide acetamids acetified acetifier acetifies acetoxyls acetylate acetylene acetylide achaenium achalasia acheniums achievers achieving achilleas achimenes achromats achromous aciculate aciculums acidemias acidfreak acidheads acidified acidifier acidifies acidities acidophil acidulate acidulent acidulous acidurias acierages acierated acierates aciniform acknowing acoluthic aconitine aconitums acosmisms acosmists acouchies acoustics acquaints acquiesce acquights acquirals acquirees acquirers acquiring acquiting acquittal acquitted acquitter acridines acridness acritarch acritical acrobatic acrodonts acrodrome acrogenic acrolects acroleins acroliths acronical acronycal acronymic acropetal acrophobe acrophony acropolis acrosomal acrosomes acrospire acrostics acroteria acrotisms acrylates actinally actinians actinides actinisms actiniums actinoids actinopod actioners actioning actionist activated activates activator activised activises activisms activists activized activizes actresses actualise actualist actualite actuality actualize actuarial actuaries actuating actuation actuators aculeated acuminate acuminous acupoints acutances acuteness acyclovir acylating acylation adamances adamantly adamsites adaptable adaptions adaptogen addeeming addendums adderwort addicting addiction addictive additions additives addlement addooming addressed addressee addresser addresses addressor adducible adducting adduction adductive adductors ademption adenoidal adenomata adenosine adeptness adessives adherable adherence adherends adherents adhesions adhesives adhibited adhocracy adiabatic adiaphora adipocere adipocyte adiposity adjacence adjacency adjacents adjective adjoining adjourned adjudging adjunctly adjusters adjusting adjustive adjustors adjutages adjutancy adjutants adjuvancy adjuvants admeasure adminicle admirable admirably admiralty admirance admission admissive admittees admitters admitting admixture admonitor adnascent adnations adnominal adobelike adonising adonizing adoptable adoptions adoptious adoration adoringly adornment adpressed adpresses adreading adrenalin adrenally adroitest adscripts adsorbate adsorbent adsorbers adsorbing adularias adulating adulation adulators adulatory adulterer adulthood adultlike adultness adultress adumbrate aduncated advancers advancing advantage advecting advection advective adventive adventure adverbial adversary adversely adversest adversity advertent adverting advertise advertize adviceful advisable advisably advisedly advisings advocaats advocated advocates advocator advoutrer advowsons adwarding adynamias aedicules aegirines aegirites aeglogues aegrotats aeolipile aeolipyle aepyornis aequorins aerations aerialist aeriality aerifying aerobatic aerobiont aerobombs aerobrake aerobuses aerodarts aerodrome aeroducts aerodynes aerofoils aerograms aerograph aerolites aeroliths aerolitic aerologic aeromancy aerometer aerometry aeromotor aeronauts aeronomer aeronomic aeropause aerophagy aerophobe aerophone aerophore aerophyte aeroplane aeropulse aeroscope aeroshell aerospace aerostats aerotaxes aerotaxis aerotones aerotrain aesculins aestheses aesthesia aesthesis aesthetes aesthetic aestivate aethereal aetiology affearing affecters affecting affection affective affeering afferents affianced affiances affidavit affiliate affirmant affirmers affirming affixable affixment affixture afflation afflicted afflicter affluence affluency affluents affluenza affluxion affoorded afforcing affording afforests affrapped affrayers affraying affrended affricate affrights affronted affrontee affusions aflatoxin aforehand aforesaid aforetime afterbody aftercare afterclap afterdamp afterdeck aftereyed aftereyes aftergame afterglow afterheat afterings afterlife aftermath aftermost afternoon afterpain afterpeak aftershow aftersuns aftertime afterward afterword agaceries agalactia agallochs agalwoods agamogony agateware agatising agatizing agelastic agelessly agenesias agenising agenizing agentings agentival agentives agentries ageratums aggracing aggrading aggrating aggravate aggregate aggressed aggresses aggressor aggrieved aggrieves agileness agilities agiotages agistment agitating agitation agitative agitators agitprops aglossate aglossias aglycones agnathans agnathous agnatical agnations agnominal agnostics agonising agonistes agonistic agonizing agraphias agrarians agreeable agreeably agreement agrements agrestial agriology agrodolce agrologic agronomic agrypnias agterskot aguacates agueweeds ahistoric ahungered ahuruhuru aigrettes aiguilles ailanthic ailanthus aimlessly airbricks airbursts airbusses airchecks airdromes airfields airframes airgraphs airheaded airlifted airliners airmailed airmobile airplanes airpowers airproofs airscapes airscrews airshafts airspaces airspeeds airstream airstrike airstrips airworthy aisleless aisleways aitchbone akaryotes akaryotic akathisia akinesias akoluthos alabamine alabaster alachlors alackaday alaiments alalagmoi alalagmos alarmable alarmedly alarmisms alarmists alaruming alastrims albacores albarelli albarello albatross albertite albescent albespine albespyne albicores albinisms albinoism albinotic albitical albitised albitises albitized albitizes albizzias albricias albumoses alburnous alburnums albuterol alcahests alcarraza alchemies alchemise alchemist alchemize alchymies alcoholic alcolocks aldehydes aldehydic aldicarbs aldolases aldoximes aleatoric alecithal alectryon alehouses alembroth alertness aleurones aleuronic alewashed alexander alfaquins alfereces alfilaria alfileria algaecide algarobas algarroba algarrobo algebraic algerines algicidal algicides algidness alginates algometer algometry algorisms algorithm alguacils alguazils aliasings alicyclic alienable alienages alienated alienates alienator alienisms alienists alienness aligartas alighting alignment alikeness alimental alimented alimonied alimonies alinement aliphatic aliteracy aliterate aliveness alizarine alizarins alkahests alkalised alkaliser alkalises alkalized alkalizer alkalizes alkaloids alkaloses alkalosis alkalotic alkannins alkoxides alkylated alkylates allanites allantoic allantoid allantoin allantois allatives allayings allayment allcomers alledging allegedly