

Best Answer

There really isn't one but maybe you can try cyberinfants babydow you have to have flah player 9

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Q: What is a virtual baby game with NO download?
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What is a fun online virtual baby game like babyluv I'm not allowed to download?


An online game taking care of a virtual baby in a virtual world?

Babydow and Babyvalley are two virtual baby online games.

Free virtual game with no downloads?

A Virtual Horse game. You don't have to download ANYTHING! And it's fun to play!

Virtual baby games that starts with a Z?

The answer is well there isent there is no virtual baby game beginning with z

A virtual baby game online?

Cyber Infants is a good virtual baby game that you can play online. You can also go on Hasbro's website and play Baby Alive.

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Download Virtual Boy Advance and then download the roms for the Pokemon games.

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virtual console on the nintendo wii

Is there a virtual world like second life with no download?

No i tried to look and all you get is baby virtual worlds for ages 3-6

You want to play a virtual world game online? is great! Its a 3D no download free virtual world!!!

Where can you find a virtual game online without downloading? is great! Its a 3D no download free virtual world!!!