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An abjurer is a person who abjures, a person who renounces upon oath, or who causes someone to renounce.

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An abjurement is a renunciation, an act of rejecting something as invalid.

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9y ago

An abjuration is a solemn renunciation or recantation on oath.

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What words have jur in them?

108 words: abjuration abjurations abjure abjured abjurer abjurers abjures abjuring adjuration adjurations adjuratory adjure adjured adjurer adjurers adjures adjuring adjuror adjurors conjuration conjurations conjure conjured conjurer conjurers conjures conjuring conjuror conjurors injure injured injurer injurers injures injuries injuring injurious injuriously injuriousness injuriousnesses injury interjurisdictional jura jural jurally jurant jurants jurat juratory jurats jurel jurels juridic juridical juridically juried juries jurisconsult jurisconsults jurisdiction jurisdictional jurisdictionally jurisdictions jurisprudence jurisprudences jurisprudent jurisprudential jurisprudentially jurisprudents jurist juristic juristically jurists juror jurors jury jurying juryman jurymen noninjury nonjuring nonjuror nonjurors nonjury objurgate objurgated objurgates objurgating objurgation objurgations objurgatory perjure perjured perjurer perjurers perjures perjuries perjuring perjurious perjuriously perjury reinjure reinjured reinjures reinjuries reinjuring reinjury uninjured

Can you get ten words with ten letters?

Ten words of ten letters are:acceptancebeauticiancreativitydictionaryefficiencyfertilizergenerationhorizontalimpatiencejeopardize

What word starts with a y and has a j in it?