allegging allegiant allegoric allelisms alleluiah alleluias allemande allenarly allergens allergics allergies allergins allergist allerions allethrin alleviant alleviate alleycats alleyways alliances allicholy alligarta alligated alligates alligator allnesses allocable allocarpy allocated allocates allocator allodiums allogenic allograft allograph allomeric allometry allomones allomorph allopaths allopathy allopatry allophane allophone alloplasm allosaurs allostery allotment allotrope allotropy allottees allotters allottery allotting allotypes allotypic allowable allowably allowance allowedly allozymes allspices allusions alluvials alluvions alluviums almagests almanacks almandine almandite almonries almsgiver almshouse almswoman almswomen alocasias aloneness alongside aloofness alopecias alopecoid alpargata alpenglow alpenhorn alphabets alphasort alpinisms alpinists altarages altarwise alterable alterably alterants altercate alternant alternate alternats altigraph altimeter altimetry altiplano altissimo altitudes altricial altruisms altruists aluminate aluminise aluminium aluminize aluminous aluminums alumroots alumstone alvearies alveolars alveolate amadavats amandines amanitins amaranths amarantin amarelles amarettos amaryllid amaryllis amassable amassment amatively amatorial amatorian amauroses amaurosis amaurotic amazement amazingly amazonian amazonite ambagious ambassage ambassies ambatches ambergris amberinas amberites amberjack amberoids ambiances ambiences ambiguity ambiguous ambipolar ambitions ambitious ambiverts amblyopia amblyopic ambrosial ambrosian ambrosias ambrotype ambulacra ambulance ambulants ambulated ambulates ambulator ambulette ambuscade ambuscado ambushers ambushing amebiases amebiasis amebocyte ameerates amelcorns amenaging amenaunce amendable amendment amenities americium amethysts ametropia ametropic amianthus amidogens amidships aminities amissible amitroles ammocetes ammocoete ammonates ammoniacs ammoniate ammonical ammonites ammonitic ammoniums ammonoids amnesiacs amnestied amnesties amniotomy amoebaean amoralism amoralist amorality amorances amorettos amoristic amornings amorosity amorously amorphism amorphous amortised amortises amortized amortizes amounting amourette ampassies amperages ampersand amperzand amphibian amphibole amphiboly amphigory amphioxus amphipath amphipods ampholyte ampleness amplidyne amplified amplifier amplifies amplitude amplosome ampullary amputated amputates amputator amsinckia amuseable amusement amusettes amusingly amygdalae amygdalas amygdales amygdalin amygdules amylogens amyloidal amylopsin amyotonia anabaenas anabantid anabioses anabiosis anabiotic anabolism anabolite anabranch anacharis anaclinal anaclises anaclisis anaclitic anacondas anacruses anacrusis anaerobes anaerobia anaerobic anaglyphs anaglyphy anagogies analcimes analcimic analcites analectic analemmas analeptic analgesia analgesic analgetic analities analogies analogise analogism analogist analogize analogons analogous analogues analysand analysers analysing analytics analyzers analyzing anamneses anamnesis anamniote anandrous ananthous anapaests anapestic anaphases anaphasic anaphoral anaphoras anaphoric anaplasia anaplasty anaptyxes anaptyxis anarchial anarchies anarchise anarchism anarchist anarchize anarthria anarthric anasarcas anastases anastasis anastatic anathemas anatomies anatomise anatomist anatomize anatoxins ancestors ancestral anchorage anchoress anchorets anchoring anchorite anchorman anchormen anchoveta anchovies anchusins anchylose ancienter anciently ancientry ancillary ancipital ancresses andantini andantino andesines andesites andesitic andesytes andouille andradite androecia androgens androgyne androgyny andrology andromeda anecdotal anecdotes anecdotic anecdyses anecdysis anelastic anemogram anemology anestrous anetholes aneuploid aneurisms aneurysms angashore angekkoks angelfish angelhood angelical angelicas angeluses angerless angiogram angiology angiomata angklungs angledugs anglepods anglesite anglewise angleworm anglicise anglicism anglicist anglicize anglified anglifies anglophil angophora angostura angriness angstiest angstroms anguiform anguipede anguished anguishes angularly angulated angulates anhedonia anhedonic anhungred anhydrase anhydride anhydrite anhydrous aniconism aniconist anidroses anidrosis anilingus anilities animacies animalian animalier animalise animalism animalist animality animalize animately animaters animatics animating animation animatism animatist animators animistic animosity anisettes anisogamy ankerites anklebone ankylosed ankyloses ankylosis ankylotic annalised annalises annalists annalized annalizes annealers annealing annectent annelidan annexable annexions annexment annexures annotated annotates annotator announced announcer announces annoyance annualise annualize annuitant annuities annularly annulated annulates annulling annulment annuluses anodising anodizing anodontia anoestrum anoestrus anointers anointing anomalies anomalous anonymise anonymity anonymize anonymous anoopsias anopheles anorectal anorectic anoretics anorexias anorexics anorexies anorthite anosmatic anovulant anoxaemia anoxaemic anoxemias anserines answerers answering antalgics antalkali antarctic anteaters anteceded antecedes antechoir antedated antedates antefixae antefixal antefixes antelopes antelucan antenatal antennary antennule antepasts anterooms antetypes anteverts anthelion antheming anthemion antherids anthocarp anthocyan anthodium anthology anthotaxy anthozoan anthozoic anthraces anthracic anthraxes anthropic anthurium antiabuse antiaging antialien antiarins antiarmor antiatoms antiauxin antiblack antibuser antically antichlor anticised anticises anticivic anticized anticizes anticking anticline anticling anticodon anticrack anticrime anticults antidotal antidoted antidotes antidraft antidunes antielite antifraud antigenes antigenic antiglare antigraft antihelix antihuman antikings antiknock antilabor antilifer antimacho antimasks antimeres antimeric antimonic antimonyl antimuons antimusic antimycin antinodal antinodes antinoise antinomes antinomic antinovel antinuker antinukes antipapal antiparty antipasti antipasto antipathy