There are no such words in English, unless you count the contraction 've, which stands for have in such constructions as We've been out. Apart from that, there are only the abbreviations vi and vo, which stand for 'verb intransitive' and 'verso' respectively.
There are no two-letter words beginning with V. Sorry!
· vacation
A six letter word that begins with the letter V is vacant. Sentence example: The lot next door to my house is vacant.
a six letter word that begins with v is violin;)
The word is :versevaultvaluevalvevideovenueviperviralvitalvotervaporvocal
Vanquish is an eight letter word. Vermouth is another word beginning with v and ending with h.
There are no two-letter words beginning with V. Sorry!
· vacation
a vole
A six letter word that begins with the letter V is vacant. Sentence example: The lot next door to my house is vacant.