There are no English words that meet the criteria. Here are all the English words that contain the letter J. Feel free to look through the list to see if any begin with the letter Y, in case I missed it.2-letter wordsjo3-letter wordshaj, jab, jag, jam, jar, jaw, jay, jee, jet, jeu, jib, jig, jin, job, joe, jog, jot, jow, joy, jug, jun, jus, jut, raj, taj4-letter wordsajar, ajee, djin, dojo, fuji, hadj, haji, hajj, jabs, jack, jade, jagg, jags, jail, jake, jamb, jams, jane, jape, jarl, jars, jato, jauk, jaup, java, jaws, jays, jazz, jean, jeed, jeep, jeer, jees, jeez, jefe, jehu, jell, jeon, jerk, jess, jest, jete, jets, jeux, jiao, jibb, jibe, jibs, jiff, jigs, jill, jilt, jimp, jink, jinn, jins, jinx, jive, jobs, jock, joes, joey, jogs, john, join, joke, joky, jole, jolt, josh, joss, jota, jots, jouk, jowl, jows, joys, juba, jube, judo, juga, jugs, juju, juke, jump, junk, jupe, jura, jury, just, jute, juts, mojo, puja, raja, soja5-letter wordsajiva, ajuga, banjo, bijou, cajon, djinn, djins, dojos, eject, enjoy, fjeld, fjord, fujis, ganja, hadji, hajes, hajis, hajji, jabot, jacal, jacks, jacky, jaded, jades, jager, jaggs, jaggy, jagra, jails, jakes, jalap, jalop, jambe, jambs, janes, janty, japan, japed, japer, japes, jarls, jatos, jauks, jaunt, jaups, javas, jawan, jawed, jazzy, jeans, jebel, jeeps, jeers, jefes, jehad, jehus, jells, jelly, jemmy, jenny, jerid, jerks, jerky, jerry, jesse, jests, jetes, jeton, jetty, jewel, jibbs, jibed, jiber, jibes, jiffs, jiffy, jihad, jills, jilts, jimmy, jimpy, jingo, jinks, jinni, jinns, jived, jiver, jives, jnana, jocko, jocks, joeys, johns, joins, joint, joist, joked, joker, jokes, jokey, joles, jolly, jolts, jolty, jones, joram, jorum, jotas, jotty, joual, jouks, joule, joust, jowar, jowed, jowls, jowly, joyed, jubas, jubes, judas, judge, judos, jugal, jugum, juice, juicy, jujus, juked, jukes, julep, jumbo, jumps, jumpy, junco, junks, junky, junta, junto, jupes, jupon, jural, jurat, jurel, juror, justs, jutes, jutty, kanji, kopje, major, mojos, mujik, ninja, pujah, pujas, rajah, rajas, rajes, rioja, sajou, shoji, slojd, sojas, tajes, thuja6-letter wordsabject, abjure, acajou, adjoin, adjure, adjust, ajivas, ajowan, ajugas, banjos, bijous, bijoux, cajole, cojoin, crojik, deejay, deject, djebel, djinni, djinns, djinny, donjon, ejecta, ejects, enjoin, enjoys, fajita, fanjet, fjelds, fjords, frijol, ganjah, ganjas, hadjee, hadjes, hadjis, hajjes, hajjis, hejira, hijack, inject, injure, injury, inkjet, jabbed, jabber, jabiru, jabots, jacals, jacana, jackal, jacked, jacker, jacket, jading, jadish, jaeger, jagers, jagged, jagger, jagras, jaguar, jailed, jailer, jailor, jalaps, jalops, jalopy, jambed, jambes, jammed, jammer, jangle, japans, japers, japery, japing, jarful, jargon, jarina, jarrah, jarred, jarvey, jasmin, jasper, jassid, jauked, jaunce, jaunts, jaunty, jauped, jawans, jawing, jaygee, jayvee, jazzed, jazzer, jazzes, jebels, jeeing, jeeped, jeered, jeerer, jehads, jejuna, jejune, jelled, jennet, jerboa, jereed, jerids, jerked, jerker, jerkin, jerrid, jersey, jessed, jesses, jested, jester, jetons, jetsam, jetsom, jetted, jetton, jewels, jezail, jibbed, jibber, jibers, jibing, jicama, jigged, jigger, jiggle, jiggly, jigsaw, jihads, jilted, jilter, jiminy, jimper, jimply, jingal, jingko, jingle, jingly, jinked, jinker, jinnee, jinxed, jinxes, jitney, jitter, jivers, jiving, jnanas, jobbed, jobber, jockey, jockos, jocose, jocund, jogged, jogger, joggle, johnny, joined, joiner, joints, joists, jojoba, jokers, jokier, joking, jolted, jolter, jorams, jordan, jorums, joseph, joshed, josher, joshes, josses, jostle, jotted, jotter, jouals, jouked, joules, jounce, jouncy, jousts, jovial, jowars, jowing, jowled, joyful, joying, joyous, joypop, jubbah, jubhah, jubile, judder, judged, judger, judges, judoka, jugate, jugful, jugged, juggle, jugula, jugums, juiced, juicer, juices, jujube, juking, juleps, jumbal, jumble, jumbos, jumped, jumper, juncos, jungle, jungly, junior, junked, junker, junket, junkie, juntas, juntos, jupons, jurant, jurats, jurels, juries, jurist, jurors, justed, juster, justle, justly, jutted, kanjis, kopjes, logjam, majors, masjid, mojoes, moujik, mujiks, musjid, muzjik, ninjas, object, outjut, pajama, projet, pujahs, rajahs, ramjet, reject, rejoin, riojas, sajous, sanjak, sejant, shojis, slojds, svaraj, swaraj, thujas, trijet, unjust, veejay7-letter wordsabjured, abjurer, abjures, acajous, adjoins, adjoint, adjourn, adjudge, adjunct, adjured, adjurer, adjures, adjuror, adjusts, ajowans, alforja, antijam, aparejo, banjoes, basenji, bejesus, bejewel, bluejay, cajaput, cajeput, cajoled, cajoler, cajoles, cajones, cajuput, cojoins, conjoin, conjure, crojiks, deejays, dejecta, dejects, disject, disjoin, djebels, donjons, ejected, ejector, enjoins, enjoyed, enjoyer, fajitas, fanjets, frijole, ganjahs, gjetost, hadjees, harijan, hejiras, hijacks, hijinks, injects, injured, injurer, injures, jabbers, jabbing, jabirus, jacales, jacamar, jacanas, jacinth, jackals, jackass, jackdaw, jackers, jackets, jackies, jacking, jackleg, jackpot, jacobin, jacobus, jaconet, jadedly, jadeite, jaditic, jaegers, jaggary, jaggers, jaggery, jaggier, jagging, jagless, jaguars, jailers, jailing, jailors, jalapic, jalapin, jaloppy, jambeau, jambing, jammers, jamming, jangled, jangler, jangles, janitor, jarfuls, jargons, jargoon, jarinas, jarldom, jarrahs, jarring, jarsful, jarveys, jasmine, jasmins, jaspers, jaspery, jassids, jauking, jaunced, jaunces, jaunted, jauping, javelin, jawbone, jawlike, jawline, jaybird, jaygees, jayvees, jaywalk, jazzers, jazzier, jazzily, jazzing, jazzman, jazzmen, jealous, jeepers, jeeping, jeepney, jeerers, jeering, jejunal, jejunum, jellaba, jellied, jellies, jellify, jelling, jemadar, jemidar, jemmied, jemmies, jennets, jennies, jeopard, jerboas, jereeds, jerkers, jerkier, jerkies, jerkily, jerking, jerkins, jerreed, jerrids, jerries, jerseys, jessant, jessing, jesters, jestful, jesting, jetbead, jetport, jetsams, jetsoms, jettied, jettier, jetties, jetting, jettons, jeweled, jeweler, jewelry, jewfish, jezails, jezebel, jibbers, jibbing, jibboom, jicamas, jiffies, jiggers, jigging, jiggled, jiggles, jigsawn, jigsaws, jillion, jilters, jilting, jimjams, jimmied, jimmies, jimminy, jimpest, jingall, jingals, jingled, jingler, jingles, jingoes, jinkers, jinking, jinxing, jitneys, jitters, jittery, jiveass, joannes, jobbers, jobbery, jobbing, jobless, jobname, jockeys, jocular, jodhpur, joggers, jogging, joggled, joggler, joggles, joinder, joiners, joinery, joining, jointed, jointer, jointly, joisted, jojobas, jokiest, jollied, jollier, jollies, jollify, jollily, jollity, jolters, joltier, joltily, jolting, joneses, jonquil, jordans, josephs, joshers, joshing, jostled, jostler, jostles, jotters, jotting, jouking, jounced, jounces, journal, journey, jousted, jouster, jowlier, joyance, joyless, joypops, joyride, joyrode, jubbahs, jubhahs, jubilee, jubiles, judases, judders, judgers, judging, judoist, judokas, jugfuls, jugging, juggled, juggler, juggles, jughead, jugsful, jugular, jugulum, juicers, juicier, juicily, juicing, jujitsu, jujubes, jujuism, jujuist, jujutsu, jukebox, jumbals, jumbled, jumbler, jumbles, jumbuck, jumpers, jumpier, jumpily, jumping, jumpoff, juncoes, jungles, juniors, juniper, junkers, junkets, junkier, junkies, junking, junkman, junkmen, jurally, jurants, juridic, jurists, juryman, jurymen, jussive, justers, justest, justice, justify, justing, justled, justles, juttied, jutties, jutting, juvenal, kajeput, killjoy, lockjaw, logjams, mahjong, majagua, majesty, majored, masjids, misjoin, mojarra, moujiks, muntjac, muntjak, musjids, muzjiks, nonjury, objects, outjinx, outjump, outjuts, overjoy, pajamas, perjure, perjury, pirojki, project, projets, propjet, pyjamas, ramjets, reeject, reenjoy, rejects, rejoice, rejoins, rejudge, resojet, sanjaks, sapajou, sejeant, sjambok, skyjack, sojourn, subject, subjoin, traject, trijets, twinjet, unjaded, unjoint, veejays8-letter wordsabjectly, abjurers, abjuring, adjacent, adjoined, adjoints, adjourns, adjudged, adjudges, adjuncts, adjurers, adjuring, adjurors, adjusted, adjuster, adjustor, adjutant, adjuvant, alforjas, aparejos, banjoist, basenjis, bejabers, bejewels, bejumble, benjamin, bijugate, bijugous, bluejack, bluejays, bootjack, cajaputs, cajeputs, cajolers, cajolery, cajoling, cajuputs, carcajou, cojoined, conjoins, conjoint, conjugal, conjunct, conjured, conjurer, conjures, conjuror, dejected, dejeuner, demijohn, disjects, disjoins, disjoint, disjunct, djellaba, doorjamb, ejecting, ejection, ejective, ejectors, enjambed, enjoined, enjoiner, enjoyers, enjoying, flapjack, forjudge, frabjous, frijoles, gjetosts, harijans, highjack, hijacked, hijacker, injected, injector, injurers, injuries, injuring, jabbered, jabberer, jacamars, jacinthe, jacinths, jackaroo, jackboot, jackdaws, jackeroo, jacketed, jackfish, jacklegs, jackpots, jackroll, jackstay, jacobins, jaconets, jacquard, jaculate, jadeites, jadishly, jaggeder, jaggedly, jagghery, jaggiest, jailbait, jailbird, jalapeno, jalapins, jalopies, jalousie, jambeaux, jamboree, janglers, jangling, janiform, janisary, janitors, janizary, japanize, japanned, japanner, japeries, japingly, japonica, jargoned, jargonel, jargoons, jarldoms, jarosite, jarovize, jasmines, jauncing, jaundice, jauntier, jauntily, jaunting, javelina, javelins, jawboned, jawboner, jawbones, jawlines, jaybirds, jaywalks, jazziest, jazzlike, jealousy, jeepneys, jejunely, jejunity, jellabas, jellying, jelutong, jemadars, jemidars, jemmying, jeopards, jeopardy, jeremiad, jerkiest, jeroboam, jerreeds, jerrican, jerrycan, jerseyed, jestings, jetbeads, jetliner, jetports, jettiest, jettison, jettying, jewelers, jeweling, jewelled, jeweller, jezebels, jibbooms, jibingly, jiggered, jigglier, jiggling, jigsawed, jillions, jimmying, jingalls, jingkoes, jinglers, jinglier, jingling, jingoish, jingoism, jingoist, jipijapa, jittered, jiujitsu, jiujutsu, jobnames, jockette, jockeyed, jocosely, jocosity, jocundly, jodhpurs, joggings, jogglers, joggling, johannes, johnboat, johnnies, joinable, joinders, joinings, jointers, jointing, jointure, joisting, jokester, jokingly, jolliest, jollying, joltiest, jongleur, jonquils, jostlers, jostling, jottings, jouncier, jouncing, journals, journeys, jousters, jousting, jovially, jovialty, jowliest, joyances, joyfully, joyously, joyrider, joyrides, joystick, jubilant, jubilate, jubilees, juddered, judgment, judicial, judoists, jugglers, jugglery, juggling, jugheads, jugulars, jugulate, juiciest, jujitsus, jujuisms, jujuists, jujutsus, julienne, jumblers, jumbling, jumbucks, jumpiest, jumpoffs, jumpsuit, junction, juncture, junglier, junipers, junketed, junketer, junkiest, junkyard, juratory, juristic, jussives, justices, justling, justness, juttying, juvenals, juvenile, kabeljou, kajeputs, killjoys, kinkajou, lockjaws, maharaja, mahjongg, mahjongs, majaguas, majestic, majolica, majoring, majority, marjoram, maryjane, mijnheer, misjoins, misjudge, mojarras, multijet, muntjacs, muntjaks, nightjar, nonjuror, nonmajor, objected, objector, outjumps, overjoys, overjust, pajamaed, perjured, perjurer, perjures, popinjay, prejudge, projects, propjets, pulsejet, pulsojet, quillaja, readjust, reejects, reenjoys, reinject, reinjure, reinjury, rejacket, rejected, rejectee, rejecter, rejector, rejigger, rejoiced, rejoicer, rejoices, rejoined, rejudged, rejudges, rejuggle, reobject, resojets, sapajous, scramjet, serjeant, sjamboks, skijorer, skipjack, skyjacks, slapjack, sojourns, subjects, subjoins, superjet, svarajes, swarajes, trajects, turbojet, twinjets, underjaw, unjoined, unjoints, unjoyful, unjudged, unjustly, verjuice, zabajone9-letter wordsabjection, adjacency, adjective, adjoining, adjourned, adjudging, adjunctly, adjusters, adjusting, adjustive, adjustors, adjutancy, adjutants, adjuvants, amberjack, applejack, banjaxing, banjoists, bejeweled, bejumbled, bejumbles, benjamins, bijection, bijective, blackjack, bluejacks, bootjacks, carcajous, carjacker, cheapjack, coadjutor, cojoining, conjoined, conjugant, conjugate, conjuncts, conjurers, conjuring, conjurors, dejecting, dejection, dejeuners, demijohns, disjected, disjoined, disjoints, disjuncts, djellabah, djellabas, doorjambs, ejaculate, ejectable, ejections, ejectives, ejectment, enjoiners, enjoining, enjoyable, enjoyably, enjoyment, flapjacks, forejudge, forjudged, forjudges, highjacks, hijackers, hijacking, injectant, injecting, injection, injective, injectors, injurious, injustice, interject, introject, jabberers, jabbering, jaborandi, jacaranda, jacinthes, jackaroos, jackasses, jackboots, jackeroos, jacketing, jackfruit, jackknife, jacklight, jackrolls, jackscrew, jacksmelt, jackstays, jackstraw, jacobuses, jacquards, jacquerie, jaculated, jaculates, jadedness, jaggaries, jaggedest, jaggeries, jailbirds, jailbreak, jailhouse, jalapenos, jaloppies, jalousies, jambalaya, jamborees, jangliest, janissary, japanized, japanizes, japanners, japanning, japonicas, jargonels, jargoning, jargonish, jargonize, jarosites, jarovized, jarovizes, jarringly, jaundiced, jaundices, jauntiest, javelinas, javelined, jawboners, jawboning, jayhawker, jaywalked, jaywalker, jazziness, jealously, jeeringly, jellified, jellifies, jellyfish, jellylike, jelutongs, jeoparded, jeremiads, jerkiness, jerkwater, jeroboams, jerricans, jerrycans, jessamine, jesuitism, jetliners, jettisons, jewellers, jewellery, jewellike, jewelling, jewelries, jewelweed, jewfishes, jiggering, jiggliest, jigsawing, jingliest, jingoisms, jingoists, jipijapas, jitterbug, jitterier, jittering, jiujitsus, jiujutsus, jobberies, jobholder, jockettes, jockeying, jockstrap, jocularly, jocundity, johnboats, joineries, jointedly, jointress, jointured, jointures, jointworm, jokesters, jollified, jollifies, jollities, jongleurs, jounciest, journeyed, journeyer, joviality, joyfuller, joylessly, joypopped, joypopper, joyridden, joyriders, joyriding, joysticks, jubilance, jubilated, jubilates, juddering, judgement, judgeship, judgmatic, judgments, judiciary, judicious, jugglings, jugulated, jugulates, juicehead, juiceless, juiciness, jukeboxes, julienned, juliennes, jumpiness, jumpsuits, junctions, junctural, junctures, jungliest, juniorate, junketeer, junketers, junketing, junkyards, juridical, justiciar, justified, justifier, justifies, juveniles, juvenilia, juxtapose, kabeljous, kilojoule, kinkajous, kurrajong, maharajah, maharajas, mahjonggs, majesties, majolicas, majordomo, majorette, majuscule, marijuana, marjorams, maryjanes, mijnheers, misadjust, misjoined, misjudged, misjudges, mujahedin, nightjars, noninjury, nonjoiner, nonjuring, nonjurors, nonmajors, objectify, objecting, objection, objective, objectors, objurgate, outjinxed, outjinxes, outjumped, outjutted, overjoyed, panjandra, perjurers, perjuries, perjuring, popinjays, prejudged, prejudger, prejudges, prejudice, projected, projector, pulsejets, pulsojets, quillajas, readjusts, reejected, reenjoyed, reinjects, reinjured, reinjures, rejackets, rejectees, rejecters, rejecting, rejection, rejective, rejectors, rejiggers, rejoicers, rejoicing, rejoinder, rejoining, rejudging, rejuggled, rejuggles, reobjects, scramjets, serjeants, serjeanty, sjamboked, skijorers, skijoring, skipjacks, skyjacked, skyjacker, slapjacks, smokejack, sojourned, sojourner, subjacent, subjected, subjoined, subjugate, superjets, superjock, swarajist, trajected, turbojets, underjaws, uninjured, unjointed, verjuices, zabajones10-letter wordsabjections, abjectness, abjuration, adjacently, adjectival, adjectives, adjourning, adjudicate, adjunction, adjunctive, adjuration, adjuratory, adjustable, adjustment, amberjacks, antihijack, applejacks, bejeweling, bejewelled, bejumbling, bijections, bijouterie, blackjacks, bluejacket, cajolement, cajoleries, carjackers, carjacking, chaparajos, chaparejos, cheapjacks, coadjutors, coadjutrix, conjecture, conjoining, conjointly, conjugally, conjugants, conjugated, conjugates, crackajack, dejectedly, dejections, didjeridoo, disjecting, disjoining, disjointed, djellabahs, ejaculated, ejaculates, ejaculator, ejectments, electrojet, enjambment, enjoyments, forejudged, forejudges, forjudging, hallelujah, highjacked, injectable, injectants, injections, injunction, injunctive, injustices, interjects, introjects, jaborandis, jaboticaba, jacarandas, jackanapes, jackassery, jackbooted, jacketless, jackfishes, jackfruits, jackhammer, jackknifed, jackknifes, jackknives, jacklights, jackrabbit, jackrolled, jackscrews, jacksmelts, jackstraws, jacqueries, jaculating, jaggedness, jaggheries, jaguarondi, jaguarundi, jailbreaks, jailhouses, jambalayas, janisaries, janitorial, janizaries, japanizing, jardiniere, jargonized, jargonizes, jarovizing, jasperware, jaundicing, jauntiness, javelining, jawbonings, jawbreaker, jayhawkers, jaywalkers, jaywalking, jealousies, jejuneness, jejunities, jellifying, jeopardies, jeoparding, jeopardise, jeopardize, jessamines, jesuitical, jesuitisms, jettisoned, jewelweeds, jimsonweed, jingoistic, jinricksha, jinrikisha, jitterbugs, jitteriest, jobholders, jockstraps, jocoseness, jocosities, jocularity, johnnycake, jointuring, jointworms, jokinesses, jollifying, journalese, journalism, journalist, journalize, journeyers, journeying, journeyman, journeymen, jovialties, joyfullest, joyfulness, joyousness, joypoppers, joypopping, joyridings, jubilances, jubilantly, jubilarian, jubilating, jubilation, judgements, judgeships, judgmental, judicatory, judicature, judicially, juggernaut, juggleries, jugulating, juiceheads, julienning, junctional, junglelike, juniorates, junketeers, justiciars, justifiers, justifying, justnesses, juvenility, juxtaposed, juxtaposes, kilojoules, kurrajongs, lumberjack, maharajahs, majordomos, majorettes, majorities, majuscular, majuscules, marijuanas, misadjusts, misjoinder, misjoining, misjudging, mujahedeen, mujahideen, nonjoinder, nonjoiners, nonsubject, objections, objectives, objectless, objurgated, objurgates, outjinxing, outjumping, outjutting, overjoying, panjandrum, pejorative, perjurious, prejudgers, prejudging, prejudiced, prejudices, projectile, projecting, projection, projective, projectors, readjusted, reejecting, reenjoying, reinjected, reinjuries, reinjuring, rejacketed, rejections, rejiggered, rejoicings, rejoinders, rejuggling, rejuvenate, reobjected, rijsttafel, sjamboking, skijorings, skyjackers, skyjacking, smokejacks, sojourners, sojourning, subjacency, subjecting, subjection, subjective, subjoining, subjugated, subjugates, subjugator, subproject, superjocks, superjumbo, supplejack, surjection, surjective, swarajists, tearjerker, trajecting, trajection, trajectory, unadjusted, unjointing, unjustness, windjammer11-letter