antiphons antiphony antipodal antipodes antipolar antipoles antipopes antipress antipyics antiquark antiquary antiquate antiquely antiquers antiquing antiquity antiradar antiroyal antirusts antiscian antisense antiserum antishark antishock antisleep antismoke antisnobs antisolar antispast antistate antistats antistick antistory antistyle antitheft antithets antitoxic antitoxin antitrade antitragi antitrust antitumor antitypal antitypes antitypic antiulcer antiunion antiurban antivenin antivenom antiviral antivirus antiwhite antiwoman antiworld antonymic antsiness antwackie anucleate anvilling anviltops anxieties anxiously anybodies anythings anywheres apartheid apartment apartness apathaton apathetic apatosaur aperients aperiodic aperitifs aperitive apertness apertural apertured apertures apetalies apetalous aphanites aphanitic aphasiacs aphelions aphereses apheresis apheretic aphetised aphetises aphetized aphetizes aphicides aphidians aphidious apholates aphorised aphoriser aphorises aphorisms aphorists aphorized aphorizer aphorizes aphrodite aphyllies aphyllous apiaceous apiarians apiarists apiculate apimanias apishness apivorous aplanatic aplanetic aplustres apneustic apocopate apocrypha apodictic apoenzyme apogamies apogamous apographs apologiae apologias apologies apologise apologist apologize apologues apomictic apophases apophasis apophatic apophyges apophyses apophysis apoplasts apoplexed apoplexes apoptoses apoptosis apoptotic apositias aposporic apostates apostatic apostille apostolic apotheces apothecia apothegms appairing appalling appaloosa appanaged appanages apparatus appareled apparency apparents apparitor appeached appeaches appealers appealing appearers appearing appeasers appeasing appellant appellate appellees appellors appendage appendant appendent appending apperills appertain appestats appetence appetency appetible appetised appetiser appetises appetites appetized appetizer appetizes applauded applauder applauses applecart applejack appliable appliance applicant applicate appliqued appliques appointed appointee appointer appointor apportion apposable appraisal appraised appraisee appraiser appraises apprehend appressed appresses apprisers apprising apprizers apprizing approbate approvals approvers approving appulsive apricated apricates apricocks apriorism apriorist apriority apronfuls apronlike apsarases apsidiole apterisms apteryxes aptitudes aptnesses apyrexias aquabatic aquaboard aquacades aquadrome aquafarms aqualungs aquanauts aquaphobe aquaplane aquaporin aquarelle aquarians aquariist aquarists aquariums aquarobic aquashows aquatinta aquatints aquatones aqueducts aqueously aquilegia arabesque arabicise arabicize arability arabinose arabising arabizing arachises arachnids arachnoid aragonite araneidan arapaimas arapongas arapungas araucaria arbalests arbalists arbelests arbitrage arbitrary arbitrate arbitress arbitrium arblaster arboreous arboretum arborised arborises arborists arborized arborizes arboviral arbovirus arbuscles arbutuses arcadians arcadings arcanists arcatures arccosine archaeans archaical archaised archaiser archaises archaisms archaists archaized archaizer archaizes archangel archducal archduchy archdukes archenemy archeress archeries archetype archfiend archicarp archilowe archimage architect architype archiving archivist archivolt archlutes archology archontic archosaur archrival arcograph arcsecond arctophil arcuately arcuation ardencies arduously areaching arecoline arenation areolated areometer areostyle arethusas argemones argentine argentite argentous argentums argillite arginases arginines argonauts argufiers argufying argumenta arguments argyrites arhatship arhythmia arhythmic aridities arillated arillodes aristotle armadillo armagnacs armaments armatured armatures armchairs armigeral armigeros armillary armistice armlocked armonicas armorials armorists armorless armourers armouries armouring armozeens armozines armyworms arointing aromatase aromatics aromatise aromatize arousable aroynting arpeggios arpillera arracacha arraigned arraigner arrangers arranging arrasenes arrayment arrearage arreeding arrestant arrestees arresters arresting arrestive arrestors arrivance arrivancy arrivisme arriviste arrogance arrogancy arrogated arrogates arrogator arrowhead arrowless arrowlike arrowroot arrowwood arrowworm arseholes arsenates arseniate arsenical arsenides arsenious arsenites arsonists arsonites artefacts artemisia arterials arteriole arteritis arthritic arthritis arthrodia arthropod arthroses arthrosis artichoke articling articular artifacts artificer artifices artillery artisanal artlessly artsiness aruspices arvicoles aryballos arytenoid arythmias asafetida asbestine asbestous ascarides ascendant ascendent ascenders ascendeur ascending ascension ascensive ascertain ascetical ascidians ascidiate ascitical asclepiad asclepias ascocarps ascogonia ascorbate ascospore ascribing asepalous asexually ashamedly ashlaring ashlering ashplants ashramite asininely asininity askancing askanting askewness asmoulder asparagus aspartame aspartate aspecting aspectual asperated asperates aspergers aspergill asperging aspermias aspersers aspersing aspersion aspersive aspersoir aspersors aspersory asphalted asphalter asphaltic asphaltum asphodels asphyxial asphyxias asphyxies aspidioid aspirants aspiratae aspirated aspirates aspirator asplenium asporting assagaied assailant assailers assailing assarting assassins assaulted assaulter assayable assayings assegaais assegaied assembled assembler assembles assenters assenting assentive assentors asserters asserting assertion assertive assertors assertory assessing assessors assetless assevered assiduity assiduous assieging assientos assignats assignees assigners assigning assignors assistant assisters assisting assistive assistors associate assoiling assoilzie assonance assonants assonated assonates assorters assorting assortive assotting assuagers assuaging assuasive assuetude assumable assumably assumedly assumings assumpsit assurable assurance assuredly assurgent asswaging astarting astatides astatines asterisks asterisms asteroids asterting asthenias asthenics asthenies asthmatic astichous astigmias