arising abating atoning abearug abiding adoring arching ambling amusing arguing
You are asking us to construct a seven letter word, using twelve letters. This does not seem to be mathematically possible.
Winner is a 6 letter word with a meaning to win a victory over.
They're asking for an abbreviation: Jun., Jul., Aug.
They are always arguing. We were arguing over where to go for dinner.
There is no point in arguing over where to eat, the children will be getting crabby if we don't feed them somewhere soon.
arising abating atoning abearug abiding adoring arching ambling amusing arguing
apples armpit argues asking
"e" is the silent letter in over
You are asking us to construct a seven letter word, using twelve letters. This does not seem to be mathematically possible.
Obssessiva argumentação.
If you are asking what the Hebrew word for Aramaic is, it's Arami (ארמי)
I don't know, wing, but you are kinda stupid for asking that.
Winner is a 6 letter word with a meaning to win a victory over.