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Q: What is a three letter word for a forearm pass in volley ball?
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What is the difference between a forearm and volley pass in volleyball?

a forearm is when u try to get the volley ball up so the other team won't get it back on time to ur team and a volley is when u pass the volley ball law then the other team should do the dig which most of people forget all the time

Which pass is best if the volley ball is coming toward you at waist level?

A forearm pass is best. (bump)

How do you say volleyball in French?


How do you say you like volley ball in french?

Volley, volley-ball

How many shots can each team take in volley ball?


How do you say volley-ball in Quebec?

volley ball in quebec

How many stitches does a volley ball have?

Three-Hundred and Fifty-Two

Are the balls the same for beach volley ball and indoor volley ball?

No the ball for volleyball is much lighter

Is an underhand volley forearm pass and bump the same skill?

Kind of, Bumping and forearm passing have similarities with each other, Bumping a ball doesn't require any movement with your legs or arms, you just keep your arms in a locked platform until the ball contacts your arm. Forearm passing involves movement from both arms and legs, to power the pass.

What is a dive in volley ball?

A dive is when you go for the ball [To fall on the ground or to land on knees to hit the volley ball]

How many players in high school volley ball game?

Three forwards and three backs compose a team.

Do ethiopians play volley ball?

yes, Ethiopians play volley ball but there are not widely known by it.