wordsabjurations, adjacencies, adjectively, adjournment, adjudicated, adjudicates, adjudicator, adjunctions, adjurations, adjustments, adjutancies, antijamming, bejewelling, bijouteries, blackjacked, bluejackets, cajolements, carjackings, conjectural, conjectured, conjecturer, conjectures, conjugality, conjugately, conjugating, conjugation, conjunction, conjunctiva, conjunctive, conjuncture, conjuration, crackajacks, crackerjack, didjeridoos, disjointing, disjunction, disjunctive, disjuncture, ejaculating, ejaculation, ejaculators, ejaculatory, electrojets, enjambement, enjambments, forejudging, hallelujahs, highjacking, injectables, injudicious, injunctions, injuriously, interjected, interjector, introjected, jabberwocky, jaboticabas, jackhammers, jackknifing, jackrabbits, jackrolling, jactitation, jadednesses, jaguarondis, jaguarundis, janissaries, jardinieres, jargonistic, jargonizing, jasperwares, jawbreakers, jazzinesses, jealousness, jellyfishes, jeopardised, jeopardises, jeopardized, jeopardizes, jerkinesses, jettisoning, jewelleries, jimsonweeds, jinrickshas, jinrikishas, jitteriness, joblessness, jocundities, johnnycakes, jointedness, jointresses, journaleses, journalisms, journalists, journalized, journalizer, journalizes, journeywork, jovialities, joylessness, jubilarians, jubilations, judgmatical, judicatures, judiciaries, judiciously, juggernauts, juicinesses, jumpinesses, juridically, justiciable, justifiable, justifiably, juvenescent, juxtaposing, lumberjacks, maladjusted, megaproject, microinject, misadjusted, misjoinders, misjudgment, nonadjacent, nonjoinders, nonjudicial, nonsubjects, objectified, objectifies, objectively, objectivism, objectivist, objectivity, objurgating, objurgation, objurgatory, panjandrums, pejoratives, prejudgment, prejudicial, prejudicing, projectable, projectiles, projections, readjusting, reinjecting, reinjection, rejacketing, rejectingly, rejiggering, rejoicingly, rejuvenated, rejuvenates, rejuvenator, reobjecting, rijsttafels, serjeanties, skyjackings, steeplejack, stockjobber, subjacently, subjections, subjectives, subjectless, subjugating, subjugation, subjugators, subjunction, subjunctive, subprojects, superjacent, superjumbos, supplejacks, surjections, tearjerkers, thingamajig, thingumajig, trajections, unjustified, windjammers, windjamming12-letter wordsabjectnesses, adjectivally, adjournments, adjudicating, adjudication, adjudicative, adjudicators, adjudicatory, adjustmental, blackjacking, circumjacent, coadjutrices, conjecturers, conjecturing, conjugations, conjunctions, conjunctivae, conjunctival, conjunctivas, conjunctives, conjunctures, conjurations, crackerjacks, dejectedness, disjointedly, disjunctions, disjunctives, disjunctures, ejaculations, enjambements, interjecting, interjection, interjectors, interjectory, introjecting, introjection, jackanapeses, jackasseries, jackhammered, jactitations, jaggednesses, japonaiserie, jauntinesses, jejunenesses, jeopardising, jeopardizing, jesuitically, jettisonable, jitterbugged, jocosenesses, jocularities, johnsongrass, journalistic, journalizers, journalizing, journeyworks, joyfulnesses, joyousnesses, judgmentally, judicatories, jurisconsult, jurisdiction, jurisprudent, juristically, juvenescence, juvenilities, katzenjammer, majestically, majoritarian, maladjustive, megaprojects, microinjects, misadjusting, misjudgments, nonobjective, objectifying, objectivisms, objectivists, objurgations, pejoratively, perjuriously, prejudgments, projectional, projectively, readjustment, reinjections, rejuvenating, rejuvenation, rejuvenators, steeplejacks, stockjobbers, stockjobbing, straitjacket, subjacencies, subjectively, subjectivise, subjectivism, subjectivist, subjectivity, subjectivize, subjugations, subjunctions, subjunctives, surrejoinder, thingamajigs, thingumajigs, trajectories, unconjugated, unjustnesses, unprejudiced, windjammings13-letter wordsadjudications, adjustability, antimarijuana, antirejection, conjecturally, conjugalities, conjugateness, conjugational, conjunctional, conjunctively, disjunctively, enjoyableness, extrajudicial, injudiciously, injuriousness, interjections, introjections, jabberwockies, jackhammering, japonaiseries, jealousnesses, jitterbugging, jitterinesses, joblessnesses, jointednesses, jollification, joylessnesses, judgmatically, judiciousness, jurisconsults, jurisdictions, jurisprudence, jurisprudents, justification, justificative, justificatory, juvenescences, juxtaposition, katzenjammers, majoritarians, maladjustment, microinjected, nonconjugated, nonjudgmental, nonsubjective, objectionable, objectionably, objectiveness, objectivistic, objectivities, overbejeweled, postinjection, prejudicially, projectionist, readjustments, rejuvenations, rejuvenescent, stockjobbings, straitjackets, subjectivised, subjectivises, subjectivisms, subjectivists, subjectivized, subjectivizes, supermajority, surrejoinders, unadjudicated, unjustifiable, unjustifiably14-letter wordsconjunctivites, conjunctivitis, counterproject, dejectednesses, disjointedness, interjectional, jingoistically, johnsongrasses, jollifications, jurisdictional, jurisprudences, justiciability, justifiability, justifications, juxtapositions, maladjustments, microinjecting, microinjection, microprojector, nondisjunction, nonjusticiable, nonobjectivism, nonobjectivist, nonobjectivity, objectlessness, overadjustment, parajournalism, projectionists, rejuvenescence, straightjacket, straitjacketed, subjectiveness, subjectivising, subjectivistic, subjectivities, subjectivizing, thermojunction15-letter wordsadjustabilities, conjugatenesses, conjugationally, conjunctionally, counterprojects, enjoyablenesses, extrajudicially, injudiciousness, injuriousnesses, intersubjective, judiciousnesses, jurisprudential, juxtapositional, majoritarianism, microinjections, microprojection, microprojectors, nondisjunctions, nonobjectivisms, nonobjectivists, objectification, objectivenesses, overadjustments, parajournalisms, photojournalism, photojournalist, prejudicialness, rejuvenescences, straightjackets, straitjacketing, supermajorities, thermojunctions, unobjectionable16-letter wordsconjunctivitides, conjunctivitises, disjointednesses, interjectionally, journalistically, jurisdictionally, justiciabilities, justifiabilities, majoritarianisms, microprojections, nondisjunctional, nonobjectivities, objectifications, objectlessnesses, photojournalisms, photojournalists, straightjacketed, subjectivenesses, subjectivization17-letter wordsinjudiciousnesses, intersubjectively, intersubjectivity, jurisprudentially, objectionableness, photojournalistic, prejudicialnesses, straightjacketing, subjectivizations19-letter wordsinterjurisdictional, intersubjectivities, objectionablenesses20-letter wordskeratoconjunctivites, keratoconjunctivitis22-letter wordskeratoconjunctivitides, keratoconjunctivitises2417 words found.