astomatal astonying astounded astrachan astraddle astragali astragals astrakhan astrantia astricted astringed astringer astringes astrocyte astrodome astrofell astrolabe astrology astronaut astronomy astrophel astucious astunning asyllabic asymmetry asymptote asynapses asynapsis asyndetic asyndeton asynergia asystoles asystolic atabrines atacamite atamascos ataractic ataraxias ataraxics ataraxies atavistic atchieved atchieves atemporal atenolols atheising atheistic atheizing athelings athematic athenaeum atheneums atheology atherines atheromas atheteses athetesis athetised athetises athetized athetizes athetoses athetosic athetosis athetotic athletics athrocyte atmolysed atmolyses atmolysis atmolyzed atmolyzes atmometer atmometry atomicity atomisers atomising atomistic atomizers atomizing atonalism atonalist atonality atoneable atonement atonicity atoningly atraments atrazines atrocious atrophias atrophied atrophies atropines atropisms attachers attaching attackers attacking attackman attackmen attainder attainers attaining attainted attasking attempers attempted attempter attendant attendees attenders attending attentats attention attentive attenuant attenuate attercops attestant attesters attesting attestors atticised atticises atticisms atticists atticized atticizes attirings attitudes attolaser attollens attollent attorneys attorning attracted attracter attractor attrahens attrahent attrapped attribute attristed attriting attrition attritive attritted attuiting attuition attuitive aubergine aubretias aubrietas aubrietia auctioned auctorial audacious audibling audiences audiencia audiobook audiogram audiology audiophil audiotape audiphone auditable auditions auditives auditoria auditress augmented augmenter augmentor augurship augustest aularians aulnagers aumailing aunthoods auntliest aureately aureities aurelians aureoling auriculae auricular auriculas aurifying auriscope aurochses aurorally ausformed auslander auspicate austenite austerely austerest austerity australes australis autacoids autarchic autarkies autarkist autecious autecisms auteurism auteurist authentic authoress authorial authoring authorise authorish authorism authority authorize autistics autobahns autobuses autocades autocarps autocidal autoclave autocoids autocracy autocrats autocrime autocrine autocross autocutie autocycle autodynes autoecism autoflare autofocus autogamic autogenic autogiros autograft autograph autoguide autogyros autoharps autoicous autolatry autolysed autolyses autolysin autolysis autolytic autolyzed autolyzes automaker automated automates automatic automaton autometer autonomic autophagy autophoby autophony autophyte autopilot autopista autopoint autopsias autopsied autopsies autopsist autoroute autoscopy autosomal autosomes autospore autotelic autotimer autotomic autotoxic autotoxin autotroph autotunes autotyped autotypes autotypic autunites auxiliars auxiliary auxocytes auxometer auxospore auxotonic auxotroph avadavats available availably avalanche avantists avascular avaunting avengeful aventaile aventails aventring aventures aventurin averagely averaging averments averrable aversions aversives avertable avertedly avertible avianised avianises avianized avianizes aviarists aviations aviatress aviatrice avidities avifaunae avifaunal avifaunas avigators avirulent avisandum avisement avizandum avizefull avocadoes avocation avoidable avoidably avoidance avoisions avouchers avouching avouterer avoutrers avoutries avulsions avuncular awakeners awakening awardable awareness awesomely awestrike awestruck awfullest awfulness awkwarder awkwardly axilemmas axiomatic axletrees axolemmas axoplasms ayahuasca ayahuasco ayatollah ayenbites ayurvedas ayurvedic azedarach azeotrope azeotropy azimuthal azotaemia azotaemic azotemias azotising azotizing azoturias

What words can be made using the letters in Conner James-Lee Zammito?

2 points: aa, ae, ai, al, an, ar, at, ea, ee, el, en, er, et, in, io, it, la, li, lo, na, ne, no, oe, oi, on, oo, or, re, ta, te, ti, to24 points: jazerant, zoometrical23 points: caramelize, economizer, janizar, mamzerim, momzerim, zanjero22 points: amazement, azotaemic, centralizer, economize, encarnalize, jezail, lemmatize, marmalize, marmarize, marmelize, memorizer, mercerize, mezcaline, rejoicement, renormalize, zoomantic, zoometric21 points: actinozoan, anatomizer, azotemic, cajolement, centralize, macarize, mazement, memorize, metazoic, normalizer, racemize, recanalize, recolonize, remonetize, remoralize, zanja20 points: amazonite, anatomize, aromatize, canonizer, cantonize, carnalize, cartelize, colonizer, colorizer, electrize, jeez, matronize, merozoite, monzonite, moralizer, mortalize, narcotize, necrotize, normalize, ozocerite, ranzelman, ranzelmen, zelatrice19 points: amortize, anemometrical, armozeen, armozine, atomizer, azotemia, calorize, canalize, canonize, canzonet, colonize, colorize, commemorate, creolize, ectozoan, eczema, entozoic, enzootic, eternalize, interzonal, intrazonal, jiz, majolica, mamzer, marjoram, mazarine, melanize, metalize, metazoal, metazoan, metazoon, metrazol, mezcal, mezereon, microjet, momzer, monazite, monetize, moralize, motorize, nizamate, romanize, zimmer, zonetime, zoomania18 points: alcorza, atomize, calzone, calzoni, canzona, canzone, canzoni, coalize, commentarial, conjoiner, cozener, crazier, crozier, czarina, ectozoa, interzone, jammier, jemmier, manometrical, matzoon, menazon, metazoa, metronomical, microelement, monometrical, neoterize, nonmetameric, rejection, romanza, zacaton, zamarro, zincate, zooecia, zoolatria17 points: amazon, amerciament, anemometric, annalize, atrazine, azonic, azotic, conjoint, cozier, crozer, ejection, entozoal, entozoan, eternize, injector, jammer, jemima, jerrican, jicama, joncanoe, laterize, mazier, meazel, mezail, nonmajor, notarize, ozonic, realizer, reinject, rejectee, rejecter, rejector, rejoicer, triazole, trizonal, zarnec, zircon, zocalo, zoecia, zoetic, zonation, zoolater, zoonic16 points: