A Wallet with money in it belongs to the Playstation Network account. Why would you think that someone would identify it online. Even so you would need a password to log into the account
same thing happen to me, I feel guilty be there is no id. don't know what to do
if you have yourself or some guy as ur online id it will come up on mw2 or black ops .... you were shot by yourself or some guy
same thing happens to me when i find a way to fix it ill tell you id say jsut wait 2 days(if you have ps3 slim ps3 fat cools faster) that's my advice
Game sharing can get you banned from PSN and the person can hijack your account when you provide your id and password
apparently, there is a free download from the PlayStation Store or something that allows the PS3 to be backwards compatible. or so my semi-reliable sources tell me. believe me, if i had a better idea... or a PS3... i'd know more. _______________________________________________________________________ That is not true, the only PS3's that are compatible are the first generations PS3's and they are no longer producing them. I personally think this is ridiculous and have started a facebook group entitled, "All PS3 systems should be BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE!" I would greatly appreciate the support of anyone who is willing to join. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=555436001&ref=profile#/group.php?gid=152180619343 Thank you very much for your support.
The word sought may be wallet, a case for holding money, cards, and ID.
A VALID ID is an ID that is valid! Which means that it is true, works, and isn't expired. VALID ID also means that is YOURS, not a stolen or forged ID.
Look for ID and call the person or turn it in to the police.
Yes. Most banks would not ask for an ID to deposit money. They will however ask for a name and contact number but will not insist on showing an Id that matches them. But, during cashing of a check they will not give you the money without a valid id.
a guy should have only money, credit cards, ID, if he has kids he should have pictuures of his kids
You should buy a wallet with a see through front so you can see your ID quickly.
No! The NBI card is only for renewal of your NBI Clearance and can't be used as a Valid ID. But your NBI Clearance can serve as a Valid ID.
MileyCyrus118 is her id im not joking i talk to her on webcam on ps3 lol
a valid id
yes it is .it is the fore most of all ur id's .it will be definitely valid
How do I put a test question on the application receiver has no ID his wallet was stolen