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Inspired, Invigorate, motivated..?

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Q: What is a word for Strongly affected in a positive way?
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Which part of the plant is affected in positive way by light?

the roots

What happens when you make changes to the environment?

Everyone is either affected in a positive or negative way

Another word for negative and positive?

None, there is only one word for killed there is no positive way it is just killed.

What is another way to say positive outcome without using the word positive?

Favourable result.

How do you spell victom?

The correct spelling of the word is victim (individual affected by crime, disaster, or mishap).

How have the following affected Congress in a positive and negative manner?

The following needs to be given to someone if they are going to know what the correct answer is. Without knowing what the following information is there is not a way to know which affected congress.

When would you use affected?

if you are asking as in the word affected to mean ;to affect, then a good example is; apply the salve to the affected area. the state of the union address givin by presedent Obama, affected the nation in a negative way.

What best describes the effect of adding a prefix like bene to a root word?

It modifies the root word in a positive way.

How can positive relationships affect community health?

It doesnt get affected at all. Unless you what to get technical, then other people could get jelious and that could be one way.

How have humans interacted with a raccoon or affected a raccoon in a positive or negative way?

Vehicular accidents kill more raccoons than disease or predators or hunters.

What are positive words?

Positive words are words that convey a sense of optimism, encouragement, or happiness. Examples include "love," "joy," "peace," and "hope." Using positive words can uplift moods, inspire others, and create a more optimistic atmosphere.

Are male and female soldiers mentally affected by war the same way?

They are not affected in the same way but are affected badly both gender