Sometimes the snow falls out of the sky
Nobody knows just when or why
Once, when friends were stopping by
We made a snowman, ten feet high
Maybe he'll melt
And maybe he'll fly
Nobody knows but you and I.
This is called an acrostic poem.
Not, none, neither, nor, needle, net, nest, nurse, nickel... You need to link the letter 'N' to the subject of your acrostic.
retirement homes, rides (as in Disney :] ), really hot... or "really" anything i suppose, are you doing an acrostic poem?
During Super Moshi Mission 9 you use the snowman body to give to the snowman head (the snowman is Tomba).
how to make an acrostic poem
That is called an accrostic poem
an acrostic poem for sara can be s is for special a is for awesome r is for really cool a is for active and that is the awesome acrostic poem for sara
An acrostic poem for the word teacher is a poem made to be given to your teacher.
It is an acrostic poem about federalists
an acrostic poem for the wrod weather
yes you can wright a acrostic poem about the respiratory systeam
It's called an acrostic poem.
"Apple" is a word that starts with the letter A for use in an acrostic poem.
acrostic poem for relilience,handsome,helpful,happy,
An example of a poem where the first letter of each line spells out a word is an acrostic poem. In an acrostic poem, the first letter of each line combines to spell out a word, message, or name when read vertically.