Related questions

When was Act of Abjuration created?

Act of Abjuration was created in 1581.

Give you a sentence with abjuration in it?

Daniel's abjuration of his faith came as a complete surprise to the members of his church.

What is an abjuration oath?

An abjuration oath is another name for the Oath of Abjuration, an oath asserting the right of the present royal family to the crown of England, and abjuring allegiance to the descendants of Charles Edward Stuart.

What country had the first republic?

The first 'city-state' republic was Vaisali, in India, sometime around 700-300 BCE. The oldest 'surviving city-state' republic is San Marino. It declared independence of the Roman Empire on 3 September 301. The first 'full-fledged country' that became a republic was the Dutch Republic (the Netherlands), that declared its independence from King Philip II of Spain on 26 July 1581. The Dutch Act of Abjuration was probably influenced by the Magna Carta, an English charter from 1215. In turn, the Act of Abjuration arguably influenced the United States Declaration of Independence, making it (the first modern?) republic on July 4, 1776.

What has the author Lover of truth and peace written?

Lover of truth and peace. has written: 'The lawfulness and obligation of the oaths of allegiance and abjuration, shewn in a discourse betwixt a minister and a gentleman, his parishioner. ... By a lover of truth and peace'

What is synonym for loyalty?

Loyalty means being absoulutely true to something or someone. Loyalty may be defined as a sense of the value of an institution and its members, combined with a wish to serve the latter and preserve the former.

What 3 documents influenced the US declaration of independence?

Declaration of IndependenceThe United States Declaration of Independence was influenced by the 1581 Dutch Republic declaration of independence, called the Oath of Abjuration. The Kingdom of Scotland's 1320 Declaration of Arbroath was undoubtedly also an influence as the first known formal declaration of independence. Jefferson is also thought to have drawn on the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which had been adopted in July 1776.

What words have jur in them?

