The onyl sodas I can think of that do start with an "r" are: * Root Beer * RC cola (Where RC stands for Royal Crown) * Rally Cola (Generic Coke) * Red Alert Mountain Dew * And finally, Racinette which is a drink that is only sold in Quebec, I believe.
Soda that starts with N includes: Nehi Nestea
Koala cola, that starts with a k.!
Dr Pepper
An Egyptian word that starts with a r is Ramses
Eh? Root Beer Eh? Root Beer
Soda that starts with N includes: Nehi Nestea
rum root beer raspberry soda raspberry smoothie
Answer: Bicarbonate soda.
Sunkist is a popular soda pop that starts with an "S".
Koala cola, that starts with a k.!
baking soda starts bubbling
Orange soda