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Q: What is a small oval fruit with hard stone and bitter flesh?
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What is LITCHI?

A small rounded fruit with sweet white scented flesh, a large central stone, and a thin rough skin. Also called litchi nut when dried.

Which 'p' a small fruit with a stone in the middle 4 letters?

The small fruit that starts with the letter P and is 4 letters long is a plum. They have a stone, or pit inside them.

Is a pecan adrupe?

Yes, a Pecan would be a drupe. A thin skin fruit with soft flesh and hard stone (seed)

What is the name of a small yellow fruit with a stone?

The answer is cherry or cherries

What parts of speech can the word stone be used?

The word "stone" can be used as a noun (e.g. a small stone) and as a verb (e.g. to stone a fruit).

What is the name of a Small Chinese fruit with pinkish rind and a glossy stone?

it is lychee

What do you do with a drupe fruit?

A drupe fruit is any thin-skinned fruit with a succulent, soft flesh and hard stone or seed in the middle such as apricots, cherries, peaches and plums are all classified as drupe fruits. With these you can make pies, jams, jellies, or dried fruit.

What is an apricot?

An apricot is a variety of sweet and juicy fruit with a stone, with yellow-orange coloured flesh, fuzzy skin, and a large seed, or the tree from which it derives.

Is stone marten an omnivore?

Yes it is an ominvore because it eats fruit and small animals/

Squeeze it and it cries tears as red as flesh but its heart is made of stone?

Cherry. Heart made of stone means the middle of it is hard. You can squeeze it, which would most likely mean it's soft. And when you squeeze it, there's red liquid that runs out. So if we take it that something with flesh, a soft skin and a hard middle, it would most likely be a fruit. And a fruit that you can squeeze out red liquid from would mean its flesh is red. So cherry is my answer. (This is for those who want to know why the answer is cherry)

Stone fruit are they peaches or stones?

Stone fruits are fruits with a stone or "pit" in the middle. Cherries, peaches and plums are examples of stone fruits.

Is an avocado a stone fruit?

An avocado is a fruit