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Q: What is a ten letter word and is a term that helps an organism survive and reproduce?
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A trait that helps an organism to survive and reproduce is called?


What is a trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce?

Traits that enable an organism to survive and reproduce are known as adaptations. Each organism has specific adaptations suitable for its environment.

What is a trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce called?

BAn adaptive trait

A trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce is an?

Adaptation When you move from one place to another you have to ADAPT to the new environment.

A is an inherited trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce in its particular environment?

An inherited trait that helps an organisim survive would be ________

The trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce?

An adaptive trait is a trait that helps organisms survive and reproduce. Adaptation refers to both the current state of being adapted and to the dynamic evolutionary process that leads to the adaptation.

Is adaptation a characteristic?

Yes it's an inherited characteristic that helps an organism reproduce and survive within a particular environment.

What is an organism that has an adaptation that allows it to survive?

Adaptation or adaptive value is any genetically controlled structural, physiological, or behavioral characteristic. This helps an organism survive and reproduce under a given set of environmental conditions.

What helps organisms survive and reproduce?


What is a trait that helps organisms survive and reproduce?


How does an adaptation help an organism survive?

Organisms adapt to their new environments to survive and meet the 2 goals of all animal life: Survive and Reproduce So that it is better suited to the enviorment and knows how, and has what it needs to survive.

Why are organs systems important in the body?

It is important because it helps people organism grow, reproduce, and maintain life.