Armchair is an 8 letter word. The 7th letter is i.
You cannot get Oak's Letter in Pokémon Platinum without cheating since it's an event-only item. The only Oak's Letter event has already ended but it was active between September 28, 2009 and November 8, 2009.
an 8 letter word for wealthy is ....... affluent
There is no 8-letter word, but there are several 7-letter words:agnaticanticarcartingcratinggranitatracing
oak oak
Armchair is an 8 letter word. The 7th letter is i.
You cannot get Oak's Letter in Pokémon Platinum without cheating since it's an event-only item. The only Oak's Letter event has already ended but it was active between September 28, 2009 and November 8, 2009.
An 8 letter word for gifts would be: presents
mariners is a 8 letter word for sailors
an 8 letter word for wealthy is ....... affluent
The 8-letter French word for college student is 'étudiant'.
There is no 8-letter word, but there are several 7-letter words:agnaticanticarcartingcratinggranitatracing
Trespass is a 8 letter word, but to answer I would have to say overstep.
"Innuendo" is an 8 letter word for subtle gossip.