amaze, amercement, antijam, azoic, cajoler, ceaze, cloze, colza, conjoin, cooze, cozen, cozie, craze, croze, ejector, entozoa, erotize, jaconet, lazaret, maize, majorat, manometric, matza, matzo, mazer, melomaniac, metronomic, micrometer, micrometre, micromolar, miltz, mirza, mizen, mnemonical, mojarra, monomaniac, monometric, motza, netizen, nizam, nonzero, oneiromancer, ozonate, realize, reeject, rejoice, trizone, tzarina, zaman, zamia, zealant, zelator, zeolite, zinco, ziram, zoarial, zoolite, zoonite, zootier15 points: aeronomical, alteza, ammocoete, ammonical, araeometric, azione, azonal, cajole, calorimeter, cameramen, cojoin, colorimeter, commenter, commentor, comminate, commorant, conjee, conterminal, coze, craniometer, crematorial, czar, ejecta, enjoiner, entrez, enzian, enzone, erotomaniac, immanacle, immanence, incremental, inject, jacare, jacent, jetliner, lazier, macromere, macromole, mammonite, maze, melomanic, metameric, meze, micromere, micromole, microtome, mincemeat, monatomic, monomeric, moze, mozo, mzee, naartjie, nomenclator, nonaromatic, nonmetrical, oozier, ozaena, ramjet, ranzel, reclamation, recremental, reject, rezero, rezone, romaji, ronzer, tarzan, teazel, teazle, tenzon, zanier, zealot, zeatin, zelant, zenana, zinc, zoaeae, zoaria, zoic, zonate, zooeae, zooeal, zooier, zoom, zoonal, zorino14 points: acetonemia, acoelomate, actinomere, aerometric, aizle, ammocete, ammoniac, anemometer, azine, azlon, azole, azote, cajon, cameration, camomile, caz, ceilometer, centromere, ceremonial, clammier, clementine, clinometer, colemanite, commoner, coz, crematoria, eject, electromer, enlacement, iconometer, immanental, immoment, jacal, janitor, jantier, jointer, joltier, jomon, joram, lacrimator, lazar, leaze, lozen, maceration, major, melaconite, mercantile, metromania, microtonal, mileometer, miz, mnemonic, monactinal, montelimar, moz, naartje, nartjie, nazir, necromania, neeze, nertz, noematical, ojime, ozone, racemation, razee, razer, razoo, razor, rearmament, reclaimant, recommit, recreational, rejoneo, romantical, rozet, rozit, teaze, telecamera, teleonomic, toaze, tolarji, tozie, tricameral, trooz, zaire, zante, zlote, zoaea, zoeae, zoeal, zonae, zonal, zoner, zooea, zoril, zorro13 points: aeronomic, ameliorator, ammoniate, ammonic, azan, azon, carmelite, clammer, coalminer, coelenteron, coelomata, coelomate, commata, comment, commere, commote, conominee, contemner, contemnor, cormorant, cornerman, cornermen, correlation, crammer, cremation, crenelation, crimmer, electioneer, enjoin, enterocoele, entrammel, immolator, inclement, incremate, increment, injera, intercooler, intolerance, izar, jailer, jailor, jantee, jarina, jarool, jeelie, jeerer, jennet, jilter, jinnee, joanna, joco, joiner, jolter, jomo, latecomer, laze, lazo, macerater, macerator, macrame, macrami, mammate, mammati, manometer, manticora, manticore, maremma, maremme, marmoreal, marmorean, melanotic, melomania, memoriter, menominee, merocrine, merriment, metameral, metronome, microloan, microtone, milometer, mojo, monactine, monoamine, monocline, monomania, monometer, monotreme, mortarman, mortarmen, naze, nazi, nonatomic, nonmaterial, nonmetric, oncometer, ooze, orzo, raze, recalment, reclaimer, reconnoiter, reconnoitre, recrement, reincarnate, rejoin, remanence, ritz, riza, tajine, tinaja, toze, trammeler, trez, tzar, zati, zeal, zein, zero, zeta, zila, zine, zite, zoea, zona, zone, zoon, zoot, zori12 points: acoemeti, acromial, acromion, acroterial, acroterion, alternance, amelcorn, ameliorant, ameliorate, ammonate, ammonite, amorance, analcime, anatomic, araeometer, armament, armonica, aromatic, atomical, azo, calamine, calamint, calamite, cameleer, cameleon, cameline, cammie, celomata, cementer, cemitare, centerline, centreline, cerement, claimant, clamorer, clinamen, coalmine, coelentera, coenamor, coinmate, colorman, colormen, comelier, commer, commie, commit, common, commot, conational, contrarian, coramine, corelation, cornmeal, creamier, creational, cremator, cremorne, cromorna, cromorne, ectomere, eejit, emaciate, emetical, eminence, emoticon, enantiomer, encomion, enterocele, enterocoel, erotomania, iconolater, immanent, immantle, immolate, immortal, incoronate, intercalar, intercom, interocean, interramal, jam, jarta, jeton, jinne, jirre, jnana, joint, laceration, lez, macaroni, macaroon, macerate, mailroom, mammae, mammal, mammee, mammer, mammet, mammie, mammon, marocain, mealtime, meantime, meconate, melamine, melanoma, meliorator, memorial, metamale, metamere, meteoric, metrical, mimmer, mnemic, mommet, monecian, moniment, monocrat, monomial, monticle, morticer, mortmain, motorcar, motorman, motormen, necrolater, neoterical, ninja, noncrime, nonmarital, nonreactor, octonarian, oratorical, ornamental, ornamenter, racemate, reactional, rearmice, recamier, recement, recreation, reelection, reentrance, reiterance, rejon, relocation, remontoire, renominate, reremice, rez, rioja, riz, romancer, romantic, romcom, roommate, trilemma, zea, zee, zel, zin, zit, zoa, zol, zoo11 points: acromia, acroteria, aerometer, aeronomer, ajar, ajee, aleatoric, alinement, almemar, amercer, ammeter, ammiral, ammonal, ammonia, anaemic, anamniote, ancienter, anorectal, antiarmor, arecoline, areometer, calmant, calmier, camaron, camelia, camelot, camerae, cameral, camorra, cantilena, cantorial, caramel, carmine, carnaroli, carnation, carnelian, caromel, cementa, centenier, centime, centimo, centraler, centriole, ceramal, certainer, cinerator, claimer, clamant, clarionet, clement, climate, cnemial, coalman, coalmen, coelome, coeternal, comital, comma, commo, container, contemn, coomier, coremia, cornelian, correlate, creamer, cremant, cremate, cremona, crenation, crenelate, crotaline, ecarinate, eloinment, emanation, emicant, emicate, emotional, encomia, enrolment, entomic, eriometer, erratical, imamate, immoral, inamorato, incarnate, incomer, interclan, interlace, intermale, interrace, jail, jane, jann, jarl, jato, jean, jeat, jeel, jeer, jeon, jete, jiao, jilt, jinn, join, jole, jolt, jota, lacertian, lacertine, laminator, lancinate, lemmata, limacon, lineament, locoman, locomen, maceral, mailcar, mailman, mailmen, malmier, malonic, maltman, maltmen, mamelon, mamma, manacle, manioca, mantram, mantric, maormor, marcato, marconi, marmite, matrice, meatman, meatmen, meconin, meercat, melanic, melatonin, meliorate, meltemi, memento, menacer, mentioner, mentorial, metamer, metical, minorca, miocene, miracle, molimen, momenta, momento, momma, monocle, monolater, monomer, moorman, moormen, mootman, mootmen, moratoria, mormaor, moronic, morrice, mortice, motoric, nanometer, nanometre, narcoma, narcotine, nectareal, nectarean, nectarial, nectarine, nematic, nemertean, nemertian, nemertine, nominator, noncareer, noncereal, noncoital, nonerotic, nonmortal, nonmotile, nonracial, octennial, oenomania, oenometer, olecranon, omicron, ommatea, raja, rammier, reanimate, reclaim, reclame, reclinate, rectorial, reenactor, relocatee, relocator, remnantal, remontoir, rencontre, renitence, roji, romance, tarriance, telecom, telomic, terricole, tierceron, tolerance, tonemic, tramcar, trammel, trammie, treaclier, trimmer, trommel, za, zo10 