No. Figuratively is a word meaning in an imaginative way, not in the literal sense.
Positive criticismA positive criticism draws attention to a good or positive aspect of something which is being ignored, disregarded or overlooked. People may be able to see only the negative side of something, so that it becomes necessary to highlight the positive side. A positive criticism may also be a type of self-justification or self-defense. The term "positive criticism" is also used in the sense that the criticism is "well-meant" or "well-intentioned" ("I mean it in a positive way") - here, it is emphasized the criticism is intended to serve a purpose which is constructive, or which the targeted person would approve of.
The modern English word for "thee" is you. Thee and thou are used the same way as our modern you and your.
loquaciousa wordsmithan eloquent speaker
Everyone is either affected in a positive or negative way
None, there is only one word for killed there is no positive way it is just killed.
Favourable result.
The word "affected" can mean influenced or impacted in some way. It can also refer to someone displaying behavior or emotions that are not genuine or are exaggerated.
The correct spelling of the word is victim (individual affected by crime, disaster, or mishap).
The following needs to be given to someone if they are going to know what the correct answer is. Without knowing what the following information is there is not a way to know which affected congress.
if you are asking as in the word affected to mean ;to affect, then a good example is; apply the salve to the affected area. the state of the union address givin by presedent Obama, affected the nation in a negative way.
It doesnt get affected at all. Unless you what to get technical, then other people could get jelious and that could be one way.
Vehicular accidents kill more raccoons than disease or predators or hunters.
The word "pretty" can function as an adjective, modifying a noun by describing its appearance in a positive way.
They are not affected in the same way but are affected badly both gender
Leaves are the part of the plant that is positively affected by light through the process of photosynthesis, where they convert light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose. This energy is essential for the plant's growth and development.