108 words: abjuration abjurations abjure abjured abjurer abjurers abjures abjuring adjuration adjurations adjuratory adjure adjured adjurer adjurers adjures adjuring adjuror adjurors conjuration conjurations conjure conjured conjurer conjurers conjures conjuring conjuror conjurors injure injured injurer injurers injures injuries injuring injurious injuriously injuriousness injuriousnesses injury interjurisdictional jura jural jurally jurant jurants jurat juratory jurats jurel jurels juridic juridical juridically juried juries jurisconsult jurisconsults jurisdiction jurisdictional jurisdictionally jurisdictions jurisprudence jurisprudences jurisprudent jurisprudential jurisprudentially jurisprudents jurist juristic juristically jurists juror jurors jury jurying juryman jurymen noninjury nonjuring nonjuror nonjurors nonjury objurgate objurgated objurgates objurgating objurgation objurgations objurgatory perjure perjured perjurer perjurers perjures perjuries perjuring perjurious perjuriously perjury reinjure reinjured reinjures reinjuries reinjuring reinjury uninjured

What is an antonym for the word alliteration?

1. abacination 2. abaction 3. abalienation 4. abannation 5. abannition 6. abarticulation 7. abbreviation 8. abdication 9. abduction 10. aberration 11. abevacuation 12. abirritation 13. abjection 14. abjudication 15. abjuration 16. ablactation 17. ablaqueation 18. ablation 19. ablegation 20. abligurition 21. ablution 22. abluvion 23. abnegation 24. abnodation 25. abocclusion 26. abolition 27. abomination 28. abortion 29. abrasion 30. abreaction 31. abrenunciation 32. abreption 33. abrogation 34. abruption 35. abscession 36. abscision 37. abscission 38. absentation 39. absolution 40. absorbition 41. absorption 42. abstention 43. abstersion 44. abstraction 45. abstriction 46. abstrusion 47. absumption 48. abusion 49. acanthion 50. acceleration 51. accension 52. accentuation 53. acceptation 54. acceptilation 55. acception 56. accession 57. acclamation 58. acclimatation 59. acclimation 60. acclimatisation 61. acclimatization 62. accombination 63. accommodation 64. accomodation 65. accordion 66. accreditation 67. accrementition 68. accretion 69. accubation 70. acculturation 71. accumulation 72. accusation 73. acervation 74. acetification 75. acetylation 76. achorion 77. achromatization 78. acidification 79. acquisition 80. acromion 81. acroterion 82. action 83. activation 84. actualisation 85. actualization 86. actuation 87. acuation 88. acuition 89. acumination 90. acupuncturation 91. acutorsion 92. acylation 93. adaptation 94. adaption 95. addiction 96. addition 97. addression 98. adduction 99. ademption 100. adeption

What are meaningful words that start with A?

Abbey, amount, assignment, announce, amputation, alive, attract, audit, agent, affirm, add, acorn, answer, alter, amateur, alumni, aisle, accept, annoy, adopt, applaud, attic, authority, alibi, amazement, ambassador, ambition, ambulance, amend, amendment, amenity, always, aunt, austerity, author, alley, all, allow, auto, ahead, art, ask, apple, abbot, after, again, afraid, asthma, actor, acute, address, annual, ant, aster, avocado, amphitheater, antler, any, ape, above, alarm, ale, aim, air, aviation, anticipate, appoint, apt, ate, apologize, abort, about, afloat, amortization, absorb, abuzz, accomplish, amuse, angel, asterisk, amusement, administer, admit, ace, achieve, adage, asparagus, arson, acquire, asphalt, assault, atom, adore, asset, atmosphere, appeal, arm, across, appear, attack, astronomy, asylum, autumn, avalanche, avenue, ammunition, avert, adapt, alert, alp, age, aglow, agony, aid, atlas, apron, arc, are, argue, act, activate, axe avoid, awake, award, awful, awe, airbag, ammonia, amnesia, analyze, asteroid, abide, ablaze, aboard, abode, adult, advise, afford, amphibian, and azalea are words. They begin with the letter a.

What are ten letter tion words?

abdication, aberration, abjuration, abnegation, abreaction, abrogation, absolution, absorption, abstention, accusation, activation, adaptation, adjunction, adjuration, admiration, admonition, adsorption, advocation, affixation, affliction, alienation, alkylation, allegation, allocation, allocution, alteration, ambulation, ammunition, amputation, angulation, annexation, annotation, annulation, apparition, apposition, arrogation, ascription, aspiration, assumption, attraction, automation, bilocation, butylation, capitation, castration, catenation, cavitation, coaptation, cofunction, cogitation, collection, coloration, combustion, compaction, completion, conception, concoction, concretion, conduction, confection, conflation, congestion, connection, conniption, contention, contortion, contrition, convection, convention, conviction, copulation, coronation, corotation, correction, corruption, cumulation, cunctation, deaeration, decimation, decoration, decryption, dedication, defamation, defecation, definition, deflection, delegation, demolition, denegation, denotation, denudation, depilation, deposition, deputation, derivation, derogation, desolation, desorption, detonation, detraction, devolution, dilatation, diminution, discretion, disruption, dissection, dissention, distention, distortion, divagation, divination, domination, dubitation, ebullition, elongation, eluviation, emaciation, emendation, emigration, encryption, enervation, equitation, eructation, escalation, estimation, estivation, etiolation, evacuation, evaluation, exaltation, excavation, excerption, excitation, execration, exhalation, exhaustion, exhibition, exhumation, expedition, expiration, exposition, expunction, exsolution, extinction, extraction, exultation, exuviation, fasciation, federation, figuration, filtration, flirtation, floatation, floriation, foundation, fumigation, gemination, generation, glaciation, gleization, graduation, habitation, hebetation, herniation, hesitation, imbibition, immolation, imposition, imputation, incitation, incubation, indagation, indexation, indication, induration, infarction, infixation, inflection, infliction, infraction, inhalation, inhibition, inhumation, initiation, injunction, innovation, insolation, inspection, insulation, intimation, intinction, intonation, intubation, inundation, invitation, invocation, involution, iodination, ionization, irrigation, irritation, jubilation, laceration, lamination, laureation, levigation, levitation, liberation, limitation, literation, litigation, lobulation, locomotion, lustration, maceration, maculation, marination, maturation, medication, meditation, midsection, miscaption, mitigation, moderation, modulation, morulation, motivation, mutilation, navigation, nodulation, nomination, nonfiction, nucleation, numeration, obligation, obturation, occupation, opposition, ordination, osculation, outstation, overaction, pagination, palliation, patination, peculation, perception, perfection, permeation, peroration, pixilation, plantation, population, precaution, prediction, preemption, prelection, preportion, prevention, production, projection, proportion, protection, punctation, recitation, recreation, redemption, reelection, reflection, refraction, refutation, regulation, reignition, relaxation, relegation, relocation, renovation, reparation, repetition, reposition, reputation, resolution, resorption, resumption, retraction, revelation, revocation, revolution, rumination, salivation, salutation, sanitation, saturation, separation, sibilation, simulation, sonication, spallation, speciation, spoliation, squamation, stagnation, starvation, subduction, subjection, subreption, subsection, substation, subvention, suggestion, supination, suppletion, surjection, tabulation, temptation, titivation, toleration, trabeation, trajection, transition, trisection, truncation, ulceration, undulation, urtication, usurpation, validation, vegetation, veneration, visitation330 words