points: acierate, acmite, acrolein, actioner, alaiment, ameerate, amerce, amitrole, ammine, ammino, ammono, amorce, amtman, amtrac, analcite, ancome, anconeal, anemic, animater, animator, anomic, anoretic, anteroom, antiacne, antimale, antimere, antinome, arcmin, areolation, armorial, atomic, caeoma, caiman, calami, calima, calmer, camail, camera, camion, camlet, camote, cantonal, careener, careline, careme, carinate, carman, carmen, carotene, carriole, carrom, carrotin, catenane, cement, centiare, centinel, centonel, cermet, cilantro, cinema, cinereal, clamor, clarinet, clartier, cleome, coelom, colinear, colorant, comart, comate, comm, conarial, conation, conima, contline, contrail, contrair, controle, corelate, cormel, cornrent, coronate, coteline, craniate, creatine, creation, cremor, creolian, cretonne, crimen, ecotonal, election, electron, emanator, emeerate, emeritae, emetic, enaction, enameler, enarration, encaenia, encalm, enceinte, encierro, encrinal, entrance, erectile, erection, eremic, eremital, erotical, iceman, icemen, immane, incenter, incentre, income, increate, interrenal, intonaco, iterance, jai, jar, jee, jet, jin, joe, jol, jor, jot, lacerant, lacerate, lactam, laitance, lamantin, lamenter, laminate, lammer, lammie, larcener, lecanora, lemonier, lenience, limmer, limonene, location, lonicera, loricate, macron, maimer, maleic, malice, malonate, maniac, manioc, mannitol, manorial, mantic, maomao, marcel, marinate, marinera, marmot, marooner, marram, material, materiel, maternal, matico, matric, matronal, meemie, melanian, melanite, memoir, menace, mercat, mercer, merman, mermen, merome, metanoia, metric, micate, micron, mincer, minneola, mnemon, moment, monact, moneme, monorail, montaria, montem, morainal, motelier, motional, motioner, motorail, motorial, narceine, naricorn, neotenic, neoteric, nimmer, nincom, nominate, nonactor, noncom, nonelect, nonmetal, nonmetro, nonmoral, noontime, oncome, oomiac, ornament, orometer, raceme, raincoat, raj, ramcat, rammel, rammer, rammle, reaction, realtime, recanter, recenter, recentre, recliner, recoiler, recreant, recreate, rectoral, reliance, relocate, remanent, remotion, rimmer, rolamite, tailrace, taj, tamanoir, tammar, tammie, tarmac, telecine, telomere, terminal, terminer, timoneer, torminal, trainman, trainmen, tramline, tricolor, tricorne, trimaran9 points: acarine, acerate, acerola, acetone, aconite, acroter, actinal, actinon, aerotrain, ailment, alamort, alencon, alicant, alienator, aliment, almoner, aloetic, amarone, amation, amental, amentia, amice, amirate, amman, ammon, amnic, amniote, amorant, amorino, amotion, amreeta, ancient, anconal, anelace, anemone, animate, animato, anoetic, antical, anticar, antiman, arenation, armoire, arteriole, article, calorie, caman, camel, cameo, cannier, cannoli, canteen, cantier, cantina, cantion, cariere, carinae, carinal, cariole, carline, carnier, caroler, carom, carotin, carrion, cartoon, catenae, cateran, caterer, celom, centare, centile, centner, central, ceratin, cerrial, certain, cimar, cineole, cinerea, cirrate, claim, clame, clarain, clarino, clarion, cleaner, clearer, clime, cloam, coalier, coaltar, cointer, colorer, comae, comal, comer, comet, comte, conaria, connate, connote, contain, control, coolant, coontie, coram, coranto, corneae, corneal, cornier, coronae, coronal, coronel, coroner, coronet, cortile, cortina, coterie, crame, cranial, cream, creatin, creator, creme, crenate, crime, crinate, crome, crooner, crotala, ecotone, electee, elector, electro, element, emanant, emanate, emcee, emerita, emetine, eminent, emirate, emmer, emmet, emotion, enactor, enamine, encinal, enemata, enteric, enticer, entrainer, erecter, erector, eremite, ermelin, erotema, eroteme, erotica, erratic, etamine, interloan, ionomer, ironman, ironmen, ja, jo, lactean, lactone, lameter, laminae, laminar, lamiter, larmier, latence, lectern, lection, lemma, licente, limma, lineman, linemen, loamier, locater, locator, lomenta, loricae, lorimer, macer, macle, macon, macro, malam, maleate, malic, maltier, mamee, mamie, manatee, manic, manlier, mannite, manrent, manteel, mariner, marital, marlier, marline, marlite, marrano, martial, martian, matinal, matinee, mealier, meatier, melanin, melic, meltier, mention, meranti, metic, micra, micro, mimeo, mimer, minaret, mince, mineola, mineral, miterer, mneme, molerat, molinet, moneran, moneron, monitor, montane, montero, moonier, moonlet, moonlit, moorier, moraine, morrion, motlier, nacrite, namma, narceen, narcein, narration, nemoral, nomic, nominal, nominee, noncola, noncore, nonmeat, nonrioter, norimon, noticer, oatmeal, ocarina, ocreate, octanol, oenomel, oinomel, omental, omniana, onetime, oratorial, oratorian, orcinol, orienteer, orraman, orramen, racloir, railcar, railman, railmen, raiment, ramenta, rationale, reactor, reamier, recital, reciter, reclean, recline, recolor, recrate, rection, reelect, reelman, reelmen, reenact, reerect, remanet, remanie, remnant, remoter, reremai, reticle, retrace, retrainee, romaine, roomier, tacrine, talcier, tamarin, tearoom, telamon, teleman, telemen, terrace, tiercel, tonearm, toolman, toolmen, tormina, treacle, tremolo, tricorn, trireme, tromino8 points: