Activated, adaptable, allocator, antipasto, apathetic, asparagus, barometer, barracuda, cameraman, caregiver, daredevil, debatable, developed, efficient, energizer, epicenter, escalator, exuberant, firepower, foregoing, homemaker and honorable are 9 letter words containing 5 consonants and 4 vowels. Additional words include indicator, initially, innovator, materials, molecular, motivated, navigable, operating, organized, pedometer, pistachio, political, recipient, renovated, separated, seriously, tolerable, tolerated, universal, untenable, violating and visionary.
Rocking is a word with 7 letters 5 consonants and 2 vowels
Alarm, alert, apart, bacon, beast, cable, cargo, dance, early, earth, enter, frame, gavel, infer, lemon, mango, maybe and mayor are 5 letter word with 2 vowels and 3 consonants. Additional words include nerve, noisy, quiet, ridge, spoon, trace, uncle, under, verse, vocal, whale and yeast.
There are more consonants.
Rocking is a word with 7 letters 5 consonants and 2 vowels
There are 6 vowels and 7 consonants so there is 1 more consonant
5 vowels. 8 consonants. :)
for vowels=8/13; for consonants=5/13; sample space |S|=13
There are five vowels, not five consonants.
"Elephant" is a word that contains 2 vowels (e, a) and 5 consonants (l, p, h, n, t).
what is the ratio of the numbers vowels to the number of consonants in the english alphabet
In the word DAUGHTER, there are 3 vowels namely, A, U, and E, and 5 consonants namely, D, G, H, T, and R. Number of ways of selecting 2 vowels out of 3 vowels = Number of ways of selecting 3 consonants out of 5 consonants = Therefore, number of combinations of 2 vowels and 3 consonants = 3 × 10 = 30 Each of these 30 combinations of 2 vowels and 3 consonants can be arranged among themselves in 5! ways. Hence, required number of different words = 30 × 5! = 3600
Ah, what a lovely word "BICYCLE" is! Let's count the consonants and vowels together. We have 4 consonants (B, C, C, L) and 3 vowels (I, Y, E), so there are 1 more consonant than vowels in "BICYCLE." Just remember, every letter in this word adds to its unique beauty.