Contemplation , mulling , cogitations , meditation , rumination and cerebration .
The most commmon use of the word 'Quid' is a British slang name for a pound which doesn't count. But it also means a portion of something to be eaten, which is not a slang word and does count.
The four letter word for repairing something is mend.
The word galore means there is a lot of something or there is a lot of something around you, for example: There were cats galore. The word is often used in poetry.
I have to use the word a lot a lot because a lot is the word you ask for a lot. :)
The three-letter word for plenty of something is "lot." In this context, "lot" refers to a large amount or quantity of a particular item or concept. It is commonly used in everyday language to indicate abundance or a significant number of something.
The word lot means a large amount. This is having a extended amount of something.
Adundance is not a word. Abundance, which you may mean, is a word. It means there is a lot of something. It means there is plenty of something.
"Inquire" is a suitable word to use when asking something.
The word "madami" in Tagalog means "a lot." It is often used to indicate a large quantity or number of something.
When your refering to something
I spend a lot of my free time on WikiAnswers.
"I've" is a contraction of "I have." You use it to indicate that you have something or have done something in the past. For example, "I've finished my homework" means "I have finished my homework."