i got a clubpenguin joke BUT its from the clubpenguin joke book. what did the penguin sail on? the C!i got a clubpenguin joke BUT its from the clubpenguin joke book. what did the penguin sail on? the C!
Jokeception is joke and conception blended together. Jokeception is the conception of a joke; The birth of a new joke.
2 blond girls walk down a street and find a mirror. the first blond looks in the mirror and says hmmm i recognize her... The 2nd blond takes the mirror and looks in it, she says THATS ME YOU DUMMY!
No it's not
because it has pearls on its arms. ...wait is this a joke ? because it has pearls on its arms. ...wait is this a joke ?
knock knock! whose there? uh oh... uh oh, who? no, I accidentally forgot my joke ( say in a very very very very very very, funny voice. oh, ya, and face. XP )
"Hysterical joke" is an expression that refers to an extremely funny joke.Typically it would be one that causes uncontrollable laughter.Note that the expression is often used sarcastically to indicate that a joke is not very funny or not really appreciated.
A joke that is not funny would be a joke that no one laughs at. The way to truly discover if a joke is funny, is to tell the joke to see if anyone laughs. However, humor is subjective, one may find it funny, another may not.
Only an opinion can answer this.
Um Funny is to joke as serious is to....um....smack talk?
a joke that is practical, but funny
That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore was created in 1984.
Funny jokes Hey, that's a joke, what are funny jokes called? Funny jokes! that's a joke, too!
The joke that makes you lose your money!
A really funny joke that is appropriate for a teenager would be "Why did the chicken cross the road?" The answer to this joke is: "to get to Taco Bell, of course."
You don't as he will not come anyway. A joke making the rounds that is not very funny.
the funny bone is not something to joke about it is actually a very important because it's really an important part of the elbow joint