Unusual is a synonym for not ordinary.
If an item is at 999x, purchasing that item again, getting it from a Pokemon, or finding it on the ground will not go in the bag. It would just let you know that you have too many of that specific item and you will need to use it or dispose at least one. Your bag, itself, can never get full, which is a great feature unlike in Pokemon Sapphire, Ruby, and Emerald and other previous games.
you click on the item
A vest is a clothing item. A vestment is a clothing item worn by clergy during a ceremony. A visor is a clothing item.
Heros always start out as "ordinary" people. It is at a time of extreme circumstance that an ordinary person will come to the rescue, or do some other extraordinary thing for the good of another. And they call him a "hero".
its a game
This is an ordinary item which you can get from the boxes.
The ERDS number is a unique identifier for the specific item being referenced.
An action item is a specific item on a list or agenda which requires further action.
be more specific
limited to a specific item.
It depends on the weight of the item but for an ordinary letter £0.36
Be specific.
you don thave to put any specific item on it.
Squirtlus Acanthochelys macrocephala
a thing that saves a specific item or object.
Type the word in on google.