is this what yr looking for? "ex·em·pla·ry (g-zmpl-r) adj. 1. Worthy of imitation; commendable: exemplary behavior. 2. Serving as a model. 3. Serving as an illustration; typical. 4. Serving as a warning; admonitory." look in a thesaurus - it will give you other words you can use. but be weiry as the thsaurus is sexist/rasist/ageist etcist! good luck!
it means a reason to do something. example: the incentive of working is to get money!
Because 'thick' means something is a great distance apart, 'Thicker' means something is an even more distance apart. Hope that has answered your question
A beginning is an opening to something, or a means by which something is begun or started.
The word that means "to say something that is untrue" is "lie".
something that cannot be avoided = inevitable
An opportunity means a possibility, or something similar to that. Example: That girl is single! What a great opportunity for you!
No bright means that something is too light. for example: the sun is very "bright."
it means to make sure you get something for a great deal. For example: I want to get this car for a great deal but only if the price is right.
It means Great-Great something or Great Great Grandmother or Great Great Grandfather.
The Answer is Non sequitur because it means something that is not related to something else Example: You gave me your backpack and i failed my english test
"Leave out" means to exclude or not include something. For example, "Please leave out the tomatoes from the salad."
it means a reason to do something. example: the incentive of working is to get money!
I think it is Alabama
Yes, is consenting to something. Example: Yes, I would like to go to the dance with you. No, means to oppose something. Example: No, you can not go out on a school night.
Prepend computer name to backup data file names What does prepend mean?"
easy! has means you have something at this minute for example: he still has that dog. and have is when you have something with you for example: look what i have! or can i have that please? i hope that helped!
It means something or someone of great impact or importance