What has the author Edward Stillingfleet written?

Edward Stillingfleet has written: 'An answer to some papers lately printed, concerning the authority of the Catholick Church in matters of faith' -- subject(s): Catholic Church, Church of England, Controversial literature, Relations 'Protestant charity' -- subject(s): Bible, Charity, Early works to 1800, Sermons 'Ecclesiastical cases relating to the duties and rights of the parochial clergy' -- subject(s): Ecclesiastical law, Law reports, digests 'Christian magnanimity' -- subject(s): Bible, Christian life, Church of England, English Sermons, Sermons 'Origines Sacrae or A Rational Account of the Grounds of Christian Faith as to the Truth and Divine Authority of the Scriptures and Matters Therein Contained' 'A discourse concerning bonds of resignation of benefices' -- subject(s): Church history, Ecclesiastical Benefices 'Twelve sermons preached on several occasions' -- subject(s): Church of England, English Sermons, Sermons 'Origines sacrae' -- subject(s): Apologetics, Bible, Evidences, authority, Early works to 1800, Deism, Natural religion, Theology 'An answer to some papers lately printed concerning the authority of the Catholick Church in matters of faith, and the reformation of the Church of England' -- subject(s): Catholic Church, Church of England, Controversial literature, Doctrines 'A sermon preached before the king at the White-Hall, March 7. 1678/9' -- subject(s): Bible, Church of England, English Sermons, Sermons 'The doctrines and practices of the Church of Rome truly represented' -- subject(s): Catholic Church, Controversial literature, Doctrinal and controversial works, Doctrines 'The grand question' -- subject(s): Bishops, Church of England, Early works to 1800, Great Britain, Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords, Temporal power 'A vindication of the Answer to some late papers concerning the unity and authority of the Catholick Church' -- subject(s): A Reply to the Answer made upon the three royal papers, Catholic Church, Church of England, Doctrinal and controversial works, Protestant authors 'A Vindication of Their Majesties Authority to fill the Sees of the Deprived Bishops' -- subject(s): Nonjurors, Royal supremacy (Church of England) 'Reformation of manners, the true way of honouring God' -- subject(s): Bible, Church of England, English Sermons, Sermons 'Origines sacrae: or a rational account of the grounds of natural and reveal'd religion' 'The works of that eminent and most learned prelate, Dr. Edw. Stillingfleet' 'A Second Letter to Mr. G[odden] in Answer to two Letters lately Published concerning the Conference at the D. of P.[i.e.Dean of St. Paul's]' 'Irenicum, a weapon-slave for the churches wounds, or' -- subject(s): Church of England, Church polity, Early works to 1800, Excommunication, Government 'The doctrine of the Trinity and transubstantiation compared' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Transubstantiation, Trinity 'A relation of a conference held about religion at London, the third of April, 1676' 'The case of an oath of abjuration considered' -- subject(s): Allegiance, Politics and government 'The bishop of Worcester's answer to Mr. Locke's second letter' -- subject(s): Theory of Knowledge 'A letter to a deist, in answer to several objections against the truth and authority of the scriptures' -- subject(s): Bible, Early works to 1800, Evidences, authority 'Ten sermons preached on several occasions' -- subject(s): English Sermons 'An answer to several late treatises, occasioned by a book entituled A discourse concerning the idolatry practised in the Church of Rome, and the hazard of salvation in the communion of it' -- subject(s): Catholic Church, Church of England, Controversial literature, Idols and images, Relations 'Fifty sermons preached upon several occasions' -- subject(s): English Sermons 'The reformation justify'd' -- subject(s): English Sermons, Reformation, Sermons 'A sermon preached at White-Hall, February the 19th, 1685-6' -- subject(s): Bible, English Sermons, Prodigal son (Parable), Repentance, Sermons 'A vindication of the answer to some late papers' -- subject(s): Apologetic works, Catholic Church, Church of England, Controversial literature 'A sermon preached on the fast-day, Nowember 13, 1678, at St. Margarets Westminster, before the honourable House of Commons' -- subject(s): Bible, Fast-day sermons, Sermons 'The Irenicum Or Pacificator Being A Reconciler As To Church Differences'