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A steelyard is an apparatus (or an equipment) for weighing that has a short arm taking the item to be weighed, and a long graduated arm along which a weight is moved until it balances.

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What is a 9 letter word starting with S ending with D?

sabotaged, safeguard, sailboard, sainthood, salinized, salivated, salmonoid, sandalled, sangfroid, sanitated, sanitised, sanitized, sapheaded, satinwood, satirised, satirized, satisfied, saturated, saturniid, sauntered, scalloped, scampered, scandaled, scarehead, scarified, scarpered, scattered, scavenged, sceptered, scheduled, schlepped, schlumped, schmeered, schmoosed, schmoozed, schoolkid, scissored, sclerosed, scolloped, scombroid, scorecard, scorified, scowdered, scrabbled, scraiched, scraighed, scrambled, scratched, screeched, scribbled, scrooched, scrounged, scrubland, scrunched, scunnered, scuppered, scuttered, seastrand, sectioned, segmented, selvedged, semidomed, semifluid, seminomad, semirigid, semisolid, sentenced, separated, septupled, sequenced, sequinned, serenaded, sevenfold, sextupled, shallowed, shampooed, sharpened, shattered, sheepfold, sheltered, shewbread, shikarred, shimmered, shinneyed, shipboard, shivareed, shorebird, shoreward, shortened, shorthand, shovelled, showbread, showcased, shriveled, shuddered, shunpiked, shuttered, shylocked, sibilated, sideboard, sidelined, signalled, signboard, signified, simonized, simulated, sinicized, sissified, sjamboked, skeltered, skiddooed, skippered, skittered, skreeghed, skreighed, skyjacked, skylarked, slabbered, slackened, slandered, slathered, sleekened, slipcased, slippered, slithered, slobbered, slubbered, slumbered, smartened, smartweed, smattered, smoldered, smothered, snakebird, snakeweed, sneakered, snickered, sniggered, snivelled, snookered, snorkeled, snowboard, snowbound, snowfield, snowshoed, soberized, sodomized, softbound, sojourned, solarised, solarized, soldiered, solecised, solecized, solicited, sonicated, sonnetted, soothsaid, souffleed, southland, southward, spaceband, spaceward, spanceled, spattered, spearhead, speciated, specified, spectated, spellbind, spelunked, spermatid, spikenard, spiralled, splotched, spoliated, sponsored, spraddled, sprattled, springald, sprinkled, sputtered, squabbled, squeegeed, squelched, squiggled, squilgeed, squinched, squinnied, squooshed, stagehand, staggered, staghound, stagnated, stammered, stampeded, starboard, stargazed, statehood, stationed, staunched, steamered, steelhead, steelyard, steepened, stenciled, stepchild, sternward, stewarded, stickseed, stickweed, stiffened, stinkweed, stinkwood, stockaded, stockyard, stokehold, stomached, stonished, stoppered, stoutened, straddled, straggled, strangled, stravaged, streambed, stretched, strickled, struggled, stupefied, stuttered, subcooled, subducted, subedited, suberised, suberized, subjected, subjoined, subleased, submerged, submersed, submitted, subpenaed, subperiod, subserved, subsisted, subsoiled, subtended, subtitled, subverted, succeeded, succoured, succumbed, succussed, suctioned, sufflated, suggested, sulphated, sulphured, summonsed, sunbathed, sunburned, suntanned, superfund, supergood, supermind, superroad, superstud, supinated, supported, surceased, surfboard, surfeited, surpassed, surprised, surprized, suspected, suspended, sustained, swaggered, swallowed, swampland, swearword, sweatband, sweetened, swellhead, sweltered, swineherd, swithered, swivelled, syllabled, symbolled292 words

Related questions

What is the duration of Steelyard Blues?

The duration of Steelyard Blues is 1.55 hours.

When was Steelyard Blues created?

Steelyard Blues was created on 1973-01-31.

Where is the pit steelyard in fallout 3?

go through the mill. there should be paint on the walls that say "The Steelyard."

What has been invented in China?

kite, chopsticks, umbrellas, gunpowder, firecrackers, the steelyard, the abacus, the papermaking, and the magnetic compassClick on 'related links' below that will take you to wikipedia and a section on Chinese technological history.

What are some nine letter words with 2nd letter T and 8th letter R and 9th letter D?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 7 words with the pattern -T-----RD. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter T and 8th letter R and 9th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are: stackyard starboard steelyard sternward stiltbird stockyard stormbird

What are some nine letter words with 2nd letter T and 4th letter E and 5th letter L?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 9 words with the pattern -T-EL----. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter T and 4th letter E and 5th letter L. In alphabetical order, they are: athelings steelbows steelhead steeliest steelings steelware steelwork steelyard strelitzi

What movie and television projects has John Brent been in?

John Brent has: Played Poet in "Greenwich Village Story" in 1963. Played Car Salesman in "American Graffiti" in 1973. Played Tattoo Parlor Man in "Steelyard Blues" in 1973. Played Buzzy in "WKRP in Cincinnati" in 1978. Played Ralph in "More American Graffiti" in 1979. Played Head Butcher in "Porklips Now" in 1980. Performed in "First Family" in 1980.

What actors and actresses appeared in Steelyard Blues - 1973?

The cast of Steelyard Blues - 1973 includes: Lynette Bernay as Bar Waitress Roger Bowen as Fire Commisioner Francis Peter Boyle as Eagle Thornberry John Brent as Tattoo Parlor Man James Cranna as Short Order Cook Nancy Fish as Pool Hall Waitress Jane Fonda as Iris Caine Garry Goodrow as Duval Jax Edward Greenberg as Rookie Cop Larry Hankin as Bill the Garbage Truck Driver Howard Hesseman as Frank Veldini Bruce Mackey as Hangar Guard David Moody as Black Boxer Beans Morocco as Rocky Jessica Myerson as Savage Rose John Savage as Kid Richard Schaal as Zoo Official Mel Ruth Silveira as Electrical Repair Woman Mel Stewart as Black Man in Jail Howard Storm as Health Inspector Donald Sutherland as Jesse Veldini Morgan Upton as Police Capt. Bill

What are some nine letter words with 3rd letter E and 5th letter L and 7th letter A and 8th letter R?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 5 words with the pattern --E-L-AR-. That is, nine letter words with 3rd letter E and 5th letter L and 7th letter A and 8th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are: overlearn preclears shellbark steelware steelyard

What are some nine letter words with 1st letter S and 3rd letter E and 8th letter R and 9th letter D?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern S-E----RD. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter S and 3rd letter E and 8th letter R and 9th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are: steelyard sternward swearword

What are some nine letter words with 2nd letter T and 6th letter Y and 8th letter R and 9th letter D?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern -T---Y-RD. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter T and 6th letter Y and 8th letter R and 9th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are: stackyard steelyard stockyard

What are some nine letter words with 1st letter S and 3rd letter E and 5th letter L and 7th letter A?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 5 words with the pattern S-E-L-A--. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter S and 3rd letter E and 5th letter L and 7th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are: shedloads shellback shellbark steelware steelyard