one that is the same type of Pokemon weak levels weak moves and some one who blows at playing
Level 78 Pokemon are extremely rare, in fact, it probably is impossible for a wild Pokemon to even get that high. The only way then is to train your Pokemon. When training, try to get a diverse range of types and moves so your team won't be weak to a few moves like having an all weak against fire team or all flying team.
yes.Put the weak Pokemon first in the party.Then do a battle switch the weak Pokemon with a strong Pokemon kill the wild Pokemon the weak one will get credit.If you give it an exp.share and do the same thing the weak one will get even more credit.
The Pokemon that are weak to bug Pokemon are Pokemon that are the grass, poison, or psychic type.
Water type Pokemon are weak to electric type Pokemon.
It is what Pokemon are weak of Like Rock type is weak against Water or Water is weak against Elctric.
ice and dragon if you have a water Pokemon teach it ice beam
Team rocket is usually realy weak if you have Pokemon in the "teens" level it should be a breese.
The same level as in Pokemon mystery dungeon blue recue team, level 46! Sooo... Weak... lol
No, because it has two weak pokemon. You should get a Rapidash.
Kyogre is a Water Type Pokemon. Water Type Pokemon are weak against Electric and Grass Types.
Level 78 Pokemon are extremely rare, in fact, it probably is impossible for a wild Pokemon to even get that high. The only way then is to train your Pokemon. When training, try to get a diverse range of types and moves so your team won't be weak to a few moves like having an all weak against fire team or all flying team.
yes.Put the weak Pokemon first in the party.Then do a battle switch the weak Pokemon with a strong Pokemon kill the wild Pokemon the weak one will get credit.If you give it an exp.share and do the same thing the weak one will get even more credit.
Yes but darmanitan having half your team being weak to ground is not good
No, in my opinion its just a VERY weak grass type that james (Team Rocket) used to use
The Pokemon that are weak to bug Pokemon are Pokemon that are the grass, poison, or psychic type.
What are psychic type Pokemon weak against
Water type Pokemon are weak to electric type Pokemon.