when you have red eyes b. dragon or zoa you activate the metalmorph card and send either one to the graveyard and special sommon one of there metal forms.
Seto 2, Seto 3, Heishin, Sebek, Neku, and Nitemare all drop it, but Sebek has the highest chance.
You have to have it at level 2 and fuse it with a level 3 steel scorpion
adz, azo, biz, coz, fez, fiz, wiz, zag, zap, zax, zed, zee, zek, zig, zip, zit, zoa, zoo
Zoa Morani is 155 cm.
Luc Zoa was born on 1979-01-23.
Zoa Morani was born on 1989-03-29.
Yes, zoa is the plural form of the word zoon, which is any of the individuals of a compound organism.
an internet god
when you have red eyes b. dragon or zoa you activate the metalmorph card and send either one to the graveyard and special sommon one of there metal forms.
zoa of rome
The main purpose of Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is to keep the public informed of political events around the world. It has blogs and polls to get public opinion.
Μεγάλα ζώα [meghAla zOa]
proto- 'first' and zoa - 'animal'
Protozoa spermatozoa