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"Allot" comes from an old French word meaning "to divide into lots." It means to give or apportion (something) to someone as a share or task. Your allotted amount is what has been set aside for you.

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Q: What is an allotted amount?
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What is allotted?

Allotment means the action of allotting something or an amount of something allotted to some one.

What is allotted share capital?

Allotted share capital is that amount of shares which are allotted to general public after initial offering for purchase of shares.

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What is an allotted or fixed amount of work?

An allotted or fixed amount of work refers to a specific quantity or set volume of tasks that have been assigned or designated for completion within a certain time frame. This helps in managing workload, setting expectations, and measuring progress or productivity.

What does allotted mean in English?

"Allotted" in English means to assign or distribute something, such as resources, time, or space, for a specific purpose. It implies setting aside a certain amount of something for a particular use or individual.

What is alloted mean?

Allotment means the action of allotting something or an amount of something allotted to some one.

Do SEO companies normally charge by the hour or by the project?

Neither as most charge by the month for an allotted amount of hours. The key difference here is that you'll pay the same even if you don't use all the hours allotted. If your company goes over the allotted amount of hours in your contract, your representative should contact you to give you the option to purchase more hours for that month or to change your contract to allow more hours each month.

What is the meaning of regret letter?

Ø A letter sent to a subscriber for new securities intimating that none of the amount applied for has been allotted to him.

How do you use allotted in a sentence?

We will only allot 3 deals per household. "Allot" is related to the words "allow" and "allocate". Be careful not to confuse it with the soundalike term "a lot" (often misspelled as "alot") which means "many" or "a large number".

What is the difference between retained earnings and reserve?

Retained earnings are current year profit and Reserves are allotted the amount from last year profits as reserves.

What is the past tense of the word allot?

Like allotted? As in, "I allotted too much time to answer this question?"

What is a synonym for allotted?