acater, acetal, acetin, acinar, acme, action, aecial, aeonic, aeration, aerolite, aerotone, airman, airmen, alerce, alienate, almain, almner, alnico, amatol, amelia, amenta, ammo, amnion, amoral, amoret, amrita, ancile, ancone, ancora, anemia, anetic, animal, anlace, annealer, anointer, anomie, anterior, aortic, arcane, arctan, areolate, armlet, arnica, arrect, arterial, atelic, atocia, atonic, calm, cama, came, camo, canier, canine, cannae, cannel, canner, cannie, cannot, canoer, canola, cantal, cantar, canter, cantle, canton, cantor, carate, careen, career, carina, carlin, carlot, carnal, carnet, carnie, caroli, carrat, carrel, carron, carrot, cartel, carter, carton, catalo, catena, cation, catlin, ceiler, cenote, centai, cental, center, centra, centre, cerate, cereal, cerite, ceroon, cetane, cineol, citola, citole, citral, citron, clam, claret, clem, client, cloner, coaita, coaler, coatee, coater, coiler, coiner, coital, colone, coloni, coltan, colter, coma, come, conine, conner, contra, cooler, coolie, coom, coorie, cooter, cootie, corm, cornea, cornel, corner, cornet, corona, corral, correa, corrie, cortin, cram, crania, crater, craton, creant, create, crem, crenel, creole, cretin, criant, crim, crinal, cronet, crotal, croton, earcon, ecarte, eclair, elance, elaterin, elmier, emetin, emic, emma, emoter, enamel, enamor, enatic, encina, encore, enlace, enolic, enrace, entailer, entame, entice, eocene, eolienne, ermine, erotic, etamin, imam, imaret, incant, incent, inerrant, inlace, inmate, inornate, internal, internee, lacier, lament, lamiae, lamina, lancer, lancet, lanneret, lateener, lectin, lector, lentic, lernaean, lictor, limner, locate, loiterer, lomata, lomein, loment, lorica, mace, mailer, maim, mainer, mainor, malate, maline, malm, maloti, mama, manati, manent, manila, manito, manner, manoao, mantel, mantle, mantra, marari, marc, marina, marine, marlin, marm, maroon, marron, martel, marten, martin, matier, matron, mealer, mealie, meaner, meanie, meatal, meeter, melano, melena, melter, melton, meme, memo, meneer, menial, mental, mentee, mentor, merc, merino, merlin, merlon, merlot, meteor, metier, mica, mice, mico, milter, mime, minter, mitral, moaner, moiler, moline, molten, molter, mome, momi, monera, monial, montan, montre, mooner, mooter, morale, moreen, morion, mortal, mortar, motier, motile, motion, national, neanic, nearlier, nectar, neocon, neonatal, nocent, noetic, nomina, nonelite, normal, norman, notarial, notice, notional, ocelot, ocreae, octane, octroi, oilcan, oilman, oilmen, omelet, omenta, omerta, oracle, orcein, orcine, oriental, orienter, orrice, racial, racier, racoon, ramate, rameal, ramona, ramtil, rancel, rancor, rational, ratooner, reamer, reanoint, recane, recant, recent, recite, recoal, recoat, recoil, recoin, rectal, rector, reemit, relace, relation, relearnt, relict, remail, remain, remate, remeet, remelt, remint, remora, remote, rename, reorient, retailer, retailor, retainer, retama, reteam, retime, retinene, retrim, rictal, ritornel, roamer, roemer, romano, roomer, roomie, rotenone, taileron, tamale, tamari, tamein, tamine, tannic, tanrec, tarcel, teamer, teemer, telome, temene, tenace, tenrec, tercel, tercio, termer, termor, tierce, tincal, tinman, tinmen, tomial, toneme, toomer, tracer, tramel, trance, treenail, tremie, tremor, tricar, trimer, trocar7 points: acari, aceta, acorn, actin, acton, actor, aecia, aeolian, aeonian, aerator, ailanto, aileron, aimer, alamo, alanine, alarm, alation, alerion, alerter, alienee, aliener, alienor, alterer, alterne, amain, amate, ameer, amene, ament, amine, amino, amnia, amnio, amole, amort, amrit, ancle, ancon, anima, anime, antic, antliae, antlion, arame, areca, areic, arenite, areolae, areolar, armer, armet, armil, armor, aroma, artic, atelier, atman, cairn, cam, canal, caner, canna, canoe, canon, canto, carat, carer, caret, carle, carol, carta, carte, cater, cento, ceorl, ceria, cerne, cital, citer, claro, clart, clean, clear, cleat, cline, clint, clone, cloot, clote, coala, coate, coati, colin, colon, color, conia, conin, conne, conte, conto, cooee, cooer, coral, corer, coria, corni, corno, cotan, craal, crane, crare, crate, creel, crena, crier, crine, crone, crool, croon, crore, ctene, earlier, eaterie, eclat, elation, elect, elemi, elmen, eloiner, email, emeer, emote, enact, enarm, enation, enema, eniac, enorm, enteral, enterer, enteron, entrail, entrain, erect, erica, etaerio, eternal, etrenne, ictal, ileac, inarm, incle, inerm, inerter, interne, intoner, lacer, lacet, laetare, lamer, lamia, lance, lantern, larnier, latrine, learier, learner, leerier, leman, lemon, lenient, leonine, lernean, liman, limen, linac, lineate, loonier, loric, loriner, lotic, maare, mac, maile, maire, malar, mam, manat, manet, mania, manna, manor, manta, manto, marae, maria, marle, maron, maror, marri, matai, mater, matin, matlo, meane, meant, meare, meint, melee, melon, mem, menta, mento, merel, merer, meril, merit, merle, metal, meter, metol, metre, metro, mic, miler, milor, mim, minae, minar, miner, minor, miter, mitre, moc, moira, moire, molar, molto, mom, monal, moner, monie, monte, moola, mooli, morae, moral, morat, morel, moria, morne, moron, morra, morro, motel, moten, motor, nacre, namer, nance, narco, naric, narrate, neonate, nicer, nicol, niece, nointer, nomen, nomoi, nonce, nonoral, norma, nortena, norteno, ocean, ocrea, octal, octan, olearia, oleic, oncer, oncet, onerier, onliner, ontic, orarian, orarion, oration, orcin, ormer, ornater, ortolan, otarine, racer, racon, ramal, ramee, ramen, ramet, ramie, ramin, rance, ratline, react, realm, realter, realtie, realtor, reame, rearm, recal, recit, recon, recta, recti, recto, reenter, reinter, relater, relator, relearn, reliant, relic, reman, remen, remet, remit, rentier, retem, retinae, retinal, retinol, retiral, retiree, retrain, retrial, ricer, rimae, rimer, romal, roman, romeo, rootier, roric, tacan, taeniae, talma, tamal, tamer, tamin, taraire, taroc, tearier, teenier, telco, teleran, telic, tenoner, terce, ternion, terrain, terrane, terreen, terrene, terrine, tical, timer, timon, toenail, toman, tomia, tonic, toric, trace, trailer, trainee, trainer, trannie, trema, trenail, triac, trice, troelie, tronc, troolie6 points: