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AlertPay is a scam... i payed for some things through eBay and other websites but they deducted an additional HK$5000 from my acount... and can not trace the person a/c or reason. I called the police but they said they will report the case, and i talked to the bank they cant do anything but change my A/C number

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Q: What is alert pay?
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Does Macedonian banks have alert pay or pay-pal?

Macedonian banks have alert pay, but they don`t have paypal

When were Alert Pay acquired by MH Pillars?

Alert Pay were acquired by MH Pillars in April of 2012. MH Pillars is a UK based company that specialize in pre-paid card systems and Alert Pay was a Canadian based company.

Can you online shop by Alert pay or Payza?

Online shopping using Alert pay or Payza is limited and depends on whether the merchant accepts these as a valid method of payment, which compared to Paypal, is not as widespread.

How do you manage a bar?

Master the techniques, pay attention be alert and try your best

What is another word for the word alert?

Focused, vigilant. To be alert is to be on one's guard, to pay close attention, to be wide awake and very aware of one's surroundings.

Will medicare pay for medical alert bracelets?

Medicare does not cover the cost of a medical alert bracelet; however, there are regional programs and insurance companies that can help with the costs of a medical alert system. Please see the related links for more information.

Can you use Alertpay to buy stuff on

no you can't buy any stuuf with alert pay account

What is the compensation when employer underpays?

They need to give you back pay. If they don't, contact the company. Or alert the work place people

Is warning a synonym for alert?

Well an alarm would be a better synonym for warning, but in general terms, they can be considered synonyms since alert is mostly used as a veryb. For exapmple: Did you alert the President about the upcoming war? While a warning is a noun, like: She gave him a warning, so that if he did not pay his taxes, he would be sued.

What is the comparative superlative of the word alert?

more alert, most alert

Was a sentence for alert?

The alert has been canceled. The theft alarm has put me on alert.

What is the opppisite of alert?

what is the opposite of alert