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Q: What is a word that has 50 letters in the English language?
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10 words that begin with auto that has 50 letters?

There are no words with 50 letters.

What English word starting with the letter B has three consecutive double letters?

Okay, Here I am doing a project on this and I am able to help you. One word starting with B is bookkeeper. Another (this is not considered cheating) is bookkeeping. If you needed a word that did not start with B I will add in a word that could probably describe 50% of the world, sweettooth! I hope this helps and that it will inspire you to search for more words of this odd nature.

Does a 7 letter word in scrabble get extra points?

Yes. In a traditional Scrabble game, a player receives 50 points for using all seven letters. This is in addition to the normal score they receive for the word played.

How many words can you make from the word scentsy?

Words that can be made with the letters 'scentsy' are:cent, centscyst, cystsnest, nestsnet, netsscent, scentssect, sectssentset, setsstyten, tensyenyesyet

What is the best scrabble word ever?

quartz is the best word you can make on scrabble even if it is not on triple word!!! equinox is better because you will use all your letters and get a 50 point bonus! Nah..."CONQUEST" down off top left or right triple word score or across from top or bottom left triple word score puts "Z" on double letter score - word alone is worth 29 times by 3 times by 3 (lands on both triple word scores) plus 50 for seven letter word = 224. As it's an eight letter word it needs another player to have already played a word with one of the low value tiles in the right place.

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Slightly more than 50% of people in Greece can speak English as a second language.

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The Spanish word "cincuenta" translates to "fifty" in English.

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The Filipino alphabet contains 28 letters only represents the sound of Tagalog (and various other dialects), plus some extra letters for writing English and Spanish loan words. IPA has 107 letters and 50 diacritics, used to represent the sounds of any natural human language on the planet.

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10 words that begin with auto that has 50 letters?

There are no words with 50 letters.

Is fifly a word?

No, "fifly" is not a standard English word. If you are referring to "fifty," it is a numerical value representing the number 50.