acai, acer, acne, acre, acta, aerate, aerial, aerier, alanin, alco, alec, aliner, alma, alme, altern, amen, amia, amie, amin, amir, amla, ance, anneal, anoint, antiar, antler, antlia, antral, aortae, aortal, arco, areola, areole, aroint, arrant, artier, atma, atoc, atom, atonal, atoner, atonia, atrial, cain, calo, cane, cann, cant, care, carl, carn, carr, cart, cate, ceil, celt, cent, cere, cero, cert, cete, ciao, ciel, cine, cion, cire, cirl, cite, cito, clan, clat, clon, clot, coal, coat, coil, coin, coir, coit, cola, cole, colt, cone, coni, conn, cool, coon, coot, core, corn, cote, cran, cree, crit, earner, eelier, eerier, elanet, elater, emir, emit, enroot, entail, entera, entire, entoil, entree, eolian, eonian, eric, errant, errata, etalon, eterne, etic, etoile, etrier, icer, icon, inaner, innate, intern, intone, intron, ionone, irater, ironer, irreal, item, lace, laic, lama, lame, lanate, lanner, lariat, larine, lateen, latina, latino, latria, latron, leam, leaner, learnt, leme, lenite, lenten, lentor, lice, lierne, lima, lime, limn, limo, linear, linnet, linter, lionet, loam, loaner, loca, loci, loco, loerie, loiter, loma, lome, loom, loonie, looten, looter, lorate, loriot, lotion, maar, mail, main, mair, mala, male, mali, malt, mana, mane, mani, mano, mara, mare, marl, mart, mate, meal, mean, meat, meer, meet, mein, mela, melt, mene, meno, ment, mere, meri, merl, meta, mete, mien, mile, milo, milt, mina, mine, mino, mint, mire, miro, mite, mm, moai, moan, moat, moer, moil, moit, mola, mole, molt, mona, mono, mooi, mool, moon, moor, moot, mora, more, morn, mort, mote, moti, naam, naiant, nailer, name, narc, narial, narine, nation, natron, nearer, neaten, neater, neem, nema, nemn, nerine, nerite, neroli, nice, noma, nome, nonart, nooner, norite, norm, notion, oarier, octa, oleate, oleine, omen, omer, omit, once, online, oolite, oorali, oorial, oorier, oraria, orator, orca, orient, oriole, ornate, otic, raca, race, railer, rami, ranine, ranter, rateen, ratine, ration, ratlin, ratoon, realer, realia, ream, reearn, reeler, reiter, relata, relate, relent, relier, reline, reloan, renail, rennet, rental, renter, rerail, rerent, retail, retain, retear, retene, retial, retile, retina, retine, retire, retool, retore, retorn, retral, retree, rialto, rice, riem, rima, rime, rioter, roam, roarie, roma, ronion, ronnel, ronnie, room, rooter, rootle, tace, taco, taenia, tailer, tailor, talc, taleae, talion, tame, tanner, tannie, tarnal, team, tearer, teem, teener, teme, tenail, teniae, tenner, term, ternal, terrae, tice, time, tineal, tinner, toco, toeier, toiler, tolane, tome, tomo, tonier, tonner, tooler, toom, toonie, toorie, torana, torc, torero, tram, triene, trim, trinal5 points: aarti, ace, act, aerie, aim, ainee, airer, alane, alant, alate, alert, alien, aline, aloin, alone, altar, alter, ama, ami, anear, anele, anent, anile, anion, annal, annat, anole, antae, antar, antra, antre, aorta, arc, areae, areal, arear, arena, arene, arere, arete, ariel, ariot, arm, arret, artal, artel, atone, atria, caa, can, car, cat, cee, cel, cit, col, con, coo, cor, cot, eaten, eater, eco, eerie, elain, elate, elint, elite, elm, eloin, eme, emo, enate, enlit, enrol, enter, entia, ice, inane, inert, inlet, inner, intel, inter, intra, intro, irate, irone, laari, lac, lam, lanai, laree, laten, later, leant, leare, learn, leear, lenti, lento, leone, liana, liane, liart, linen, liner, lirot, liter, litre, loner, looie, loran, maa, mae, mal, man, mar, mat, mee, mel, men, met, mil, mir, mna, moa, moe, moi, mol, mon, moo, mor, mot, naira, nam, narre, natal, neele, neral, nerol, nim, niter, niton, nitre, nitro, noint, nom, nonet, nooit, noria, notal, noter, oaten, oater, oca, oiler, olein, olent, olm, onion, oom, oorie, orant, orate, orc, oriel, orlon, raile, raine, raita, ram, ranee, raree, ratal, ratan, ratel, rater, ratio, ratoo, realo, reata, reate, rec, relet, relie, relit, rem, renal, renin, renne, rente, reoil, reran, retia, retie, retro, riant, riata, rim, roate, roc, rom, roneo, ronin, ronne, ronte, roral, rorie, rotal, rotan, roton, rotor, taira, talar, talea, taler, talon, tam, tanna, tarre, tec, teene, telae, telia, teloi, tenia, tenne, tenno, tenon, tenor, terai, terne, terra, tiara, tic, tiler, tinea, toc, toile, tolan, tolar, tom, tonal, toner, tonne, toran, trail, train, treen, trial, trier, trine, triol, trior, trona, trone4 points: aeon, aero, aine, airn, airt, alae, alan, alar, alee, alit, aloe, alto, am, anal, anan, anil, anna, anno, anoa, anon, anta, ante, anti, arar, area, aret, aria, aril, arle, arna, arti, eale, earl, earn, eina, eine, elan, em, enol, eoan, eorl, erne, eten, etna, ilea, inro, into, iota, iron, laer, lain, lair, lana, lane, lant, lare, lari, larn, late, lati, lean, lear, leat, leer, leet, leir, leno, lent, lere, liar, lien, lier, line, linn, lino, lint, lion, lira, lire, lite, loan, loin, loir, lone, loon, loor, loot, lore, lorn, lota, lote, loti, loto, ma, me, mi, mo, naan, nail, nain, nala, nana, nane, naoi, nare, neal, near, neat, nene, neon, nete, nine, nirl, nite, noel, noil, noir, nole, nolo, nona, none, noni, noon, nori, nota, note, oint, olea, oleo, olio, om, oner, onie, onto, oont, oral, orle, orra, raia, rail, rain, rait, rale, rana, rani, rant, rare, rata, rate, rato, real, rean, rear, reel, reen, rein, rent, rete, rial, riel, rile, rine, riot, rite, roan, roar, roil, roin, role, rone, ront, roon, root, rore, rort, rota, rote, roti, rotl, roto, taal, tael, tail, tain, tala, tale, tali, tana, tane, tara, tare, tarn, taro, teal, tear, teel, teen, teer, teil, tela, tele, tene, tern, tiar, tier, tile, tine, tire, tirl, tiro, tirr, toea, toil, tola, tole, tone, tool, toon, tora, tore, tori, torn, toro, torr, tree, trie, trin, trio, tron3 points: aal, aia, ail, ain, air, ait, ala, ale, alt, ana, ane, ani, ann, ant, are, art, ate, ean, ear, eat, eel, een, elt, ene, eon, era, ere, ern, err, eta, inn, ion, ire, ita, lar, lat, lea, lee, lei, let, lie, lin, lit, loo, lor, lot, nae, nan, nat, nee, net, nie, nil, nit, non, noo, nor, not, oar, oat, oil, ole, one, ono, oon, oor, oot, ora, ore, ort, rai, ran, rat, ree, rei, ren, reo, ret, ria, rin, rit, roe, roo, rot, tae, tai, tan, tao, tar, tea, tee, tel, ten, tie, til, tin, toe, ton, too, torpoints are points for scrabble on normal squares