Activated, adaptable, allocator, antipasto, apathetic, asparagus, barometer, barracuda, cameraman, caregiver, daredevil, debatable, developed, efficient, energizer, epicenter, escalator, exuberant, firepower, foregoing, homemaker and honorable are 9 letter words containing 5 consonants and 4 vowels. Additional words include indicator, initially, innovator, materials, molecular, motivated, navigable, operating, organized, pedometer, pistachio, political, recipient, renovated, separated, seriously, tolerable, tolerated, universal, untenable, violating and visionary.
Rocking is a word with 7 letters 5 consonants and 2 vowels
Alarm, alert, apart, bacon, beast, cable, cargo, dance, early, earth, enter, frame, gavel, infer, lemon, mango, maybe and mayor are 5 letter word with 2 vowels and 3 consonants. Additional words include nerve, noisy, quiet, ridge, spoon, trace, uncle, under, verse, vocal, whale and yeast.
There are more consonants.
Rocking is a word with 7 letters 5 consonants and 2 vowels
There are 6 vowels and 7 consonants so there is 1 more consonant
5 vowels. 8 consonants. :)
A word with 2 vowels and 5 consonants could be "strength." This word has the vowels "e" and "i" and the consonants "s," "t," "r," "n," and "g." It follows the pattern of one vowel followed by one consonant, and this sequence repeats until all the letters are accounted for.
for vowels=8/13; for consonants=5/13; sample space |S|=13
There are five vowels, not five consonants.
"Elephant" is a word that contains 2 vowels (e, a) and 5 consonants (l, p, h, n, t).
what is the ratio of the numbers vowels to the number of consonants in the english alphabet
In the word DAUGHTER, there are 3 vowels namely, A, U, and E, and 5 consonants namely, D, G, H, T, and R. Number of ways of selecting 2 vowels out of 3 vowels = Number of ways of selecting 3 consonants out of 5 consonants = Therefore, number of combinations of 2 vowels and 3 consonants = 3 × 10 = 30 Each of these 30 combinations of 2 vowels and 3 consonants can be arranged among themselves in 5! ways. Hence, required number of different words = 30 × 5! = 3600