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A tank is a Pokemon that can survive a long time in battle. They survive a long time in battle mainly with their base stats. Ability's also come while trying to tank.

For example tyranitar has base stats of 100 in health, 110 in defense and 100 in special defense. Tyranitars' ability sand stream helps it survive by gradually bringing its opponents health down. Its ability also boosts its special defense by 50 percent.

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You cannot capture miltank in leafgreen only Pokemon colosseum can.

What Pokemon could you use for a tank in Pokemon yellow?

A snorlax or a wiglytuff would be great...if u want an amazing tank though try catching a chancey from the safari zone then evolve it to blisey....blisey has the highest HP in the whole pokemon generations

What is a good tank tank and annoyer for your soul silver team i currently have a Lucario Weavile and Dragonite?

well tyranitar is a good Pokemon and so is lapras as tank tank, ditto and porygon-z are good annoyers

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you can find one in the crystal caverns.

How do you beat skunk tank in Pokemon platinum?

get a higher level than it or see whats super effective on it

Where can you find a list of sweepers in Pokemon diamond?

There is no designated list because some Pokemon can major between sweeper or tank. If your looking for a sweeper than try a Gliscor, Weavile, or Starmie.

Who is the best starter Pokemon in silver?

it depends on your preference tododile is a strong physical attacker but weak at special attacks cyndaquil is a strong special attacker but weak at physical attacks chiakorita is acceptable as a tank but one should choose another Pokemon for a tank. so once you've figured out your preference you should base your team on that

How do you save the mil tank on Pokemon Silver?

You keep collecting berry and feeding the miltank with them eventually after about ten berrys the miltank will get better

What Pokemon defeats snorlax in Pokemon GO?

Snorlax is a beefy tank with some good stats - HP/DEF. They are weak to fighting type moves and some of the best attackers against snorlax are: Machamp, heracross, rhyhorn, tyranitar

How do you beat the kimoto girls in Pokemon Silver?

This is pretty easy. Just basically find out what type they use, and get a Pokemon with a x2 or x4 weakness type of that Pokemon. For example, Vaporeon should be taken down with Electric Pokemon or something of that sort. Flareon should be taken out with a Water Pokemon... etc. Espeon is pretty hard because of its special attack... and Umbreon is just an epic tank so those will be challenging no matter what.